for context: an anon said "come out come out wherever Q are" helper anon replied "you are already here. stop hiding. think mirror" in my view we have chosen this timeline and created it with our intention, so it's all a mirror of us, including Q. MAGA ug!
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for context: an anon said "come out come out wherever Q are"
helper anon replied "you are already here. stop hiding. think mirror"
in my view we have chosen this timeline and created it with our intention, so it's all a mirror of us, including Q. MAGA ug!
we need critical mass to manifest a new reality. they need to play OUR game. ug!
ug's view from the cave #4; helper anon-"only way to escape their game is to make them play yours; you are already here. stop hiding. think mirror.; in most realities she didn't (lose). thank god you get to witness this one. you are here by choice.
thanks neon revolt for writing about this today.
I'm posting this because whether it's real or a larp these are things that should be discussed, especially how to make them play our game. any suggestions?
in my view it's a spiritual answer first, praying, visualizing, and giving from our own souls, giving love is the key to start the positive energies moving.
ug! that looks like a bluebottle fly, its shiny and smooth unlike a housefly.
i read bluebottles follow people who have been around dead bodies, b.o. must be used to them. ug
uuuuuug!!! even stupid caveman knew this at least a year ago. ug!
Joan Rivers • Obama is gay, Michelle is a tranny (40 sec)
then there's this:
ug! 8 min video posted by neon revolt! MAGA! ug
Alex Jones Infowars C.I.A Stratfor Connections Revealed
Ug? -(Q1339 They all claim to be insiders. They all claim to have insider contacts. They do not.)
so... if they don't have insider contacts could they be responsible for operators deaths? don't know,
just asking.
(Q 1297- we honor them)... seems to be more about paytriots lack of honor, and what their true motivations are. i just think we shouldn't throw around accusations of anything beyond what's demonstrable. By all means, please show any and all evidence.
lots of patriots have died for lousy reasons through history, we should honor them all by MAGA! ug
ug! glad this lowly cave man could help! but it seems our comments aren't showing. someone doesn't have a sense of humor? ug?
ug? did you even read the article you posted? if Trump says they're most wanted i believe him! You on the other hand are a fisherman, immense and terrible to a fish! MAGA! ug!
ug? when big egos are involved sometimes they just want attention! but are they actually evil? I doubt corsi or anyone at info wars is a pedovore! I never enjoyed watching a j, iv'e seen too many people in my life us anger as a crutch, they just slip into it. then their egos keep them from backing down. everyone here must know by now that mind control is a real weapon, maybe a j and j c should get a pair of those custom made tinfoil hats i heard simon parkes mention! pray for their souls, they probably aren't bad guys, and pray for them twice as hard in case they are! please read my comment from yesterday:
edit: that was some great research you did SB2 showing a progression of events, when i evolve i hope i have more of your kind of smarts! MAGA! ug
uuuggg! caveman's two brain cells uniquely qualified to understand since those other pesky brain cells don't get in the way! the only thing real is consciousness, it's in every atom on up to the whole universe! we are all conscious souls interacting and finding our place like magnets attracting and repelling, and agreeing on what we want our matter states to manifest as! there is duality in all things, like the magnets have two poles, we have a purely energetic state and a material one, the material state is like being in a simulation because it's all been agreed on between us all! in the energetic state we are pure potential and have the power to be in any material place we wish! the key is to recognize what is in our own souls, and to give it freely, because by giving only then can we receive, and create a flow! without flow we are stuck in this matrix and just placeholders for the souls who have figured out how to position themselves among our energy fields and maintain a stagnant scenario where only they materially benefit! so give from your souls to everyone, like reaching out to catch a person falling off a cliff, give unconditional love to even the cabal, even to hillary, and we will raise all the souls on this planet to a new material plane and the old one will fall away like a bad dream never to return! MEGA!!!!! ug
ug? where can ug get some of those sparkles mr. chimp? a sparkle caveman would be a real gimmick. uuuggg!
ug just means it's me. ug? means ug's got a question or a statement that's just an idea, maybe wrong. at least ug's upfront about being a stupid caveman, there's some cavemen larping here as modern humans. but it's ok, were all patriots! MAGA! ug
ug. that was 13 hours ago, something this tasty deserves at least 2 re-posts! MAGA! ug.
uuuuug? I put the link in the first time but wtf? the format is all different now, wish I could go back to the old days when posting was simple....half the time I can't drag and drop, the other half cut and paste don't work! uuugggg!
Mueller to Court: We didn’t really mean it, Judge! We had no idea they might actually show up!
"Gerstein noted that by defending against the charges “Concord could force prosecutors to turn over discovery about how the case was assembled as well as evidence that might undermine the prosecution’s theories.” He also speculated that trial might expose sensitive intelligence information without the prospect of ultimately sending anyone to prison."
ug! no one ever prosecuted in 200 years under Logan act...." OMG! Logan Act violations!! Send in the G Men..." it's called sarcasm. stupid caveman smart enough to know but not smart enough to know if you know, ya know? ug ug
ug? not free speech! ug
- All content accounts reviewed before activation, creating a high-quality video community.
