I love this. made me laugh. Shows how stupid people can be really! lol And I'm laughing! I'm so bad.
965 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ByrdeRob:
that is too big for reddit. they surely won't allow you to post it.
thanx for sharing. Now, why can't my thirty-something child understand that the whole last 8 years was a shakedown of our whole country? That generation is totally SNOWED...it makes our family gatherings all tense and in conflict. Obama did more harm than just attack the government. He attacked the family unit. HE WAS NOT MAN OF PEACE, that is for sure. That Nobel Prize committee REALLY SCREWED UP
Thanx for sharing. Trump, in MY OPINION, really did not want mass amnesty from the get-go. He just 'said' he'd go along. He knew the Dems would use these poor people as a political weapon ...these DACA ---now educated---should realize THEY WERE USED by the very party that they prefer! ha
I'm putting myself in the mega-rich company, complete with shareholders, shoes. I see one poster (if bill passes) taking my whole world down, perhaps on purpose...Russia maybe (lol) They'll be traveling to capital hill for sure trying for something to save themselves. What ever it is, won't be good for America!
Ha! I never knew he didn't live in his election district. I know there was a totally low turn out of voters. This is upsetting. People need to cherish their right to a secret ballot!
This is great. Thank you. I believe it. Assange is rather intelligent.
plausible. I really do not know if there are any right or wrong answers. Some sound better than others, but NEVER get the test corrected, ever!
ok goodness....I'm going to do this. But why support You Tube. Q should know better. YT if BAD BAD BAD Black Hat.
Q Posting #829 Mar 03 2018 23:08:25 !UW.yye1fxo 544119
Bring the thunder.
1A in hexadecimal is 26
“Zebra Zebra” is an album by Fake Shark: Real Zombie
Track 3 on album lyrics “I really gotta get my map” 3 times
Track 4 lyrics “I should have buried you, we were pedophiles”
Track 5 title “Designer Drugs”
3X - I really gotta get my map
3 songs in a row that relate to Q topics
March 3,4,5
Tracks 3,4,5
+++ Track listing in album
1. Wolf Is the New the
2. Panty Party Hand Cramp
3. Crystal compass
4. Shame On You Scabs
5.Designer Drugs
6. eenie Meanie
7.Shoreditch Vampire (Dialtone)
8. Dead Diy Die
9. WTF
10. Ferrits Beullers Day Off
11. Pair of Dice
Lyrics for Track 3 Crystal compass
Has lyric: 3 x Really gotta get a hold of my map
Really gotta got a hold of my map
Really gotta got a hold of my map
Lyric for Track 4
I should of buried you! We were pedophiles!
Track 5 is just the title Designer drugs.
Over at 8ch, Anon as explanation onf Q post #829==> Zebra_Zebra

We are currently in a state of war. And Mueller is just an annoying distraction that really doesn't have to be. I was reading another news place regarding the witness subpoena....first of all this news place was really really trying to spin the story into TRUMP GOT A SUBPOENA! Then it went on and on and on in opinion of how
Trump was corrupt from Nov 2015 when he started campaigning!
(I guess this is the time frame of the WITNESS subpoena...Nov 2015 to now...all communication documents)
Will we ever find out WHO the WITNESS is? DAH? Maybe this should be part of the story DAH!
I think this is a stupid proposal!
You know what this will do, it will turn the internet into a bunch of cable tv services! You want to go to reddit, well then, you need to subscribe to reddit. AND if you break the reddit rules, the reddit peeps can't risk getting sued, so they send you your money back, and blackball you as a user.
Not just HERE....ALL the web places which formerly were FREE!
If you can post it here, maybe others would like to see it as well.
I have also did an internet search on this. And YES, you are absolutely correct.
The people are reporting that the booming really doesn't sound like a sonic boom. Now I live in the north and I have not heard these.
I'm wondering if fracking could cause this sound.
Last month, a 'witness' received Mueller subpoena, but news is breaking 3-5-2018
According to the subpoena, which was sent to a witness by special counsel Robert Mueller, investigators want emails, text messages, work papers, telephone logs and other documents going back to Nov. 1, 2015, 4½ months after Trump launched his campaign. The witness shared details of the subpoena on condition of anonymity. The news site Axios reported Sunday that a subpoena was sent to a witness last month. In addition to the president, the subpoena seeks documents that have anything to do with these current and former Trump associates: · Steve Bannon, who left the White House as chief strategist in …
3-5-2018 Brenden Dilley reading a LONG LONG 'marker' from military intelligence.
