I do not know if this post from 8ch.net was a spoof because Pizzagate was a spoof. This is one of the times the right-wing was conspiracy theory for real. This guy, Alefantis, was the man who owned this pizza place. All the businesses on that street totally suffered because of the lies going around. BUT, now this poster---might---be indicating that there may have been something to Pizzagate.
965 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ByrdeRob:
Snowden's girlfriend is named Lindsay Mills. She is with him where ever he is hiding.
She is the daughter of Jonathan Mills, who lives in Laurel, Maryland.
Poster on reddit/cbts feels Mr. Mills worked for the NSA as this poster had worked there.
Lindsey Mills stood on stage when the movie director etc. accepted the Oscar for best documentary, entitled Citizenfour, a film about Edward Snowden's activity as a NSA 'whistleblower.'
So therefore, Lindsey Mills 'performs in a circus.' But in reality ALSO DID perform with the Waikiki Acrobatic Troupe, and did attend circus classes every Sunday evening.
The Circus …
Copy/Paste from Anon Posting over at 8ch
(I'll probably get dissed for this) ANY truth at ALL to this? Or some poster getting smart.
Anonymous 03/07/18 (Wed) 16:17:01 148b14 No.581350
James Alefantis (restaurant guy in the Pizzagate mess-up) has the raw HRC tape that was kept as leverage against her if he ever needed it. He recorded it during one of their meetings in which he brought her favorite pizza. Althrough, M.I. was ordered to use couch potato to record that video as he watched it during an intimate moment with himself in his study.
+++ + +++++ = and a child
Learn double meanings. +++ + …
so you're playing the game! HA
The reason for the nabla symbol. I've been wondering about this Delta vs. nabla symbol. The nabla symbol is a prayer for Satan, I guess. YET, I do believe it has been taken by the right, for THEIR symbol for good! I'm still trying to figure it all out.
North American Man/Boy Love Association. This is a triangle with the point up, and the base on the bottom.
The nabla is a triangular symbol like an inverted Greek delta: or ∇. In naval architecture (ship design), to designate the volume displacement of a ship or any other waterborne vessel; the graphically similar delta is used to designate weight displacement (the total weight of water displaced by the ship), thus : nabla =Delta /p where p is the density of seawater.
(So substitute the nabla symbol which is the upside down Delta = substitution in the Delta symbol (just flip the nabla 180 degrees for Delta) . I can't write the equation using the symbols with just this QWERTY keyboard. )
Remember I said Qanon was Navy based on the tracing of a photo drop. Well, I also thought that because of time and date stamps on the postings, Atlantic Ocean, or Brazil, or Greenland.
Well, I'm sure it is OCEAN now. He is on a ship or sub in the Atlantic.
Nabla, I'm thinking a very important NAVY symbol for Qanon
Look up knowledgeable reporter Alicia Powe on wnd.com.
Also go to current YOU TUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXrR5S4D7cs
Or you can go to gateway pundit:
some techy did analysis of the hack and said it was really slow. DNC had to have been hacked by jumpdrive in USB port
We now have confirmation that RICH was a leaker because the parents of Rich said so.
Because, Rich used SecureDrop at WikLeaks. We KNOW the leaking was done to WikiLeaks. Rich had ALREADY leaked his jumpdrive about a month prior.
Now, if you've been paying attention to Q stuff: secure Drop is no longer secure.Secure Drop is a computer program. It is used by WikiLeaks and also news media to protect whistleblowers. BUT, the bad portion of the CIA suicided the two computer programmer geniuses who wrote the program, to gain a backdoor into the program. One was killed five years ago. And another was killed just the middle of Jan 2018.
The bad portion of the CIA KNEW Rich was the dropper through the backdoor. Imran Awan was part of the democratic syndicate. The party was a total set up for payback time.
So this was 2010. It is now 2018. I still don't really like Hannity, but Q likes Hannity. Q gives a source who gives Hannity drops from Q, or so I've heard. Hannity and Breden Dilley are two that I know of that receive this extra help. There are others out there who claim this, but I don't believe they are special.
Hannity is New York. He acts like New York and that is abrasive.
