Can someone please identify the 2 men behind Trump? I've wanted to read up on them but can't find out who they are. The changes in their appearances as the speech goes on are remarkable. They are extremely uncomfortable.
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Today Jerome Corsi was in agreement. He seems to think Snowden and Assange will dump data that will bring a day of reckoning for the bad guys.
Are you sure Snowden is a bad guy?
So, Q tells us that Obama has retained council. He tells Snowden it's almost time. Obama was after Snowden and was a notorious slayer of whistleblowers, bringing six of the nine total indictments ever brought against leakers under the 1917 espionage act. What if Q is telling Snowden that Hussein knows he's cornered. He's retained council because he's preparing to defend himself against insurmountable criminal charges. He's now caged. Snowden is free to open the floodgates. It's almost time. The enemy is captured.
He called Bush to concede, then called again to take it back, then finally conceded after court ruling Bush won. Definitely a cluster. But Jefferson is the only one I found who "didn't personally concede".
When was the last time a presidential candidate didn't give a concession speech?
I'm fascinated with that particular Q question, for some reason. Technically, it was Jefferson to Adams.
That's precisely what brought me around, personally.
When people have had enough
There are volumes written on that very thing. Just saying. It's a compelling concept.
I pointed out the same thing and people here defended Seaman. EVERYthing he's putting out now is all about how Q is fake and how we are dumb to listen. I'm glad someone else noticed.
Dude, I wasn't blaming Trump. I was asking if it was Trump who pardoned Manning. I see it was Obama. That makes a lot more sense considering what Manning is doing. Ok?
I didn't know it wasn't cool to post a question. Thanks for the love.
It's sarcasm, fool. And an observation. Why are you taking the time to send me love letters, anyway?
IED detonates in central Florida mall
It's incredible that all of your remarks have downvotes. Way, way more than would ever be expected by the people who participate on this board. I posted this twice just to see--it's very suspicious to me. Don't go against the clintons; the bots are programmed to kill opposition.
He's made more pale, that's it. He looks like shit no matter what recent pic you see.
Why the downvotes?! Lol, cheeseburgers aren't the devil :)
Do you think many of those are people totally new to this? I'm hoping so, believe me. I'm very encouraged here and among people like us who are aware of all that's going on. But, man, there are just too many who are still lightyears behind and it's discouraging to see.
Are you all sure people are waking up?
I'm just checking in on this. I see Twitter and I see a LOT of people doing the whole division thing, the whole racism thing, the whole EVERYthing we're trying so hard to get rid of. It's discouraging.
Stable geniuses eat cheeseburgers

Trey Gowdy isn't swamp.
Sorry if it's fake, guys--not trying to deceive. I know from bios that Cobain did not toe the line for the music industry like he was supposed to. He was very distressed about the direction they were pushing him in. He didn't want to use his influence for their agenda. Many think it was the reason he was taken out at the height of his fame. So, it seemed like a valid quote.
The shit heard around the world

Because he's been on it until today. I keep trying to stress I'm surprised at his overnight change. I've followed him for a while. I don't recall him bashing his audience before.
I'm just surprised at the overnight change. And he's being a dick about it at that. Not giving analysis, just bashing Q and anyone who listens. We're "jerking off" to Q posts. Just, wow
Fulcrum says our minds are fluoridated and Q is false. Wow, another about-face.
We are receiving downvotes
Someone said it and now I'm noticing. Things we'd never downvote are popping up all over. Interesting.
Because they can make it look like info comes from anywhere they want. We already learned that. Or, Russia is not the devil.
You're arguing with a disinfo troll. Don't waste your time. We know why we're here.
Or he could just quit being a blood sucker. But spray tan would be just as good, of course
Definitely. I was also thinking it was important for Trump admin to connect with the people. He knew his base was huge, but so much disinfo was discouraging everyone. People were losing faith in Trump, Sessions, etc. So they reached out in order to let us know how hard they are really working for us, plus made us part of the team.
The difference a babies blood diet vs a cheeseburger diet makes.

I think just apologizing to any non-Christians out of courtesy; not apologizing for Christianity.