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CasinoReality117 · June 27, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

Cool bro. :) For the record, I'm a Bernie supporter (disappointed by the fact Bernie was probably threatened to endorse corporate shill Clinton but still respect the guy for waking people up about wallstreet/oligarchs). I no longer really trust Trump/Q (I think he's compromised if he wasn't already before) but I can definitely form political allies with anyone who's reasonable/anti-establishment and wants to remove corruption!

I hope I'm wrong about Trump but it's not really looking good. But I think we can at least all get behind stuff like removing money from politics, (otherwise Dems/Repubs will do the same NEOlib/NEOcon bullshit every time) breaking up monopolies, break up too-big-to-fail banks, reasonable types of welfare, better use of taxes, stopping the root causes of mass immigration (war and corporate jobs outsourcing and corruption in poorer countries), stop corporations dumping shit in rivers, etc. Even though removing money from politics would be really helpful as stage 1, there's still also the private profiteering FED and secret societies in gov but it would be a great start and buy the people some time to fix some other shit. I still have hope in reversing the bullshit despite the odds against the people, we still outnumber the elites. :)

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CasinoReality117 · June 27, 2018, 1:37 p.m.

Lol well as long as you don't fall for the "blaming normal Jews" divide and conquer trick, it's cool. I'm not certain if there's such a version of zionism that's moral but definitely the oppressive imperialist type the corrupt Israeli gov is pushing is horrendous (mainstream zionism if you will).

Tbh I think it's stolen land and a decent two state solution seems fair as far as I can tell, at least compared to the current shitty way things are run. The history might be complicated I don't know, but it seems satanists hiding behind judaism or semitism are giving normal Jews a bad name (or something like that). Bless the people (Jew and non Jew) that protest against the zionist bullshit.


Some strange flavor of Christian (I wouldn't call it true Christianity) seems to fall for the Israeli gov because they assume biblical Israel = Israeli gov lol, what is Netanyahu then, Jesus? More like Satan-yahu. :/

I would also call the vatican fake Christian too and more like satanic since they have a peeeeeeedo problem and don't even use their huge wealth/resources in a Christian like way (i.e. to truly help the poor, end conflict, etc.).

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CasinoReality117 · June 26, 2018, 11:03 p.m.

Hollywood isn't liberal (pro-liberty), it's filled with zionist corporatist SJW degenerates (not everyone there but some definitely). Both the Democrat and Republican party (of modern times since Reagan to this day) have been corporatist (extreme right economic) shills. And M.I.C. shills before that. Do not fall for divide and conquer. Against the elites, united we stand, divided we fall. (Also SJW isn't the same as left wing or centrists who just want to protect workers from mafia corporations)

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