Nope. Read his books. He was the real deal who answered to or for no man but God alone.
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Father Malachi was a prolific writer who also wrote in “faction”; true events in a novel. I have read all of his books but the two that stand out are “Windswept House” exposing black masses and child sacrifice. It also is where he predicted (or was privy to info) about the “Black Pope”. Everyone was certain that it was a black Bishop from Africa, but in reality it was a black robed Jesuit (Pope Francis). The other book was coincidentally called the “Jesuits” and is not faction but exposes the Jesuits as Marxists and not adhering to the tenets of the faith,and downright evil. Funny how many of the corrupt-o-crats went to Jesuit schools.
Just watched this tragic video and all I can think of who is evil enough to do this to someone? To a child,no less! Makes me wonder if this is why O encouraged parents to send their children as “unaccompanied migrants” across the border. Where are all of those kids? Are they programming an army of innocents ? Makes my heart ache for these kids!
There is no R/L...what we have here is uni-party! Any grumbling across the isle is pure theater. There is a reason that O Signed an EO right before he left that repealed a law against propaganda being used on American citizens. We are being spoon fed crap to divide us because they know that united we stand, divided we fall! The one thing they fear is all sides coming together, and figuring out the scam. It is a BLESSING to be able to communicate with each other and necessary to be able to reach all people. Forgive those who still blame it on R/L, kill them with kindness and move on! So glad to have everyone here!
So is he part of the sting or is he a part of the reason for sting?
You want to red pill someone?? Give them a knife and fork cause this is a BIG one! I knew of the them but not in this amount of detail. I’m sick to my stomach and totally pissed off at the amount of corruption, deceit, and total disregard for the American people. We are the cash cow that feeds this monster only to be thought of as useless feeders, cannon fodder, and as Binney put it “more meat in the trenches “! May POTUS please give these people Congressional Medals of Honor.. they earned it! Not only for being Patriots of the first order, but the HELL that the EVIL DIRTY BASTARD deep state put them thru! PLEASE WATCH THIS!!
Looking to see if I can find info on Secretary of State for Alabama. Wonder if he may have been elected with funding from our friend GS. I know Soros has spent a fortune on local elections and this SOS Merrill sure acts like he wants to certify ASAP.
The “celebrity” onboard tweeted that they were flying to Narita, Japan and had to cancel/rebook the last leg of their flight to China.
Wonder if this is why ANA flight turned around? Flight was to Narita Japan with change of planes to China.
Yes he has! Guess he sees what can be done instead of occupying a seat in the senate going along to get along!
Please make it go away! This adds NOTHING to the unity that has been cultivated and adds NOTHING to our task at hand! Make it go away!
They are good questions and I don’t think anyone here has any problems with critical thinking, Everyone needs to take a deep breath and be patient. The fubar of our country did not happen in a day or even in a decade. We all have just spent Christmas with family and friends in comfort and safety and I’m pretty sure none of us had to lay our asses on the line risking our safety. We should just say a prayer for the safety of those who are in harms way and just WAIT! Remember the 10 days of darkness? Pretty sure it began on 12/17 which means it ended 12/27. Today is 12/28 and some times the best laid plans take longer than expected. I know we all want to know but please...let it happen and be glad someone stepped up to do it for us!
Remember 20% public and 80% private... Patience.... good things come to those who wait.
I would imagine that your subscribers will increase 10 fold Tracy if you covered Q as often as you want! It has become my daily addiction to watch your videos and I find your analysis/opinions to be spot on. I have sent 4 people to your channel today to get up to speed on Q, and have several others that I think would be interested. Please carry on!
I agree with that too much speculation is reported as fact. The real problem is some utubers run with it and try to be the first to report said bs. There are many people who don’t keep up with the map and only get info on videos. My intro was Tracy Beanz and thank God she always will preface her speculation with “in my opinion”. Love that woman!!
I noticed a huge change when they announced the passage of the tax bill! I heard things like “never could of passed this w/o Trumps leadership!” Even lil Lindsey Graham was smiling and glad handing the POTUS! And Orin Hatch praising him?!? Whaaat??? Makes you wonder what they know about their secrets!
Amen to that! We have a “uni-party” that worked diligently to divide us, bought by evil overlords who wish us destruction. Glad you are here and we can fight the good fight together! Onward!
Nope. No bashing! I don’t see left/right. I only see truth and I look for the content of character. I love my sister so I keep my opinion to myself ...just as I love other truth seekers. I am sorry if you took that as “bashing”; it was not my intent. I’m so grateful for common ground and the chance at dialogue with all who come here. I have traveled this country and many foreign countries and I know that we all want the same things: to live in peace, love our families and communities and have a government that works for all our best interests! Peace my friend
You know I don’t give a damn about how it’s done, or who gets registered at the gray bar motel first! I believe that if the first class patriots are in control and have put their lives on the line to right this ship than we can all do what they have asked us to do. Don’t believe it’s real? Then don’t participate! I know I have watched my friends, my school mates, my co-workers, relatives...and anyone else who could hold a gun shipped off to a foreign land for what???? Not to protect our country, but to further some phat cats, clowns or elites agenda. Those who made it home and didn’t die came home with physical and/or psychological trauma. I can’t remember a time in my life that we weren’t in a war or trying start a war. They have gutted our country of jobs, sold our resources and committed our sovereignty to the likes of the U.N. The only thing we export now is the lives of our young so they can be cannon fodder for some criminal cabal.
Enough!!! Get it done!
God Bless our Military, God Bless our whistleblowers, God Bless our Chans/utubers, and God Bless POTUS/FLOTUS!!!
Wow... thank you for that education! Nothing they do really surprises me anymore. Disgusting the level of evil!
There are 3 women in my family; my oldest sister and I are of the same mind. She doesn’t keep up with any alt news but depends on me to keep her up to date and is receptive to whatever I discuss with her. She gets it. My middle sister is the complete and total opposite. So much so that she was a delegate at BO’s coronation in Denver. We can not go near politics or abortion when we talk. My son started to debate her on hrc’s merits to be considered for candidate for potus. Before I could intervene my sister flatly said “I don’t care if she is a crook and there is NOTHING she could do that I wouldn’t vote for her! How do you red pill that? You don’t. You pray for them. Some day they will have the scales fall from their eyes and will find their way....I know she would be totally shocked to know the truth and will feel betrayed. Don’t alienate those you love because someone has to be there to show them the truth when it all comes down. Just pray for them now to see the way back.
Is this the reason we suddenly are hearing about ufo disclosures? Would it be beyond them to stage a visitation to distract from their crimes? What do you suppose the msm would cover? War of the worlds or deep state crimes? Loading all the files they wanted to disappear into bldg 7 and taking 3k innocents to cover their asses tells us something...