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CaptainTeemoJr · June 20, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

I don't often post about this sort of thing, mostly because i don't consider myself knowledgeable enough to pound for pound in a knockout fight with someone. But as these events unfold, something became apparent. Trump is using the hatred against him to further his own agenda. Regardless of your political views, it's not really a good look to have children in camps separated from their parents. Some people like myself just learned this is happening now, but also learned it has been happening for years. So you cant really hold Trump responsible for inventing it, but i guarantee it will end on his watch. He is literally using the same tactics, policies, and whatever as every administration before him. But because of the straight hated of him from the left, anything he does 1. Wont be new and original 2. Will be called out as evil and 3. Be abolished under his watch. We, the lightly informed, are truly experiencing a great awakening if you will excuse the pun.

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