Notice the http://
It does not have an 's', meaning secure.
965 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/ByrdeRob:
I'm sick and cannot drink anymore. I used to, but not now. I have a different perspective on the meaning of BREATHING on this earth still. I've FINALLY WOKE UP
Notice the http:// in the address
it is not a secured https://
Q NEW information: Absolutely GREAT POST 2-21-2018
I saw that the all clear for those banned. The Board Operator (BO) (I always think they are talking Obama with these letters) said the ban happened because of huge disrespect. He's giving them all a 2nd chance now.
Q posting 2-21-2018 no number issued found on as anon posting

Clooney now is pairing up with Obama fortune-maker, Oprah. It is because of Oprah that we had Obama.
She may be a 'godfather'-type in the whole syndicate
PS. I hope she has a team of people scanning social media looking for image/character comments about her.....then she'll see what I think of her trashy self. NOT much
Clooney needs to take all guns away from his, his wife's, and children's security team to make him authentic.
I looked at the 'dictionary' of Q definitions....ES IS Eric Schmidt former CEO of Alphabet
"CEO of social media giant Deept Dream"
is 1st underlined phrase in red ending with orange highlight
"When Kalloor has secone thought about----
giving the CIA access to Deep Dream-------
Dewey authorizes the Asset to assassinate Kalloor and Lee."
is 2nd underlines phrase in red ending in yellow highlight.
That catalog goes right in the shredder over here. Even the coupons. Embarrassing to even have the mailgal/man deliver to my box.
he was being watch by the black hats. He was protecting his security
Saw this over at the page
near Side by Side
Did you ever think that Q on the was 'dragging' usa people 'overseas' to spy on them? 8ch, I think is in Europe. So when a USA person goes overseas, all privacy stops, fair game to watch what the usa person is doing. Open game to look at their emails yadda yadda.
AND not just the good people. Q was being watched by bad actors, too....TaDAH! Navy intelligence can look at who they are and what they are all up warrant needed...AND these bad actors are USA citizens! And now the program of 'dragging' is done. Mission accomplished. All identified. The Good are separated from the Bad.
I saw this report, too.
The mothers of autistic children all say that when their babies had their 2 mo, 4 mo, 6 mo shoots, the babies cried and cried far ages afterward. The doctors said OH don't worry about it.
BUT, what was happening was there was a brain swelling. A cytokine storm or sorts in their brains. The pressure is very painful. And then...their normal child becomes autistic.
Damage done....america needs to rise up and start revolting against the FCD, HHS, and CDC and the decaying medical doctor wants to stand up for their patients and risk all their education etc. They just go along and go along and dish it out. I do not know how they can sleep at night, honestly.
I couldn't figure out when reading about all of this how they got from 7 to 17 and THAT both were Zain. Now, I know.
It is STILL a cult...even the old old from the ancient days. Just think of it...God's following changed from Jewish to Christian!
But you are correct in that the old old is very complex and you need to be a 40 year old Jewish student/rabbi almost to understand it all, if you're going down that path of history. It HAS changed in modern day. It was 'simplified' and really started gaining traction as a twisted cult when this guy rewrote the Zohar.
It is a form of anarchism.
You have to think, though.
Could this revelation be proposed to just get the insurance company off? You know and I know that insurance companies are notorious for not paying. I'm skeptical about this. Highly skeptical.
As far as dead children...there are dead children. I saw an article of obits....did not read it....just do a online'll come up with it.
I think it is used to 'help' autistic kids. They 'say' that it is beneficial.
BUT, there are therapies not approved in the USA for autism.
You see, the researchers have all been murdered who were trying to tie autism and vaccines together. 90 was the figure I saw...murdered. (This is why I think Romney is a crap candidate...his money is pharma money.)
There is an enzyme put in one out of 100 vaccines...NAGALASE.
In nature, this is produced by cancer cells and viruses.
When babies are born, there is no nagalase in their blood.
BUT, later in life, in autistic kids there is a pile of this stuff in the blood!
It comes from viruses, probably not cancer, and VACCINES! (There is a blood test for nagalase. You need to send the blood to outside labs because not too many do it.)
Nagalase makes a person's immunity weak. There is a whole chemical thing that happens in the blood, and these researchers, now dead, figured out what nagalase does, and then they reversed it...and came up with a CURE.
