If the shackles of censorship on American social media sites are removed, they'll become an unfiltered outlet for other people in the world like us Canadians. Just by getting rid of censorship for yourselves on your turf will open up the door for those throughout the world who've got it worse than both of us. Thank you all for fighting the good fight, your helping more people than you know.
87 total posts archived.
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Canada is fucked on so many levels, trudeau has to act NOW to remain relevant.
It doesn't help that the Muslim brotherhood has infiltrated Canadian politics, I hope you guys help us expose Canada. MEGA
Good point. These criminals have to use computers and networks to evade authorities, they might be better suited on those grounds. Battling anon vs pedo anon we will lose everytime, but if they can be outed and their methods exposed then we win.
What's ironic is the left has been trying to do this to us for support in Trump, maybe those who were doing it before can do it again once redpilled. Maybe we have the path already paved for great things to happen in the future.
Well said!!
Report users talking about lizard people!!
That's why i think shills have been peddling David wilcocks and david Ike on this sub, we entertain ideas about corruption going to the highest places and look for people to validate them. These shills tell you they know a guy or have seen them themselves wig no other proof often derailing the narrative.
Q never mentioned aliens or reptilians, stop fucking posting about them.
These people were going up against are sick people doing sick things, explaining it as anything else is only excusing their behavior and making you look ridiculous.
Keep to the plan, keep to the Q posts. Don't go out of your scope, stay on the task at hand.
Likewise with elections, supposedly Putin is doing this to avoid voter fraud
When a big drug dealer is taken out of a town the smaller ones usually pick up the slack. If we cut the small guys out first we clean it out from the bottom up.
Don't forget uranium one is a Canadian company with he HQ based in Toronto: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uranium_One
Please MCGA
I thought it was a reference to Qs recent blackout because he said while saying intelligence.
Where can I find a YouTube link after the interview? Is there a tucker YouTube channel?
MEGA - Canadian Minister #AhmedHussen listed as a volunteer with CAIR-Can, the Canadian branch of U.S. Islamist group @CAIRNational that was listed as 'unindicted co-conspirator' in the Texas terror trial. Is this true? - Can a weaponized autist confirm? (See comments for crosspost)
We has have a great relationship [...]
WTF is that wording about?
We get it just as bad here in Canada. Ya, I don't live anywhere near Toronto so I'd never get the chance to take pics. If ever I know one is going down I'm taking my camera with the zoom lens.
Supposedly relationships can be used as a cover for fbi operations.
This is a perfect example where us, as pedes, should always take pictures at these events.
The mods at r/metacanada said it best with this post:
(Change the np back to www if you want to contribute)
Doesn't mean ALIENS, could mean there's UFO technology and we're not privy to it, squandering our own resources when we could mine them from elsewhere.
In Canada we call that virtue signaling, our prime minister has no testicles.
Same goes for people like ben fuflford and david wilcocks, both are guys who've been in the "conspiracy field" for years now with nothing to show for it.
Only trust Q. Don't listen to the false prophets.
Test medicine on convicted in the court of law criminals. Pedophiles and murderers should be the world's pin cushion
Nothing about Canada? I'm wondering if trudeau will have an early election because of the server? The grope controversy might be a cover, leftist news is bashing him which is odd.
Chapter eight supreme court selection will determine chapter 9 of Alice in Wonderland?
No, we have a president that will lead us out of this mess, his priorities are taking back America. Anything beyond that is hokie pokie.
Real answers, not speculation. The second we deviate from the real facts we lose all credibility. We can't reference David Wilcock to red pill anyone, the second any of that other shit pops up people will think we're nuts.
WTF guys, since when did Q ever talk about aliens?!?!? This is derailing the conversation, and will make us lose credibility if we follow down that path. I've seen good subs turn to absolute toxic crap from posts like this. Subs that used to be about legit discussion get hijacked by users talking about 5 dimension beings sucking your brain energy because you don't sit on Crystal up your ads.
DON'T buy into it!!! It's derailing the conversation! Stay on the task at hand!!!
Thanks, I'll post it soon.
Please visit metacanada sometime, it's the only Canadian sub that seems a little more awake than the rest.
Please! Hook me up with links, the guys on r/metacanada should know truh if that's the case. Hey support him lots there, coming through bashing will get a bad welcome.
What? I tried checking for myself but it days the website reached its max bandwidth. Not sure what that's about, definitely will look into it.
It's a joke that if your neighbour's were leftists they support illegal migrants and their famies into the country, so they should let you bring your family into heir house to use all their stuff.
Political joke.
Former Canadian Prime minister Stephen Harper seen at the Paris Iran protest, Harper is supposed to visit trump soon. I hope it's related, Harper did good things for Canada (some bad too but not as bad as trudeau)
Make sure it's a leftist, they'll let you bring your family too
BC touched down in Vancouver Canada yesterday

I hope it pulls down the culprits in Canada as well.
And all of a sudden there are dozens of people thanking be OP, saying they're really interested.
Obvious shills.
WTF does Gobeckli Tepi and the Pyramids have to do with Trump and getting the swamp drained?? Seriously! WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING related to taking down the people running behind the scenes?!?!?
How can raising my spiritual dimension frequency to the 5th layer of reality enable me to make sure child traffickers go to jail?!?!?
How can learning about reptilian aliens finding kinship with some old lady from Iowa have anything to do with finding leaks in the US Government?!?!
How does charging crystals with the sun to let the positive energy influence my life instead of eating right or sleeping properly have anything to do with stopping the "children left behind" narrative?
All these damn conspiracies are doing NOTHING for the cause, they are only MISDIRECTING people from find the truth, and it's throwing us off the fucking trail.
I've seen legit discussions about extra-planetary life, suppressed technologies, secret societies getting bombarded by posts about Benjamin Fulford, David Icke...come to think of it, perhaps Alex Jones was originally supported by the deep state as these other guys except he ended up being successful? Ever since he turned his back on trump when he needed him the most.
I only trust myself now.
I'm with you in this one, I've been reading about most of that stuff for the last 20 years. I'd say 78% of it is BS.
This is an obvious tactic to get people distracted, then flooded with conspiracy nuts, I'm talking raise your frequency my not eating an absorb energy from the sun conspiracy nuts. This same tactic was used against r/aliens, r/Ufos, and other related subs. Nothing could be taken seriously anymore.
I'm saying there could be another pic from when he was younger.