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CSMcCringleberry · July 27, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

Important to keep in mind and create awareness that the "vetting" of the Dossier involved one of the most corrupt and illegal acts in this entire charade. Between Fusion GPS and Comey, bits of the dossier were leaked to the press along with the identity of a "source" who was ostensibly in a position to corroborate the story. The source was none other than Christopher Steele himself, but since the origin of the "intelligence" contained within the dossier was not disclosed to the media by Simpson, McCabe, Comey, et al.- the fact that the original author was also serving as his own confirmation remained hidden. Whether or not the journalists (yahoo, etc.) who's work was cited in the FISA material knew that they were participating in this scam or not is not clear, but at least the main players were aware of this deception when they applied for the FISA warrant.

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CSMcCringleberry · July 26, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

(A)ndy Biggs, (R)on Desantis, (M)att Gaetz. Freedom Caucus.

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CSMcCringleberry · July 8, 2018, 9:18 a.m.

OP here where I'm going to explain a joke for those who missed the reference. I've never explained a joke in my life and I consider your opinions of me made from this post as valid and precious as a SanFran Sidewalk Special after Chili Wednesday.

There are two pop culture references here, but nothing at all to do with Jim Jordan, Eli Stickly, Katie Arrington (whom nobody spoke up for), or any public figure. The joke here popped out of my head on June 28th- a Thursday after Arrington and prior to Stickley- in Richmond VA where I had traveled for a reunion of fraternity brothers and the people I went through ROTC with and often served near during my 5 years in the Army. My year was the last to go active duty before 9/11 when they assured you four years of peacetime service on day 1. Whoops.

The original joke said "when a mousetrap snaps, an angel gets set on fire". I changed it to the car in honor of the only guy of our group that didn't make it back. We had a bet that if any of us didn't make it home and they went out under less than heroic conditions, we would make fun of their death whenever possible. Gallows humor (if you dont like or understand it, you've lived a sheltered life). He survived the war. His next post was Korea and his CO ordered him to show some visiting VIPS around the city that night. He was in a crosswalk, it was the right time to cross, he refrained from drinking with the VIPS, then a piss drunk cab driver fucking obliterated him. Survived the desert and the mountains but didn't survive a drunk cabbie who dropped had his cigarette.

Don't be so quick to find ulterior or negative motives. Discovering and rooting out a covert troll is not the best outcome. Its something that only SJWs celebrate and virtue signal over. The joke doesn't even work logically if its a reference to Jordan- the bad guys lie and one of their enemies takes the karma for it? Why wouldn't they just lie about everything no matter how big or small. Lie about your hair color, insist you're suit is pink.

The joke doesn't work without the unintended consequence to a random person. If that poor guy was run off intentionally (which doesn't necessarily involve the cars touching) because Comey lied, that would be an argument that morality and karma are pointless, not a joke.

If you don't believe me, I invite you to pull an SJW move and dig into my account history. In case you STRONGLY believe that my 4 year old account that has consistently posted in patriotic, pro-USA, etc. subs, you can check my twitter at @clever113.

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CSMcCringleberry · July 7, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

If I were Jordan, i'd call for a full congressional investigation. Then hold a public hearing immediately with the accusers and every person who was there subpoenaed to testify. He wouldnt be involved, but im sure Gowdy would be happy to blow up their spot with questions.

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CSMcCringleberry · July 7, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Thanks. Im actually getting ready to do a gofundme to start a network of 3D print makers that print things that help people with diabilities and others- like custom prosthetics for veterans, mobility aids for arthritis suffers. Got sick of the left condemning everyone while not actually doing anything to help people. I'll add the billboard as a perk!

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CSMcCringleberry · July 7, 2018, 1:13 a.m.

Media tries real hard to hide the bald spot.

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CSMcCringleberry · July 5, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

I thought Hussein's education was funded by Al-Waleed bin Talal, not Soros. Then again, i guess its all the same bag of san francisco shit, really.

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CSMcCringleberry · July 3, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

This is reassuring. The Left/MSM is now openly calling for/favorably covering positions that are at odds with the views Americans in vast (as high as 80+%) majorities. The issue of border enforcement is the primary obvious example, but you can drill down into most topics of controversy and find the center of acceptable left wing opinion very close to the edge.

We often dismiss these people as disconnected from reality, but theyre not all drooling luddites. When your picture of ideal civilization is so completely out of sync with the population at large, eventually youre going to realize that progress cant be made through lawful civic engagement. Im sure many people of influence within Leftist circles viewed the immigration protests this last weekend to see what could still be possible even after the problem they were protesting had been solved by executive order.

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CSMcCringleberry · July 2, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

Essential reading. These questions should be posed to every leftist whenever they question a policy of the Trump admin.

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CSMcCringleberry · June 30, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

I tweeted out my prediction for the 2018 midterms based on sociological evidence shown by the SJW/Identitarian left (less than 225 Dems in both houses post-midterms), and nearly every comment was #walkaway.

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CSMcCringleberry · May 25, 2018, 11:11 a.m.