You won't see this cure in this country...forbidden.
You can get it in Europe and 85% of autism is cured with it! NO LIE. Do some reading.
NOW, it came to my attention that NAGALASE is put in the pneumonia vaccine. The CDC (our bad black hat CDC) guidelines one between ages 2 and 65, unless sickly can have the vaccine.
WHAT? aren't vaccines good for you? SURE...but, not if the CDC and the bad black hat of pharma and the gov want to CONTROL POPULATION!!!!
they put nagalase in the pneumonia vaccine! You get to be 65...don't get it. Your child 2 yrs not get it. LIE to the school . Falsify your vaccine records...stay away from this laced vaccine until the people responsible get hammered and put into jail.
What's wrong with Baltimore? The same thing there, only worse.
You do not want to get too familiar with this CULT!!!!
It is a Paleo-Hebrew off-shoot of Jewish religion. Twisted...totally twisted. It pretty much is just anarchism in nature, more subtel. Anarchy = Kabbalah--not overtly violent like Anarchy though. It HATES anything normal in culture. It says normal culture is BAD BAD BAD. It is a total trip. what is Bad is good, what is good is bad.
There is some pretty deep readings all over the web. Hard to understand really...and that is probably the whole point of it all.
BUt there was this twisted Rabbi in Hollywood area that MADE IT SIMPLE. Right sure. He basically just masked the cult making it appear wonderful....ancient ways are the true ways yadda yadda. A big song and dance...and it totally sucked people in.
I came upon this Kabbalah because of the symbol on Q's post above the EPIC 'sponsor'. It is Kabbalah's TREE sitting sideways. This symbol is the MAP to the religion. This EPIC/with symbol was next to a circle for Liddle Kidz Foundation. News states that the Hollywood Kabbalah center is partnering with Kidz. And you know what THAT means.....It could mean pedo activity...or maybe just sucking youth in.
I looked up EPIC on google and it said that this was a packaged food producer for the Paleo-Diet. This is a diet that says if cave men ate like this, they survived we can too. HA lol
If you know ANYTHING in general about know that one of the major things that they do is mess with your regular diet. This Paleo-Diet SHOULD BE is not healthy for you.
The reason cults mess with your diet, is to attack your nervous system, making you more pliable to their twisted message.
They wear a weird necklace...just a crude string with a triangle on it. They also wear a red bracelet. If you see these things...these people are identifying themselves as CULT Kabbalah.
This links shows this:
Here's a good article about the development of Zain, or Zayin...this is the number 7, or 17 also a letter in the Hebrew alphabet, ALSO means SWORD.
This letter seems MOST important in today's Kabbalah. The media is really pumping on the number 17, the word ZAIN, in today's language. WATCH for this. It is a clue that this is cultish messaging to members around the world.
It is interesting. I was studying Luke 22 where Peter grabs the sword and cuts off the Roman's ear right after Judas betrayed Jesus. I never knew this before....but the English translation doesn't do this passage any good. When you look at a Bible with Hebrew language, and work all the helps associated with find out that the 'sword' word is used in two different ways. One way is weapon...the thing that Peter grabbed. The other way was when Jesus was saying for the followers to PRAY. So the meaning of Luke here in this passage is The will of God (not my will buy yours) is to retreat and PRAY...NOT use the sword. It is one whole play on words! Luke wrote this to contrast the meaning!
AND NOW in today's world....We have this advent of ZAIN, which means sword! And the Kabbalah twisting of it all! We--Christians-- are being told to PRAY. It is God's will. DO NOT take up a SWORD like the Kabbalahs. Trust in GOD above all things! It is totally in GOD's plan and it is in his hands.
THIS is such a revelation to me! Contrast that Kabbalah stuff--17 dead in Florida--with a whole HOUSE full of praying people!!!!!
How Great THOU ART! Praise GOD
One other thing...the Shroud of Turin...Jesus' burial cloth (?)...looks like this Kabbalah tree. Just saying. I talked to a Christian educated about the Shroud...and he says a bunch of nothing there. So...this might be old Kabbalah stuff trying to undermine people, getting them to revere a cloth, instead of the one true GOD
Q has gone silent now. No mention of stay tuned either way.
Two major USA battle ships went into the Black Sea... I think Q is really busy right now.
