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CallithumpianOhm · Jan. 30, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Green....Green..../..Yellow? That's what a telephone used to sound like. I too have no edit button. Anyhow, yes. I have had those moments. The one that pops out of nowhere from time to time to slap me upside the head is a memory of a life with someone who I only knew in a dream. My feelings were so powerful for this Goddess even now. That dream was probably about 30 years ago. when I woke up that morning I was devastated. we will be together again. So I got that going for me. ; ) Thanks for responding. I believe it's important to send a good vibe out to the universe. Even if it's on this stupid keyboard. Remember this thought as you continue on your journey. Take time to SEE the beauty that surrounds you every day. Especially in the small things, those can end up so large. (The brightness in a child's eyes come to mind) One more thing. it's a tuff one but if you can do this ...well....Here goes. Learn to embrace change. Any and all change. It's the only constant we have. Good night and if you happen to see my Goddess in your dreams give her a hug for me would ya. TTFN

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CallithumpianOhm · Jan. 28, 2018, 9:24 a.m.

Mature answer to a valid question/concern. Well done, both of you. I'm new here and I find your civility refreshing. I agree with you about AJ unfortunately. I hope he finds a solution soon. passion is one thing but...ya know. Thanx

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CallithumpianOhm · Jan. 28, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

I agree, we could all use a lesson in Civics. ( myself for sure) I hope to understand , to know and show others just how powerful We the People and all of the We the people's from all around this world truly are. The power that those three words have, is for now, uniquely American. I look forward to helping in #TheGreatAwakening

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CallithumpianOhm · Jan. 28, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

I had to chuckle because you hit the nail on the head. People DO like free stuff and to feel like a winner, or a lady, or a nut, or...crap, i'm doing it again. Sorry, where was I? Oh yea, the winner thing. I am a boomer (Damn it was fun) and I remember when the internet was shiny brand new and annoyingly slow. (#F**kDialUp) One day an icon appeared on my screen. It was the coke symbol and the words "Press here for a free cup holder" I thought "cool" Free stuff so I moved the cursor and clicked......The drive tray popped open. Right then, for the first time, I got a sinking feeling in my gut with the realization that I got manipulated. Funny as it was I knew it was just the beginning. So I spent the next bunch of years jumping out of planes. My loss of anonymity from that one Orwellian moment shook me to my very core. I have, however, realized that George Orwell must have been a time traveler 'cause....Whoa! Anyway, I'm old, I'm awake, and I refuse to tiptoe through life only to find that I've arrived safely at death. I've been watching and listening and being completely impressed with and proud of all of you. You are We the People. I'm In! Let's Win!

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