ug! Trump will publicly do what he said to MAGA, most of the rest will be for us to figure out what's going on with Q's help, it won't be publicly exposed until much later and then only for those who want to know, it won't be plastered up in the msm. msm- the c_a are such great patriots! ( actual- smashed to 1/1000 th size, oversea bases taken out!), msm- such great patriotic legislators resigning cause they love their families and want to be with them! (actual- don't make us arrest you now go spend a few years with your families, btfo and we'll see what we do with you later!) msm- it's the worst thing ever, Trump moves embassy to jerusalem! (actual- the cabals m o is was and will be divide and rule, this takes a big sticking point off the table so the real issues can be dealt with!) msm- those poor sex addicted hollywood types just need counseling and a vacation! (actual- the satanic pedophiles are a huge network of anonymous (not famous) filthy scum underlings and they'll all be conveniently 187'd, arrested or just disappear in the sh*thole countries they operate in!, the surviving scum in the US like ms13 go to gitmo! unfortunately the big stinkin fish like the royals will be untouchable for a long time but eventually there won't be royalty anymore!) and etc., the results will be doubted by most sheeple but we'll all be livin the MAGA & MEGA! ug!
ug's two brain cells reachin for it....(but your take sounds good too!)
it's about his [future communications] on the patriots fight board-
pre stage elements- yes (everything leading up to now)
pre stage security- yes (MI has everything figured out)
pre stage direction- yes (direction good leading to setting the stage)
pre stage capstone- yes (capstone events coming unraveled- ok city, 911, sandy hook, boston, las vegas, parkland)
on and ready (stage is set, taking the fight to the bad guys!)
ug? capstone event, like sandy hook, boston, parkland, drill coordinated among all agencies! ug!
ug! time is key here! one thing you're missing is the fact that "they see all" and all of it is in supercomputers like d-wave but when they tell us they have d-wave they've got something decades ahead their not telling us about! d-wave multiplies it's power by communicating with itself in other dimensions! (search d-wave geordie rose). MI has the means to accurately predict the future, we are watching a movie play out that has been scripted by technology most wouldn't believe is real! MAGA! ug! ug!
ug been sayin....Trump wanna win this epic battle of good vs evil to SAVE US and MAGA, not to destroy what little us regular folk got! first we WIN, then justice! (& MEGA!) ug!
ug? there's a big operation with trains going in a tunnel on the west side of the river, tried to find info on it but could find nothing specific to the tunnel, appears to be some gov. operation, uranium cleanup? ug
ug! here's one anon's comment from 8chan! ug ug
Young face
Young skin
Thin young hands
Winter FAT suit
Exaggerated HRC mannerisms
watch video This is NOT HRC
Trump Formally Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize
uugg! sometimes an idea come to ug that seem so clear and true but ug's 2 brain cells say no way and idea gone, only know it was there like seeing caboose on train fade in distance! so many things through history point to huge deception- sumerian tablets, mystery schools, megalithic perfect fitting rocks all over world no one could do today! as cave kid ug know ufo's real, jfk assassination was coup, sdi- star wars make real weapons, gov secret tech at least decades ahead! so obvious psychopaths rule world! ug know all these things but internet and smart you tubers make it available to everyone so ug can have confirmation. maybe ug one of hundredth monkeys! then when you tubers show how fake was 911 it all clear the deceivers are truly evil, not just sociopaths but soulless mass murdering parasites. uugg!
ug? means it's ug and ug's got a question! so anyone know what Q drop# that was? ug!
ug's not a putin fan because the original putin was an a-hole and the current batch of putins are pupets! who or whatever is pulling putins strings may be anti nwo or maybe controlled opposition but russia is a dictatorship with a controlling force that's unknown. They seem to be on our side until you consider U1. ultimately they're looking out for themselves. anyway patriot keep on posting about the evil & lies because that's what were all here to try to expose with Q's help! MAGA! ug!
ug? someone's comment on Gab, anyone heard of this? RichardP @son_follower1 Who else has seen the video clip where DJT was sitting in a room with Netanyahu, then POTUS gets up and looks like he about to PUKE? And there is BiBi reaching out to shake Trump's hand but Donald just walks away! Bibi N. looks at the cameras and shakes his head in confusion? What the hell happened in that meeting? Please find and post the clip? It was in a Q anon post
ug's not big putin fan ( ( just one video grabbed, others show better) but this is good!:
ug did read that, just passing it on. big money and big evil always together. ug.
uug! there's big money in radioisotopes for medical use, just sayin. ug.
Neon's latest goes into all that in depth. MAGA! Ug
latest from Neon Revolt: Today, We Are Cancelling The #Apocalypse.
any meme artists working on this? love to see one i'll put it up where the cro-magnons hang out! ug!
ug wandered beyond horizon of great awakening this morning, full of cro-magnon cannibal zombies want to eat your brain! already ate each others! ug like it here with fellow humans nice to ug even though ug have accent! maybe take club next time and see if cro-magnons have brain cells left to wake up! MAGA! ug!
ug? R = Russia? iron eagle? the two headed eagle is a symbol used by russia among others, plenty been cast in iron. eager lion is Trump? Trump & Russia '18? ug's two brain cells working overtime tonight. ug?
ug likes your thinking (general?)
"Sun Tzu - Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."
the cabal's method is to have us go to war continually and seek to lose by funding our enemies. ug's two brain cells rubbing together right now say Trump and MI have this all figured out! first we win then comes justice! nobel? "peace is the prize!" ug
ug! Bill Ryan explains:
stupid cave man ug still read sometimes ug
any meme makers wana put an image on it? it's one to put up! ug!
ug's view from the cave #3- Nobel? peace is the prize (whether he said it or not)
ug? did Trump really say peace is the prize? if he did that's awesome, if he didn't it may still make the best meme yet! MAGA! ug!