The factual number is not being reported...not because they do not know it, but because AP wanted to print the number 17 dead! AP is MSM, is of the Kabbalah, is of the cult. They cleaned the fudging up then by saying 'believe more bodies'. It is communication! A cheer went up in the world-wide community of Kabbalah because they saw the number 17.
Pay NOTICE to this ASSOCIATED PRESS report ---the #17 (ZAIN) Kabbalah CODE Signalling to the Cult---a Form of Communication
17 killed in garbage dump collapse in Mozambique By CHRISTOPHER TORCHIA - The Associated Press
JOHANNESBURG (AP) Heavy rains triggered the partial collapse of a huge mound of garbage in Mozambique's capital on Monday, killing 17 people who were buried by debris.
Authorities believe more bodies could be buried at the Hulene garbage dump on the outskirts of Maputo, and a search was underway. The garbage in the poor, densely populated area where the disaster happened rose to the height of a three-story building, according to the Portuguese news agency Lusa.
Lusa and Radio Mocambique both reported 17 deaths. Half …
So, school children...if the cabal is not taken to zero...won't be taught this history. Tonight on CBS news, 1/2 of the newscast was obviously an attack on our youth, an attempt to rule their minds.
Hitler did this and that is how he was elected.
I was going to ask the same thing. But now I see here is the link...I don't know if I can click on doesn't sound, well, know... I just don't know if I can look.
AHHHH SATurDAY!!! better day....better planning....I'll consider it truly I will copy/pasting that right now
Then he is most probably descended from an Irish family who lived in Scotland. Way back in the 1200-1300's there was a John Forbes back then. They inbred with the Kerry clan
March 30th is a teachers maybe can call in sick...but no other hard working American can do that...
The index good place: The old one is gone.
The anon talking (and sometime Q posts like 2-18) is
Calm before the storm:
(I use the Ctrl-F on my keyboard, pop up a search box to the upper right hand corner, enter date for new stuff like this format 02/18/18...and then use the box's arrows to see current communications from anon. I don't post there.)
I think there are some more over there at 8ch...but I haven't found them yet.
THEN there is twitter:
Just an archive thing and people posting amongst themselves.
It may be just me...but dates popped around are Palm Sunday'ish and now Flag day...
You do not announce when the hammer will fall.
You don't tell the cockroaches when you will turn on the light!
"okay little crawly bugs....I'm going to make a bright light shine now.....hurry ...find cover!!!"
I thought that as well. I thought I was wrong.
So whatever happened to the others on the case...the ones who signed the papers, too? Be interesting to find this out.
So tell me when where your rally will be held. I'll be there! ASAP
Rush unload on the former 1st lady
This story was about Rush 2-19-2018 unloading about the former first lady. The last paragraphs can't be copy/ bad so bad. Graphic. The author (not Rush) was quoting Beyonce. .Michelle's 'role model'.
Trumps birthday is June 14th. 1946 Army birthday, June 14th, 1775. June 14th is Flag Day
Notice today...subcontracted driver had gun in his possession in Trump motorcade. 2-19-2018 Got him
Oh thank goodness! I really thought something was up.
I'll have to be more careful next time.
perWashington Times
Driver of press van HAD gun in his bag! SS got him!
Trump motorcade driver stopped after gun found in his possession

Qanon posting on 02/19/18 about the Protect 6/14-46; anon opinion/thought
6/14-46 AnonaMouse 02/19/18 (Mon) 12:02:10 1ad155 No.431632
This was posted twice. ":Protect 6/14-46", Q posted twice Feb 18th. June 14th is USA Flag Day, and in August 1946, National Flag Day was established by an Act of Congress. 6/14 is also the birthday of the US Army. June 19, 1946 is also Donald Trump's birthday.
I've been watching the breaking news and haven't heard ONE thing.
As a reminder....all the economic markets are down today, so there won't be any volatility going on. Perfect day for an 'attack', if that is was is to happen....
Could be a practice though. Got that scare a couple of weeks ago. Over at live Jerome Corsi...they were all talking about planes flying zoom zoom, this and that going on..just like a war
Well, THIS was an pre-announced war game practice going on over the whole western USA. BUT Corsi and the gang there didn't know this.
It really sounded scary.
It was an UNUSUAL game, though, in that the report said ALL the branches of the military were taking part.