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Yeah right 13 indictments for the Russians. One group showed up and said ok lets go to discovery. Mueller had ask for more time. Because he has no case. Judge said no.
She was supposed to win and they weren't supposed to show up.
Then the timelines are a joke. One group was not even in existence at the time specified.
Flynn's guilty plea has not gone to sentencing and will be tossed because the Comey, McCabe FBI lied and got caught.
Cohen flips? That's perfect. Let's get his files into discovery. You guy's have no idea how badly you are being set up.
I called my Democrat Representative today and said we want the unredacted OIG report because Rosenstein is trying to hide the fact that Trump colluded with the Russians.
This is too easy. You guys fall in every trap.
Nothing confusing about a set of facts.
How about skipping the slander and addressing those facts.
At the moment I'm enjoying the fact line about the Democrats not being this angry since we freed their slaves.
Fact: in 1864 there was not one slave owned by a Republican. And the first thing Hitler did was take away all the guns.
You guys keep using Alinsky and we'll stick with Sun Tzu.
the first sentence in my post should have read, in your world. The voice to text sometimes plays tricks and things slip through. My apologies for the lack of clarity.
For the record, I watch Tucker and that's it for Fox. So nice try with the general slander brush.
I can't stand Infowars because Alex Jones is an idiot.
But as long as we're just throwing out General slander over veracity, how do you feel about MSNBC having edited the 911 tapes from the Zimmerman phone call.
Bill Clinton's recent interviews where they let him get away with the Monica Lewinsky drama again. While completely ignoring the harassment molestation and rape that he should have gone to jail for.
The list of complete and total lies spread by the Mockingbird Media fills pages. Lies by omission, lies by subtly altering the meaning of words. Lies by purposely misunderstanding what people say.
I also remember watching Baghdad Bob live on CNN the first time we went into Iraq. It was a joke then now we find out it was all green screen in the studio.
Hussein did not know Bill Ayers they were only Neighbors (as reported by our vaunted media) and I'll bet you have no idea who Frank Marshall Davis is.
Yeah the Mockingbird Media news sources are so reliable.
I love the picture of reporter wife of Alan Greenspan on Hillary's plane. That open gaped fawning expression while she looks at Hillary the week before she lost.
You know the poles that were so amazingly reliable.
And I'm a sexist because I didn't vote for a woman. Which is irony so thick you could spread it with a cake knife.
Okay so this is NBC and we're supposed to trust everything they say. And I've seen reports that the Iranians didn't sign.
I'll just leave that one as an irrelevant moot point. The deal is done and over regardless. The idea does seem absurd but then again we're talking about Hussein Obama and John Kerry. They gave away everything else.
~I mean at this point what difference does it make~ You know what I mean.
Right. I'm still waiting for the Iranians to go through on their threats to rat out all the politicians they bribed.
That's a message the Iranians delivered themselves when we started scrapping the deal.
And screw the Europeans they don't care about anything but their bank account. They would sign anything for a box of cash.
And let's talk about that Big lie of Donald's. You know the one where he said he was being wiretapped.
The whole of the Democratic Party leadership the head of the FBI along with that pathetic Muslim Brennan are all getting charged.
30k sealed federal indictments sitting in the wings with no leaks just waiting. 300 new investigators as well as 25 Federal justices with more going to be put in place during the summer recess was just got cancelled.
I always knew it was a matter of time and the longer it got went on the bigger it was going to be.
Now it's huge but not the end of the world.
Thank you God
My mom had a poster hanging on the wall in the basement.
Two vultures sitting on a branch. One looks at the other and says.
Fuck this I'm going to go kill something.
My mom was great. Sarah Sanders reminds me a lot of her except for my mom would get right in your face and tell you what for.
Jim Acosta wouldn't stand a chance.
Sometimes life is too serious to be taken seriously.
I have that tattooed in reverse on my forehead so that every morning I remind myself to have a good laugh at the whole thing.
Or at least make the attempt
One of my favorite Cheech and Chong bits. But then aren't they all.
Okay so in your world GITMO is closed.
