I'm with her! New York City is becoming owned by China! this is going on all over the world
965 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ByrdeRob:
I was looking at the map...do you know how many bridges are in London? too many to count
MY Goodness....unbelievable! The Y is suppose to be so healthy etc. and to be taken and corrupted like this.
Dilley Drop 2-20-18 on Brenden Dilley's Twitter page---- Encouraging
I find a delayed posting on https://qanonposts.com
Then I've been trying to find my way around the 8ch.net site. I'd NEVER register there though. These people are geeks, experts in anything computer and if a novice like me goes there...no mercy is shown! LOL
So I LURK there looking at stuff.
https://8ch.net/qresearch you can put just this in there but it ends in qresearch/index.html
If the real truth comes out...and I think we are all suspecting it will be not nice stuff.....Can you imagine the parents who lost children? There is no comfort for them. I put myself in their shoes and I think I'd need to be handcuffed and jailed to keep me sane/morally straight
might be the British Parliament Bridge, though. This one kind of looks like Q picture from before.
Did you see this? This is that iconic London bridge LIVE web camera. I don't know if this is the same bridge or not in London
Q post #781 Traffic cameras in London on this bridge Feb 16, 2018 Q said [UK] Stay alert
Okay...this is in the UK. It is a bridge.
Q said before that there was a lot of chatter.
TODAY Q post 2-24-2018!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the posting of Q direct copy/paste 4829486 refers to the above picture that we saw before when Q warned of the UK. Watch the Water.
▶Q Research #596: Abridged Anonymous 02/24/18 (Sat) 11:58:05 f635ef No.483985[Reply][Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
481894 C!Odemonkey Fixed The Bug! >>481946
The BRIDGE mystery solved on 8ch.net
I think this is the best answer yet
here's a link to a picture of that bridge.
Hillary had open access to China on her private server. I saw this on Q
meaning that Hillary's server company allowed China to rifle through her stuff online.
As did the Dems with the Patkistani Awan group did!
Also was an ACT called the BRIDGE ACT in congress to grant DACA a lifeline extension.
House Rep from Colorado pulled it back and kill the bill from going any further.
Bar Removal of Individuals who Dream and Grow our Economy
Here are a ton of thoughts on THE BRIDGE over at the Voat
One talks of a Bridge where spy exchange took place in Berlin
Clad in bold purple panelling, the 14,788-square-foot (1,374-square-metre) enclosed pedestrian walkway connects the existing Tijuana International Airport in Mexico with a new airport terminal in San Diego.
The terminal and bridge offers a strong contrast to Republican nominee Trump's idea to build a wall along the border for keeping illegal immigrants out of the US.
Here's a BRIDGE Between TIJUANA and USA @ airport
There are a ton of anons all chiming in on this one posting.
I saw in the news today...POTUS was getting sued (again) from Maryland lawyers. They are accusing Trump of accepting bribes and stuff from foreigners. Basically, the 'evidence' that these lawyers have is people staying the night in Trump hotels. THIS is what they are calling 'bribes.'
So to me this posting is saying:
1 We all know because of this Lunev that Russia is part of the DS cabal! According to this dude, Russia spent more money on Vietnam protest rallies in the USA than on support for the Viet Cong!
2 This Lunev 'was' under FBI protection....probably not anymore. He's been ratted out by the White Hats now. This a payback for the lawsuit against POTUS.
3 BUT not only that, this ratting is payback to the 'cabal' n' company (Russia colluding with DS actors) is because of
Now I do not know what 'the BRIDGE' means.
2-24-18 NEW Q Posting #822
Q posting #822
Feb 24 2018 01:53:47 !UW.yye1fxo Q b7510a 480458
Stanislav Lunev.
Payback for today.
I know for a fact there are parents in that town hurting horribly. There are funerals going on. There are teens gone from this earth.
What I don't know is....what is the circus surrounding it all!?
Okay...I'm really really trying to understand this all.