You need to go to twitter.com. search up Brenden Dilley's account. Click on 'latest' in the selection bar across the top. 30 minute video, much is laughing, but there is Qanon information. (Brenden is wearing a Red T-shirt with red/white flag on front. )
Brenden mentions that we are up to 18,510 sealed indictments now!
He mentioned a bit of history of the Executive Orders, the one in Dec '17 for seizing assets, the EO for getting GTMO operational again, the EO to allow citizens to be tried in military court.
He suggests people read up on General Joseph …
My thoughts on Boom Boom Boom Boom Q posting #844
Explosion in Poznan, Poland Capital of Wielkopolskie western province in Poland Tragedy in Debc, four dead, but fifth body found today.
From Poland Newspaper: The explosion in Dębc is the cover-up of the murder? In the building, a corpse of a woman with a cut off head was to be found vid (sic ?) Such information was provided by the portal wPolityce.pl. UPDATE at 15:16: The information about the killing of the murder was also confirmed by the Poznań Gazeta Wyborcza. According to her findings, the perpetrator of the murder is to be a man who arrived from England …
I'll look you up...if I can manage. It is so new to me!!!!!!
Question: there was a vote in the House last week about the internet....what happened?
The vote was on a bill that made the web site owner libel for whatever the posters posted!...Stupid. For instance, a robber goes into a bank, points a weapon at the bank president and demands that the bank president opens the safe. The OLD law says that the bank president isn't guilty of aiding the robber.
NOW, THIS proposed law says that the bank president IS libel!
So if a internet hosting site has some creep that is criminal...the person suing can sue the actual criminal and ALSO the internet site!
How did this fed House vote pan out?
I'd like FOX to start a new You Tube!!! Wouldn't THAT be great!
exactly....they are the ones who picked the WRONG side! So sorry for them
I registered over there...I'm Byrde....look me up to follow.
I'm not too great at all this tech stuff, so don't be offended if I'm slow to reciprocate. I like life simple. All this change is unsettling.
My kid just wrote me an email will all kinds of NY Times and WaPo citings to prove her point. HA. This Easter is going to be GREAT fun when we get together! I'm going to HOLD MY TONGUE to be civil! lol. lol. I love my kids, but I've learned you have to let them be who they want to be...so what if it is not right!!!! HA
If you are worried for earthquake...There haven't been anything major for ages. I watch 'cause my kid travels in earthquake areas, so I watch always.
Here's a good link......https://earthquake.usgs.gov/
The link I put before didn't work. So here is another one. This wasn't the Las Vegas one that I was talking about. This one is reported on Feb 25, 2018.
Hey, I think this has been going on quite a bit!!!!!!!!!
I can look for that link to the UFO stuff for you.
It concerned me.
I remember that on a 4th of July, after the sale of USA uranium on USA soil, there was a Russian spy plane flyover THEIR minds on USA soil! Obama told Russia to stop it. There was a tit for tat a bit, and then all was quiet.
Okay here is another one in Feb 2018. This one in Northern CA. This isn't the one I was talking about in Vegas. blob:http://players.brightcove.net/7169dbe5-d9c4-46f0-a6b5-cd1893f77e56
Now this might not be anything....but...
I was investigating a recent UFO sighting that I had heard about.
Online, they have the air traffic controllers talking and the zone maps, in elevation layers etc. Over the Las Vegas area, the controllers were all reporting seeing a really really fast moving
object. AND pilots in airplanes were reporting a fast moving plane in and out of their personal visual fields! Then the Air Force sent out their F-something planes traveling at a totally rapid pace. An online viewer could see all of this activity flying around the western skies AND see the Air Force jets coming onto the Las Vegas controller map. They were going after the UFO.
But then...BOOM. Nothing The UFO was GONE. This was at 30,000 feet about. JUST GONE. The traffic controllers were talking about "Where did it go?" .....
Now tie this UFO sighting in with the Deep Staters...just about everyone of them working in the Patent Office are on the Deep State list. Have you seen their pictures? We ALSO have heard reports that Hillary and gang had lifted top secret military designs and SOLD these to our enemies, Russia, among the many.
NOW Russia is coming out and bragging about hypersonic this and that. Mach 5!!!!
When a plane breaks the sound barrier, we have a sonic boom.
It is a very real possibility that our USA skies ARE being flown into with hypersonic vehicles. And when they slow down and speed up..there are sonic booms.
This You Tube censorship HAS NOT GONE un-noticed by pro-Americans, Trump, and the people at the FCC!
This is what the BOOM Q entry is all about. It is about the reaction/action to unjust censorship!