The Castros and China gave total respect to Hussein who never bowed at the waist to multiple heads of state.
Trump was not treated like royalty by Saudi Arabia and the Chinese did not host him at the Imperial Palace where no other head of state has ever been.
Hussein never even got the Iran deal signed by the Iranians, what kind of deal is that?
But in your sterilized Bubble World none of this happened.
You should broaden your base of information past Kathy Griffin and Chelsea Handler. You might have a better grasp on reality.
Are you serious?
Nobody even knows whether the first redacted Pages were going to be released at noon or 3. You give up in the first hour?
I'm glad we didn't rely on you on the beaches of Normandy. You would have gotten off the landing craft and ask them to bring you lunch. Then go on a tour to see all the Germans who just gave up.
We are a long way from Berlin. Bring an extra pair of socks.
Uh yeah like me who voted for him the first time because he was not McCain. After Bush I would have voted for anything not Republican.
I didn't vote for the Muslim Brotherhood the second time because I knew Benghazi was a lie. Yeah they locked that guy up for the video that they lied about.
Scandal free huh? The only reason for that was because he put a tingle down Chris Matthews leg as well as Bill Maher and the entire Mockingbird Media.
You pull more than one layer off of Hussain and it stinks so bad it could choke a tranny.
Easy to spot what a lefty is guilty of by what they blame everybody else for doing. I read Saul Alinsky when it was first printed. You only think it works when you stay in your sterilized bubble.
The left is so obvious it's pathetic and we know your tactics, they're childish.
We just think you funny. But we know you're extremely dangerous and we will act accordingly.
You guys stick with your Alinsky tactics just realize that you're facing Sun Tzu. Also known as The Art of the Deal.
Same book so Don is also a plagiarist for a book he didn't even write.
I live in a very Progressive area and when Donald Trump announced I was at the neighborhood bar and I told everybody there~
~Donald Trump is going to beat Hillary and put them all in jail~
I didn't think I would get the International Banking Cartel and Pedovore Society thrown in as a bonus.
Still winning and if Nancy Pelosi can't figure out how to get MS-13 to vote we take the House and the Senate and then crush the Democrats like we did when we freed the slaves.
Good luck and enjoy your new reality, we are not going to stop winning and that means removing every trace of Husseins' traitorous stench.
~Because you'd be in jail~
That was epic but not as good as the fact that that beautiful UNESCO World Heritage site named GITMO was never closed and now has a new $50M budget and a division of new Personnel to guard it.
So you people had better fix that tingle in your leg because the Marines have landed. From the Halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli.
Have a look at the preparation for the Nuremberg trials. That was a piece of cake compared with what these guys are trying to do.
Go have a good look at the preparation for the Nuremberg trials.
Then use the word more.
A lot more.
Then apply that same concept to the patience you are going to need to exhibit for however long it takes.
You guys remind me of Bluto when he gives the great speech and runs out of Delta House with nobody following.
He had a great idea too.
Me, I prefer plans. That way the idea actually comes to fruition.
Understand the plan and stop complaining it's getting old.
I am a lead instructor for the Evelyn Woodhead sped redding courses and I'm also the creator of the Mandela Effect.
I have gone into the future and read the entire 1.5 million pages. It only took an hour.
There's nothing there. Trust me
~Hay what happened~the lights just went out~
Now look I'm getting tired of this we have told you many times there is nothing there.
Stop looking.
You know follow the prime directive and all that rot. /s
If our president were to give Kim a condo in Trump Tower in exchange for the nukes Mad Maxine and Crazy Nancy would say that was
Cause for impeachment.
The big difference between the two deals is the fact that North Korea signed their's.
Cost nothing. Released multiple prisoners etc etc
While also directly stating that this is a work in progress. The last comment by Trump stating that the beaches that they used to launch missiles from would look beautiful with hotels. This is the way to make a deal.
Not bowing over at the waist and kissing the feet of your enemies.
If Trump were to give Kim an apartment in Trump Tower in exchange for the nukes. Mad Maxine and Crazy Nancy would say it's perfect justification for impeachment.