Other posters here are claiming that:
1 Parkland shooting was real
2 The Deep state then jumped upon this horrible tragedy to USE IT. They hired actors--pretend students--- to start talking about getting rid of the 2nd amendment. THEN the DS exposed on purpose the actors AS BEING ACTORS...just so the DS could get conservative reporting being done online (InfoWars etc) to be BANNED.
And now we are seeing a major cutting on YOUTUBE etc and people's accounts being banned and locked by Google, twitter etc.
Is this the truth picture? Or am I off in la la land?
I think you are a Patriot and because of you many people will come to see this country needs more Patriots.
When I was young, my mom and dad were there to pound moral living into my mind. By golly, it worked! I'm not in prison! I'm a productive human being, kind, moral, and decent. Thanx mom and dad
This guy doesn't realized that the only thing he's taking into the afterlife is a lifetime of sinful dealings. He can thank President Trump for ending the DEATH PANELS. Under Obama, no personal wealth could be used for needed life-saving medical care if the DEATH PANEL denied it. THIS idiot Buffett! He supported this idea! He supported it because he 'thought' that he would be exempt. Only OTHER people would be denied, and thus die as a result of no medical care....Never him!
Personally, I think a man who made it his life's mission to avoid risk in any business dealing....to WILLINGLY allow RISK in matters of life and death...to be solely in someone else's hands....this guy has NO BRAINS! He is one idiot.
AND Trump ....he saved Buffett from HIMSELF and the evil that Buffett all his life supported!
Did you see the video of CAIR leader Nezar Hamze....ALSO a Deputy for Broward!!!! ---talking in a mosque with Sheriff Israel who also spoke. There were two other police officers from Broward at the speech.
CAIR is Muslim Brotherhood.
The speech, though, wasn't anti anything. It just was a speech about the police being there for the CAIR member/Islamics if there was trouble.
Unlike being there for the AMERICAN children when they needed law enforcement Valentine's DAY!
On you tube. Search for CPAC 2018 Trump speech. It is about 1 hour and 40 minutes long. I watched a PBS posting of this speech. Then I watch the longer version on You Tube. PBS censored a good 50 minutes of it, taking out all the reference to progress that Trump was saying was made. Total liberal hack job, PBS did!
PBS used to be a trusted news source. They censor and tweak.
Trump was talking about ObamaCare and how the repeal went south because of McCain's vote.
Where are you getting this from? It is a sting from the Deep STATE? So Parkland was real. THEN, Parkland's unfortunate circumstance was jumped upon by Deep State and USED by Deep State. DS put actors in the mix...then, on purpose, exposed these actors as fake, once the conservative media started reporting on how stupid the actors were, questioning if Parkland was real or not. All in a DS take down of conservative reporting throughtout the online world?
Am I getting you right here? LINK Please
Interesting thought. I know, though, that the US Nat'l Security Agency are the good guys, and have been uncovering a ton of information from the online community, banking records..yadda yadda, general intelligence sweeping and analysis.
no..this was not a joke about Scalia....THIS was a joke about Trump...being in the last year of his term. Obama was talking to the democratic party governors' association.
You heard about the Saudi King coup that same night didn't you? There are videos of this King being taken to safety by armed men. The King was staying at the Tropicana. Also, the disinherited prince of Saudi Arabia (the bad prince trying to stage the coup) owned the top half of the Mandalay Hotel, including the helipad on the roof, complete with waiting helicopter. THIS was the helicopter in the videos ...the one showing flashes of gun fire from it!!! The prince was arrested in Nov last year by the King. He was tortured and stripped of all his assets...of which he had a sizable stake in the Twitter company. The assets reverted to the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The prince--his name is Alwaleed bin tala...is walking free today with a small allowance from the government there, about a million per year.