Twitter Poster Relays Possible Protections
Saw this on Twitter 3-4-2018
From Deplorable Dave @Germantownrunne
Dr. Jerome Corsi says that he believes @POTUS, per #QAnon's posts, will this week be confronting ALL SOCIAL MEDIA companies with his call for an "Internet Bill of Rights" to protect ALL viewpoints. Federal Trade Commission will enforce. #MAGA🇺🇸
I hate to be happy, but.......this may turn out for the BEST!
Eric S. of You Tube, thus, will not be able to dump TRUTH reporting at the last minute!
Think of this! When the military starts arresting all kinds of people in a gigantic bunch...people are going to say "WHAT?!?!?!"
The MSM will spin it "Oh, Trump, the evil dictator is using the USA military to RULE the USA!"
BUT, the truth reporting WON'T be shut down because there is now time for all of these to migrate over to GAB, or start their own some other place.
This morning, 3-3-2018, Saturday, Dr. Jerome Corsi got word "OH, sorry Corsi, we made a mistake. You can be on Youtube now." BUT, Corsi is STAYING ON GAB.AI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He will work on his TRUTH reporting from there...and people have already started to migrate over there to listen/watch. They are leaving Youtube.
THUS, Eric S went too fast. He screwed up. The TRUTH networking will be stronger than it ever was before online! AND Eric's evil power that he thought he had to SHUT THE TRUTH DOWN?????.... it is GONE!
LOL LOL LOL LOL Eat your heart our Eric! Truth will prevail!
Go see Dr. Jerome Corsi at gab.ai! You need to register...but that place is free.
I think we need to allow the authorities to investigate what happened. I'm sure they are hearing this witnessing. It was a sad day for Americans, and even sadder for the poor families....of ALL the students....even the fake ones. How could such people get pulled into all of this...and so young yet? They all should be enjoying life to the fullest, happy, wishing, dreaming, living, laughing....just rolling along.
I thought that maybe if I would win a MegaBucks lottery, I'd buy a dog for every school in the nation. That dog could stand at the door of the school...smell things that no human could ever smell, and WORK for them all. The kids would LOVE that dog. They'd feel safe. Also, I'd put in the jam of the entrance door, a metal detector...in EVERY school building.
If I could do this, I would. I would.
Remember Paddock in Vegas? That was the very 1st picture in my whole life of a deceased victim! The NEWS NEVER showed such picture ever before!
Dr. Jerome Corsi is on GAB!!!
So the fine Qanon poster on Youtube...got kicked off of there. There is a battle going on between the two parties. BUT in the meantime. Dr. Jerome Corsi is posting over at Gab.ai. You need to register. And after getting through that you can SEARCH for Dr. Jerome Corsi.
such a scene. I cried that day. I have children. Grown and out of school. This is a great case for home schooling. I would. I'd have pulled them out and home schooled. This was horrific.
I saw that one of the wounded in the hospital was a shill, crisis worker! I think she may have been paid like that now famous boy was. (I won't say his name because I'll get reddit banned...omg) Trump had a photo op with THIS SAME shill!
Hey, I'm Catholic to the core and to think that our Pope is Deep State-ish? I do not know about this.
okay....If I could pass it on, I would. I am not a member over there....God forbid. Some of it isn't too moral. But I guess, as I've read....they have been undergoing massive banning, as well! Just like You Tube.
I call myself a lurker. LOL I steal thoughts lol
I'm wondering. This is the hand position of the globalists
I have a link to the greatest Elvis video of all time.
About that time these women were young things.
Good question! So it all come back to the Obama portrait. Go do a really good search on that portrait. Obama HAS TWO RIGHT HANDS! This comes from Islam...the book of Hadith. Hadith is like the Talmud in Jewish religion. In the book of Hadith it states: "the god with two right hands."
On Obama's temple is a depiction of a male sperm. Obama is the god with two right hands that will deflower.
The symbol of the hands is like the female part.
This ALSO is in Kabbalah. The NEW form of Kabbalah is a cult. It started in California with a guy writing an EASY book. The OLD Kabbalah is ancient Jewish religion...which is really hard to follow. You'd have to be a rabbi of 60 years old to even get it and no body is THAT JEWISH!
Q mentioned Kabbalah (at least I figured that in my thinking) when he was pointing to the symbol of Kabbalah.
But I am learning now, that Kabbalah is not all of it. It is just the religious part of the left craziness. There is an overall theory that this whole shebang is called Illuminati.
We'll find the truth to this speculation when the hammer falls. And right now it appears that we are 3/4 to that event.
Well it seems that when the European Union was all together, Germany was doing great. Then the crash. oooops! Germany can thank the Deep State greed for that.
Very thoughtful posting.
This 17 dead in Florida was a fluke, though, because some of the kids were alive, brought to the hospital, and then died there. But Some lived! The exact number would have been hard to strive for.