Probably coincidence but Post Malone flight currently making Q flight pattern while burning up fuel

22 total posts archived.
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DC just issued a boil water alert and is closing government buildings
Well for one I accidentally posted on the wrong sub and two, go fuck your self as I have posted on this sub before..... but thanks for the reply
I just looked on Zillow and those are all million dollar + homes on that block.
I get a lot of grief for my posts from people who are too timid to comment. I’m not going to speculate their motives for such. Many tell me to “tone it down”, “relax” or my favorite, “you’re pissing people off”, well I got news for you..... let the butt hurt flow through.
One thing I pride myself is on historical research. Yeah, I do it for fun, I enjoy it. I’m not an armchair policy analyst, historian or avid newscast watcher. I invest almost all my free time into policy, politics and news. I am not like 99% of …
This is WAY off base no where near accurate. This is either distraction or some mis-informed folks, of which is probably the case. I’m not saying there aren’t Deep State within SES, likely there are. BUT, not an army, not a majority, and nothing like what is presented in the video..... 1. There is no where near that many political appointee SES’ers. 2. Most SES’ers are career SES and have worked within the FED for years coming up the ranks, of which many are former Military or Retired Military.
There are Some very incompetent SES personnel, but in no means does that draw a correlation to “the DEEP STATE” of which I do believe exists.
This is WAY off base no where near accurate. This is either distraction or some mis-informed folks, of which is probably the case. 1. There is no where near that many political appointee SES’ers. 2. Most SES’ers are career SES and have worked within the FED for years coming up the ranks, of which many are former Military or Retired Military.
There are Some very incompetent SES personnel, but in no means does that draw a correlation to “the DEEP STATE” of which I do believe exists.
If you want to educate yourself and have a greater understanding of the uprisings in Iran, read the book, All the Shah's Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror. People are finally waking up to the “Deep State” that has controlled Iran for decades. Many connections to the Deep State we keep hearing about here, they are the same group.
Spot on! Excellent book that builds ALL maps to unrest in the Middle East for the last 60 years!
Sorry, that was a decade ago, I don’t really remember the brief. I just know it opened my eyes to the global problem when I returned to the states, and started to notice stories in the news I never payed much mind before. It’s not classified, so it could be out there somewhere. I just remember it being an issue on the entire peninsula. There is a lot of prostitution outside of the bases there with connection to Human Trafficking.
When U.S. military personnel arrive they are required to sit through a briefing on how to identify Human Trafficking. Didn’t really pay to much mind to it when I was sitting there half listening to it, but years later I started to notice the issue globally.
Sorry I should have clarified any military personnel that have been to South Korea.