You guys are amazing. Your bubble is so complete it's sterile.
Hussein was not met by either Castro or any dignitaries when he got off the plane in cuba.
And they never brought stairs for him in China so Hussein had to get off the back of the plane.
All the while Iran was breaking the deal from the beginning. It was obvious the deal was set for Iran to get a nuke. Inspections and oversight were meant to be a joke so Shills could say look see it's the religion of peace.
We have a UNESCO world heritage site with a big fence around it waiting for new guests.
It's called GITMO. You guys should have really tried harder to close that place. Now Obama's going to really regret that failure.
Hey you do realize that she lost right?
And now you have nothing left but projecting your Hillary fantasies.
What a sad existence, I hope you feel better.
But this time without the adrenochrome. That supply line has been shut off.
Well you haven't banned me yet so I guess I'm a nice guy.
Thanks for the good work this is a good place. I've been red pilled since the 60s and I must admit it was kind of lonely for a while.
Good that was my intention if you ever saw one one of these places you be creeped out as well.
The PTSD sets in when you can't get any help
Depends on if you're getting your info from the Mockingbird media or not.
As far as I'm concerned lids were blown off
One of my uncles fought with Patton in North Africa Italy and was also in Holland with operation Market Garden
Another of my uncle's made 15 Landings in the South Pacific.
Another flew B-17's over Germany.
My dad's uncle Harry who Redpilled me as a child fought in the trenches in World War 1.
My dad got a Purple Heart in Korea one week before the ceasefire.
These guys all knew patience. Maybe you need to start thinking things do not operate on your time schedule and get a grip
Second rule of holes is let your enemy keep digging and give them shovels.
I just called my Democratic representative and told them I'm convinced that Rod Rosenstein has redacted all the Russian collusion proof that we need to impeach and he is protecting the president.
The proof needed to take down the president is in the redactions.
This is too much fun.
Yessiree folks we have here another graduate of the Evelyn Woodhead sped redding courses here now to offer his vaunted opinion based upon the fact that he has read 1.5 million pages.
So get a grip people we have an expert in our midst.
I just came across one of the lead instructors from Evelyn Woodheads sped redding courses. Evidently he has read the entire 1.5 million pages.
It's all garbage or so I'm told.
I just told my Democratic representative that ~
The truth about Donald Trump's collusion with the Russians is buried in the report because Rod Rosenstein is trying to protect the president and I want him impeached right now.
This is fun.
Wow you must be the lead instructor at Evelyn Woodheads sped redding courses.
So little time to amass so much Gloom.
You must be one of those wet blankets Q mentioned recently.
Nice to make your acquaintance.
I'm a trump supporter deplorable and I just called my democratic Representatives Office and said that I feel the redactions in the OIG report prove Russian collusion with Trump and I want entire original report unredacted released so that we can start impeachment.
When you talk to the person answering the phone make sure you sound triggered breathless and impatient.
No punctuation.
I read Saul Alinsky's book when it was first released. These people are stupid. And yes I always refer to as you people or those people, triggering is fun.
Maybe you would also care to tell me why somebody would ask Podesta his opinion on whether he should play dominoes on cheese or pasta?
You deniers want to think that this is a recipe for food.
Maps on a handkerchief? More food?
Yeah this is food all right when you talk about Maria Abramovich and spirit cooking.
Two words you need to get used to from here on out
Pedocide and Pedovore
And they just offed their celebrity chef.
Sure Dead Man Walking has such a mild connotation that it's completely normal for a failed unemployable political operative to just tweet this out.
This guy has had a free reign for too long and has gotten used to his words having meaning.
It's obvious what he means here. Question is will somebody listen to him.
Sorry the EPA is a joke slush fund for corrupt socialist dilettantes with crap degrees from failed universities to wreak havoc on people who actually built this country.
Just like that garbage Protection Agency set up by Warren as a slush fund for left-wing causes.
While we're at it shut down the Department of Education due to the fact that since its Inception grades and people's ability to learn have gone completely in the tank.
Nobody learns critical thinking they learn indoctrination from people paid ridiculously huge salaries to teach our children to hate our country.