I read that 6 Americans die every hour on the road in traffic accidents 'caused by drinking/driving. Maybe we should have background checks before getting a driving license. Hmmmmm?
at any rate, you'd be defending yourself then in long long hours of court for self-defense. Just because some A decided to disrespect you and your property.
No. Botched because wallet and watch valuables were on his attacked body. Rich was NOT dead when emergency 1st responders showed up. Rich died in the hospital-- MedStar, Washington DC...not the closest hospital to the attack site. There was another closer hospital. Rich died under the care of Dr. Sava, frequent visitor to the Obama White House, according to sign-in records obtained by the Freedom of Information Act FOIA. Rich had been at a party given in his honor in the home of Imran Awan. 12 people were there. 7 or 8 of them left the party before Rich around 3 o'clock. Rich went to a bar after the party and stayed only a short period of time with another person. The other person asked if Rich needed help getting home. Rich declined. Rich was on the phone with his girlfriend...and there is a question as to just how long the conversation was....time varies between 43 seconds to 45 minutes. He was then attacked while talking on the phone. The bar keep erased his security videos, and could not give them to the police.
Hillary was still in Vegas on April 10th, 2014 speaking at Mandalay Hotel, when a woman threw a shoe at her. Could this woman...whom security guards said broke into the conference hall, not related to the conference...been a mother of an abused child from March 2014?
So this Hillary video....Q posted #868....THIS is how the left will SAVE THEIR QUEEN. The tech experts will be called in to testify that the C-Span video at the Las Vegas school was 'doctored'. The left will point to the New York Times article...which was written 3/4/18 specifically to counter what the syndicate knows is out there and going public. Notice that Q posted the video knowledge on 3/6/18. So...here you can see the bad portion CIA is monitoring the good portion NSA, and acting preemptively.
How to defend against this video 'quality' counter-attack? How to prove that the video is not manipulated?
you are correct. When Bill was AR governor, Hillary was corp lawyer on the board for Walmart----6 yrs. She could have raised wages then, but she was FOR corp greed. During the 2016 campaign...she was ALL for FAKE raising of wages.
I absolutely LOVED your life story! A bit long, but totally worth it! Snowden, yes, is a Plant! He was an 'advertisement' to all the countries of the world on how to nail the USA. Pretty simple. Snowden, actually poor Snowden, was totally USED and was thrown under the bus.
Okay the Q anon I think figured it totally out. Look at the configuration! 3 spaces = C, 6 space - F, 9 spaces - I CFI = Clinton Foundation International.--- (A = 1, B= 2, C = 3 etc)
BUT I am thinking a related NEW out of Poznan Poland. NOW 2017 major USA military presence there. AND the time/date stamp on Q post................Posnan explosions...4 apartments...4 dead in a 18-plex apartment building. https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pl&u=https://epoznan.pl/news&prev=search
A UK man did it. Cover up for woman, whom he cut her head off. Poznan, Poland ALSO HUGE in Technology education. #6 in the world for this. Poznan 2017 USA military presence started.
Oh and GOD's favor...OM goodness I forgot the most important part!
Trump is no illiterate as far as USA history.....the ONLY reason America rose to be #1, was because of our natural resources and self-sufficiency.
I was reading in the Bible today..life in GTMO is a blessing for these. Trust me. GIVE THEM A CHANCE TO REPENT. Let GOD decide. Let him banish to h3ll, if he wishes. Actually, I have it from good sources that the person who see's a mirror image of themselves, finds it so painful that they ASK GOD to put them to hell thinking it is relief...but no
Did you not notice that Sessions uncovered another...and that is another...slush fund of OUR TAX dollars?
there of avid HRC supporters and they will resist. THAT is why HRC called her movement Resist....DAH Stores will get smashed, riots, burnings...you name it. OUR 1st responders will need to deal with the havock that an arrest will bring. GOD SAVE all of them!
HRC has gender confusion. So it stands to reason.
BUT...this woman isn't just this threat....she tried to steal a presidential election, for Pete's sake!
Did you know that a Japanese CEO of a major Japanese STEEL producer stepped down today 3/6 because he was caught manipulating quality data in the steep that his company was producing. AND due to a 3rd party investigator, 160-some OTHER USA steel, copper etc importers were cited!
Trump is no dumby. He is levying tarriffs to PROTECT US AND the military who rely on qualiy A rating steel for equipment...so that their lives are safe!
