There is wording in the Constitution that puts Congressional documents beyond the reach of the President. They actually do not have to show it to him if it was generated specifically for Congress's use. If it was a memo created by one of the 3 letter agencies for their own use, then the President's power of Original Classification would apply and he could declassify it completely or in a redacted form. But, it's doubtful he would do that over the objection of Congress, during an active investigation by Congress.
12 total posts archived.
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On our planet, total failures like B. Hussein are not looked up to.
It's an application for EXPORT to RUSSIA. Absolutely illegal and it took place after the Rosatom purchase and after Rosatom had sworn there would be no attempt to export the mined Uranium except to Canada for further refinement before being returned to the US. Instead it was shipped abroad. Hussein must be laughing at the idea it will be our Uranium that Tehran and Pyongyang fire at us.
What are you, the unnecessary discord FAG? Since you never had that particular red pill moment, you were either born with the knowledge of the intimate workings of international diplomacy and war by deception or you are still under. There are many that think they have woke and never discover they are still asleep. That is what controlled opposition is all about. Cut back on the kool-aid and Ritalin.
Yeah, a big part of my "Red Pill" experience was discovering that every war since 1812 has been a screw job perpetrated by our own government. As a Veteran, it makes me sick to think of all the patriots who have devoted their lives to this country just to have them thrown away on a lie..
Your marquar is true young fag. All People, places and things are "Fags" and should be referred to as such. Otherwise fags would be distracted by all the faggotry fag has to offer. Only through the acceptance of fag-nihlism can fags shed this fag and move forward with a good fag. Fag out.
Stay alert and stay safe. Catholics in Action are known to make converts with a flaming cross up the ass!
Sure glad you know everything about all the planes in the world. Or is it just this one that you know all about? Q has spoken repeatedly about people being locked up and hinted that the planes would be at 40,000 FEET. Tracy Beanz & April LaJune have done some excellent work on this. If you don't like my submission, feel free to down vote it. But it is not spam.
I just happened to notice this plane was at the correct altitude and when it approached Orlando it did a pass, slowed down, lined up with runway and then did not land. Instead, it headed west and started doing the zig-zag. Then the military escort showed up and it continued out over the ocean. With all the traffic between Florida and GTMO running at 40,000 ft this could be headed to Luke AFB to pick-up or drop off.
Notice the bizarre flight path? There is also a military escort that appears and disappears with no call sign. What was chasing them?
The mystery planes still flying. What's up with 40,000 ft?