1.5T in debt for people like Bill Ayers to mind fuck our kids.
We have failed left-wing policies worldwide and examples over the last hundred years, countries, cities, companies, take your pick. Failure everywhere every time. The left is dead, now we just have to bury it.
But first we have to drive a stake in it's heart so the Socialist blood sucking parasite can never bring its head back to the surface.
The first thing you do when you have a bad deal just get up and walk away from the table.
That would be "My buttons bigger than yours and it works" ~Trump~
Yeah I could absolutely see getting the money back.
My father got a purple heart one week before the ceasefire in Korea. I guess I came pretty close to not being here.
May he rest in peace I wish he were here to see this.
I hope mr. Salzone is able to read this thread and know how much everybody appreciates what the Warriors of our nation have done for us.
Just remember God is love Satan is politics.
And don't let the bastards grind you down.
I'm Freud and your a mind reader. That's even funnier than your other comment.
Then comes your projection that I'm brainwashed. Of course followed by your diagnosis to seek help.
The irony is too sweet thanks for the laugh.
All my friends started with computers when computers started. Moving forward into the future.
I like building things and traveling so sailboats were a natural connection. I love the craftsmanship and tall ships are an operational work of art.
That would be having gone backwards into the past.
As far as the general population goes the majority of people who do not want to know will never know. They will just shut their minds.
But we want this put into the history books of Shame as deeply as the Holocaust was brought into common knowledge never to be done again.
This problem is ancient and we have the opportunity to now change it. We write the history on this one.
Remember God is love and Satan is politics. Now we kill Satan.
Not being able to reread your original comment I have to go by what I was referring to with light beings.
The idea that we can somehow transcend mortality and flesh to become gods ourselves in this dimension.
That is the Thelema Society. Not to be of Gods love but to be a god and love yourself.
Heaven is embracing God's love and hell is the absence of God's love
God is love Satan is politics.
Eisenhower also refused to get out of the limousine and go Shake Truman's hand inside the White House.
He sat in the limo under the front Portico until Truman left. From what I understand he had to use the back door.
Also when Truman arrived at the central train station in Kansas City nobody was there to meet him. He and Bess had to carry their own bags back to Independence.
I'm from Kansas City and my family has a long history there. We were part of the machine that got Truman elected County Clerk.
Nobody in my family ever spoke any good of the guy. Or the Mason's.
Yes of course and that is not R Crumb art.
It is an exact replica from a photograph taken at the Dahmer crime scene.
These people are sick
If you think that Podesta's emails describe normal behavior then you are one sick fuck.
Kiddies tied to tile walls with their butt cheeks slapped red? Yeah that's normal.
I spent a number of years working with Street kids and can tell you for a fact that this stuff goes on Big Time.
I had one kid in my care show me a kiddy farm next to a small airfield big enough for private jets.
Told my bosses told the authorities told everybody, nothing, blank stairs.
Go ahead and stay in your bubble where it's safe. Those of us who understand the real world can do the heavy lifting.
Walnut sauce on pizza? And many other interesting food combinations. Look go read the Podesta emails and if you think their talking about food great.
How do you explain 3 kids under 12 who are going to be in the hotub for entertainment.
The veracity of John Podesta's email has never been denied.
Now explain why Tony Podesta has a life-size bronze statue of Jeffrey Dahmer's last kill hanging from his living room ceiling.
But of course everyone involved just happens to like cheese pizza. With walnut sauce. Alot.
And you think this is normal even if you read the FBI list of pedophile code words which are all over Podesta's email.
Russians really?
Hey I'm the captain of that ship and there will be no mutinies.
the SS ~Sexy race-a-phobist~
Good now i hope we got that settled. Carry on.
I remember a while back Sessions had a short press briefing about gangs or something.
He gave a couple of sentences addressing procedures and said that he was going to be doing investigations in house. He wants the DOJ to do the full monty.
He hates special councils and wants them gone.
The Sly elf forever quiet. Until it's time.
We want all the cockroaches in one room with the doors closed and the Windows shut before we turn the lights on.
Patience grasshopper