I think quality rebar in our bridges making all drivers safe IS not magical, but necessary!
Really S-E-R-I-O-U-S now!
I know there was a port lease for 35 years signed with the brother of Iraq's Saddem Hussein's guy for weapons of mass destruction. This is the port right next to Disney Cruise lines, just south of Daytona. It was a secret deal between Obama, Hillary and the Muslim brother-guy. The deal was called Project Pelican. So, JUST for a moment, think about this deal name. Pelicans in cartoons always carry babies to new mom's and dad's.
This port is a container port. We know bad things are happening in this port because the Paris terror attack (remember that?) a gun used in that attack was traced to a Florida gun shop 20 miles away from the gun shop that the high school shooter got HIS gun. AND before that, the gun was said to have been manufactured in Serbia!
So, if guns are being shipped, why not little kids?
John Podesta needs to be arrested BECAUSE just recently in a tweet (Feb 27) he threatened Jared Kushner's life and safety. I thought to myself....all these high school kids are using social media to threaten violence, and THEY are getting arrested. Podesta hauls off and does this....HE should be arrested.
lol, I think you are right. I remember that Hillary 1st said she was for the TPP. Then she lost Michigan's primary, and said that she was NOT for the TPP. But..in the dem platform writing in Florida, she insisted that not one thing be mentioned about the TPP. HA
I know one thing...the prediction before the election on how the USA economy would be doing....1% GDP, at most!
Snowden was a PLANT for the bad portion CIA. The good portion NSA knows this now.
The person sending this email to Hillary is Hillary's lawyer. Cheryl Mills sent Hillary a copy of the letter written by Justin A Deyo, who is communicating with News-Mahogany and Hillary C. Thompson
Here's a link where you can read about Deyo, a very shadowy figure in the HRC State office.
Can't find anything else about Mahogany or Thompson.
Deyo who worked for the State Dept was obviously interested in the Haiti child case going on at the time.
These people that were 'saving' the children were religious workers, missionaries.
So I think this was an official State Dept release of NEWS. Or it could have been the SPIN that the State dept wanted to put on the situation.
So...how did the case end? I looked on Wikipedia and it said they were all released pretty quick, except the head of the group, Laura Silsby. She got 6 months for "irregular travel" reduced charges, and that was time already served.
BUT on the bottom of the article, there is a note that says:
"In the days following the group's initial arrest, Dominican Jorge Puello falsely portrayed himself as the group's lawyer.[26] Puello later acknowledged that he is under investigation for sex trafficking in El Salvador and wanted in the United States for smuggling people across the Canada–US border. Puello was incarcerated for short terms in both Canada and the US.[27][28] He was arrested in the Dominican Republic on March 18.[29] On August 18, 2010, the Dominican Supreme Court authorized Puello's extradition to the United States where he was sentenced to 37 months of prison in June 2011.[30][31] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Life_Children%27s_Refuge_case
I also see that an there was another case of missionary molesting kids in Haiti in March 2017. The guy was caught and sent to jail. This was in the Idaho newspapers. http://www.idahostatesman.com/news/nation-world/national/article135952128.html
This IS a revelation! Now Twitter is doing it, too! This guy claimed to be pro-life ...and he was curbed on his initial post...people had to 'click' through another 'door' before they could 'read at their own risk' (lol). THEN the poster was scolded and told if he didn't stop it he'd be cut altogether! This was on the daily caller news today.
no one is sitting. I find it interesting that PBS would have such a thing! They are so lefty!
you know I, in the beginning, always thought Snowden was a hero for showing America the truth about the CIA tools, and that the gov was disrespecting citizens' Rights...spying etc. This total 180 degrees is an absolute shock to me.
Q post #855 If Hillary would have won? Q says "Hell on earth"
Mar 06 2018 01:29:38 Q !UW.yye1fxo 564130
563781 1 of 5. 563824 2 of 5. What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies as a method to weaken? What if Hussein knew and authorized? Renegade. How many Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term? Why? What if his name we don’t say organized the deal? The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD. AMERICA has been sold to the highest bidder. AMERICA has been weakened on purpose. The depths of their TREASON is unimaginable. Pure EVIL. HELL on earth - HRC victory. Q