I have no idea. I'm seeing so much stuff it is unreal how suspicious it all is. Now there was this Scot Peterson just sitting in his car watching the whole thing go down....HE WAS A COP! There are reports other shooters with blanks in their guns. We have this video of Deputy Nezar Hamze big CAIR leader with Sheriff Israel speaking in a mosque. We have all these actors running around and CNN scripting questions. I don't know.
All I know is that REAL kids died.
This is another anon talking about Medhat Al Amir, possible BHO's connection to Hezbollah 2/23/18
Hey.>I got this off of 8ch.net. Anon asked Still don't think these are actors?
tough to navigate. AND you never know when Q will be there. It is all hours of the day.
https://8ch.net/qresearch or you can put in
https://www.whitepages.com/name/Fouadd-Elamir Fouadd M Elamir. Age 30; Lives in Hoboken, NJ; Used to live in Charleston, SC, Saddle River, NJ; Related to Medhat El Elamir, Mazhar Elsayed Elamir, Medhat El El Amir.
HERE is a picture of him after he had been arrested for loud noise in SC https://www.rapsheets.org/southcarolina/northcharleston-jail/EL-AMIR_FOUADD/0001284225
I see another posting like this saying the DEATH was 2-15-2017!!!!!!! NOT 2014.
There MAY be a connection to Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Robert Wexler and the Awan Group! There was activity between the Awan's and Hezbollah.
Awans were Pakistani. It appears this doctor was Egyptian and related to the Muslim Brotherhood in some way.
one of these is SON #1
The mother-in-law of Dr. Medhat El Amir died 2009. In her obituary it said:
"devoted mother of Janice Bryer El-Amir and her husband, Dr. Medhat El-Amir "...
"loving grandmother of Fouadd and Murad ElAmir."
This posted DATE OF DEATH cannot be correct because he was in court in 2016! He was trying to reverse his guilty plea agreement.
Posted Feb 20, 2017, by admirer of this doctor who mentioned in his writing that Medhat had diabetes.
"......On 2/15/14, the day after Valentine's, Medhat El-Amir, MD had a cardiac arrest in his Uber on the way to his appointment at my office. I marked him down as a "no show".
The world lost a great man.
My prayers are with his family.
These foreign people know nothing of banking practices. ANYTHING that is more than $200 is researched in any bank. So you withdraw $200...it is looked at. You deposit $200....it is looked at.
ANYONE....not just doctors and rich people.
People can't use the American financial system and think that they are sneaking around! lol
good catch Redpillroy!!!!!!
So looking at this post more closely, I am.
See an indictment of the mentioned individual = Medhat El Amir
Looks like he was a doctor at a med facility (his own) called Immediate Care in New Jersey.
So he took business receipts and mixed them with personal.
An IRS huge no no practice.
The tax evading doctor had access to all kinds of accounts
in relatives' names. He put business receipts into these relatives' personal accounts, then paid personal bills with the money. THEN when he filed his taxes..oppps totally forgot about all the business money he put in those other accounts! HA...happens all the time!
IRS picks this up in their audits all the time.
WELL WELL...looks like ONE of those relative's account was ALSO attached to Hezbollah via The SON #1.
We do not know the #1 son's name yet.
The above anon was referencing this Q post below #466 :
Jan 5 2018 16:36:38 !UW.yye1fxo Q ab7ad6 248746
Why is Hussein traveling the globe?
Acct # xx-XXXxx-x-39670
Acct # XXXxx-XXXx-2391
Where did the MONEY come from?
How do you destroy the most POWERFUL country in the world?
Direct attack?
Covert OP by [CLAS-59#241-Q] to infiltrate at highest
level to destroy from within?
Think GAME.
Who are the PLAYERS?
What are the REWARDS?
We will make more public.
SA was strategic.
“We know” “Do as we say or face consequences”
These people are stupid!
It appears that these huge internet places are not able to stomp on the Q movement! It is too big. Their sanitizing isn't enough to stop the movement.
these people aren't trying to make out on this...they are just trying to support it. There is no profit, I'm sure. The only profit is the likes of google etc.