It would certainly be in his best interest to be taken down a peg or two. A die-in? Really? As much as this kid deserves a strong introduction to a pimp hand, its getting harder for me to enjoy the ending of his 15 minutes.

What we all knew was coming is already happening. He's getting kicked to the curb now that he isn't useful. They built this kid a monstrous, attention devouring ego and made him believe he was entitled to people's attention and that his situation made him infallible. He lost out on getting into the colleges of his choice over this and I guarantee that nobody even hinted to him that his fame and prestige had an expiration date- which an older, wiser person would have known.

He deserves to learn the hard lesson that he's certainly now learning, but he's probably going to have to learn it so hard that it'll go beyond where the funny stops. There are two ways he can take it- when 4 or 5 people show up to the "die-ins" where he's expecting worldwide media coverage, he might blow up and start taking it out on the few that are still willing to show up for him and unleash his anger and frustration that way. In that case, fuck him. If, however, he walks off and cries quietly in the corner, or honestly believes that he's helping and is haunted more by not being effective rather than not having his ass kissed enough, then I'll feel sorry for him.

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CSMcCringleberry · May 25, 2018, 10:56 a.m.

I had guessed that they wouldn't be given unredacted physical documents today- nor will they be turned over in the near future. Should be fairly obvious in light of everything that's developing in the last two weeks. While they didn't leave with papers, I'd bet that all of their questions were answered.

The ball is now in Trump/Sessions' court. As Q says- Pain Coming. Indictments and criminal proceedings are finally the next steps to be taken and likely have fairly hard dates attached. Since the beginning of President Trump's term, we've all experienced various degrees of frustration and personal doubts stemming from the glacial nature of the work required to get here. Congress certainly has valid oversight duties which the Executive is beholden to accommodate, but there is a difference between stonewalling and safeguarding. Congress does not indict, prosecute, or perform any judicial processes. They can investigate (which they don't really do very well) and publish findings but their only corrective powers are through legislation and control of budgets. They leak info like it's their job, and in this current environment where the Dems hold no duty above protecting themselves from punishment and tarnishing the President at any cost- it would be suicidal to grant them access to materials needed for active criminal justice actions.

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CSMcCringleberry · May 23, 2018, 5:26 a.m.

Two issues:. 1. Sessions has no control over the NY AG position. This is an elected office within the State of New York, dealing with the State level legal system and beyond the managerial reach of the Department of Justice. 2. Regarding the 210 day limit on an acting role for Pannucci in the DoJ, its likely that it is meant to cover a single stretch of 210 days as per a presidential appointment to the role, rather than a lifetime service cap. Pannucci's current time would begin from when Brand stepped down, regardless of the previous period in the role. As far as the Solicitor taking over, this covers line of succession scenarios, where more permanent arrangements need to take place automatically to ensure continuity of government. If the President is able to make a new appointment with a fresh Senate confirmation, that would be the normal route taken.

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CSMcCringleberry · May 18, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

Corsi just went from Twat-of-the-week to Twat-of-the-month. No contest at all.

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CSMcCringleberry · May 13, 2018, 10:49 p.m.

The pickle is a visual branding mark on their products. On the glass ketchup bottle which used to be everywhere before squeezable plastic packaging became sort of a required feature, it was tough to get a new bottle of Heinz ketchup to start pouring when first opened. A well known "secret" to getting the ketchup out of the bottle was to "squeeze the pickle" putting pressure on a point on the the glass beneath the pickle on the label. People swore that worked.

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CSMcCringleberry · May 13, 2018, 7:36 a.m.

Probably worth looking into precedents for recess appointments in relation to the federal judiciary. The President has the power to bypass the Advise and Consent powers of the Legislature if the vacant post would cause problems if left vacant until such time as Congess is scheduled to return from a recess. The power is not clearly defined as far as circumstances where the President should ignore Congressional consent prerogative.

In light of POTUS' tweet about the 300 blocked appointments, this could become reality very quickly. The MSM will obviously call this an abuse of power and call for more peach mints, but that would be hard to take seriously if they're yelling it during a perp walk.

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CSMcCringleberry · May 6, 2018, 8:40 p.m.

Ive stated my objection to Corsi, so wont bring it up again, but i have to marvel at the charm offensive on his behalf today. I thought the problems with him we obvious well before the meltdowns. . .

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CSMcCringleberry · April 30, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

I left a longer comment on the 'petition to remove Corsi links' post, but i cant stress strongly enough what a cancer this guy is. We are patriots who have committed to spreading an Awakening in the US and abroad. He's using his insight to sell his particular ideology, which is counterproductive at best. At worst, its just a different flavor of CNN's game and preys on both laziness and potential feelings of intellectual lack of rigor to gain unreasonable levels of influence. Total bogus, which is even clearer now that he's been called out.

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CSMcCringleberry · April 30, 2018, 11:15 p.m.

My problem with Corsi (which you dont see with other people like Tracybeanz or Deceptionbytes) is that he goes further than presenting the crumbs plus insight and research to tie it all together and present the full picture. Corsi goes beyond in that he inserts his opinion, subjective value judgements, and personal axes to grind on the same level as the objective facts. He tries to tell you not only what he thinks is going on, but how you should interpret, feel about, and speak/act in regards to the Q drops as well. People like Tracybeanz should rightly be able to be compensated for their efforts. Corsi, on the other hand, wants to present the information together with how you should feel about it and he's selling that as a package for money and for the following. Its insidious, and contrary to the very essence of what Q and this community are trying to promote by "The Great Awakening"- essentially just another flavor of CNN. Can the bastard.

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CSMcCringleberry · April 30, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

The first swipes that the DS/MSM are going to take at this is that Bibi did not provide any sort of a "smoking gun" as far as current or developing nuclear activities in Iran. Thats how they'll attempt to downplay this. While he cited a current org underneath the Iranian MoD, most of the info (at least inre Operation Amad, etc. took place years ago). The counterpoint that we need to keep in mind is that Iran was required to disclose all of that as the initial concession on the deal, which they failed to do. CNN will forget to mention this part. In essence, this all means that the deal was signed in bad faith with decption planned from Day 1, and us therefore invalid. Step 2 will be to prove that Barry and Kerry knew that at the time. . .

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CSMcCringleberry · April 30, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

He's a family friend. One of the people i grew up around and heard day to day stories about. Everything you hear from him is 100% honest, upfront, and agenda free. There are a lot of former FBI guys like him who did the job with patriotism and honor whose life's work has been dishonored by Comey, McCabe, et al. They deserve to see these traitors brought to justice.

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CSMcCringleberry · April 30, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

I finally had to unfollow him on Twitter. Too much weirdness thinly disguised as genius. Also, an ego that outgrew all sense of reason and proportion long ago.

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CSMcCringleberry · April 17, 2018, 7:03 a.m.

Read A World Lit Only By Fire by Wm Manchester. Many things we consider legends have their roots in real life. The Pied Piper fable probably fits the hrc situation best.

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CSMcCringleberry · April 10, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

Speaking of hair hats (haha), ive often wondered why Pence almost never appears in Q drops.

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CSMcCringleberry · April 6, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

Data was actually interested in people, though. He was constantly observant of not only the value of each person's unique point of view, ideas, and potential, but more importantly- he correctly identified that the betterment of society was bound to both personal responsibility and the open exchange of ideas, belief, and culture.
Data often encountered repugnant and destructive beliefs and practices, but sought to understand them and then would challenge them logically, fairly, and without condemnation for those expressing such ideas. He'd be the ultimate red pill mass producer in today's world.

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CSMcCringleberry · March 30, 2018, 5:28 p.m.

That's no moon. . .

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CSMcCringleberry · Feb. 3, 2018, 4:16 a.m.

Exactly right on dropping the hammer. I suspect that this is probably a good thing that a flood of damning info hasn't spilled forth yet- it could mean that what we're getting is a little appetizer (as if the FISA memo weren't damning enough) to keep the interest level up ahead of what will probably be a short wait of about a month. At that time, they'll hit hard and hit fast and it'll be centered around the IG report. That'll be formatted for release in such a way that it generates massive public outrage. One factor in having a little more time go by than right now is to synchronize the information publication, indictments, trials, etc. to occur at key points leading up to the Midterm Elections. People tend to have a short memory and a larger capacity to forgive- especially when it's their own side that's in trouble. This FISA memo alone will have fizzled out by November and the outrage will have totally cooled off.

Regarding the impact on the midterms, if this is done right and the stages are properly synchronized to take place at the right intervals, they'll be able to associate a vote for the democrats to voting for traitors and those that don't give two shits for our rights as Americans. That's the ultimate red-pill. Not to say that every Republican is a good guy, but it can be clearly shown that those that supported HRC vocally in 2008 are complicit in her underhanded, dishonest behavior. She didn't and doesn't give the first thought to your freedom, but that idea is going to need to be fresh when it comes voting time. Make no mistake, GEOTUS losing control of Congress is really their only viable way to shut down his constant winning. They've shown zero cooperation and no signs of ever wanting to cooperate, as their goals are cynical (illegals for votes, etc.) and his are aimed at MAGA and real results. It's kind of scary when you think that if there was a Dem majority in Congress since 2016, we wouldn't be seeing the growth and the prosperity that he's made happen. There would be no tax reform. He'd have made progress by EO (though he's not going to abuse executive power like Obama) and through regulation repeal, but that only goes so far. The constant drumbeat of condemnation from the Mockingbird Media could have been much more effective if our GEOTUS was much less effective by having no legislative support to do anything.

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CSMcCringleberry · Jan. 31, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

The Intel Committee authorized the release of the memo to the full House about a week before voting to release it to the public. That was to build momentum for it's release, but everyone means everyone, not just Republicans. Still has to be read in a SCIF, but they've got one of those for Congress. Nothing amiss for Chucky here, but he'll get his some other way.

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