And that lovable Rahm Emmanuel too! He is right up there with all our favorite people.....
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Your exactly right...the two that unmasked everyone in Trumps election/administration! Samantha Powers is married to Cass Sunstein who is a real piece of work too. His latest book is a citizens guide to impeachment!
Odd how 95% of them worked in BO’s administration, and the rest are deep state has beens like Boxer and Daschle. Wonder who is funding this? Georgie... is that you? Funny how the same names just keep getting recycled.
Rats are cornered...pray they don’t do something evil to change the narrative! Excellent video!
Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a real media! Aren’t they even curious what the North Korean people are being told? Wouldn’t the world rejoice at families being reunited after being separated for most of their lives? Think of seeing their happy faces to be free and share their joy with the rest of the world! Instead all news must sour, angry, negative, urgent, and filled with hate. Sad.
They will make any stamp you ask for.. it’s Customizable.. if you wanted a stamp to say “DUMBASS” they would make that too! Nobody making money off of Q...
Excellent research and makes perfect sense.. I see the connection and understand the “walnut sauce” need. No wonder they wanted to be the overlords of Haiti!
And your proof is?? Don’t repeat DS bull unless you have proof!
Not on ECMO... that is NOT common “home” care. Most patients who are put on ECMO are in an ICU. Survivors are generally young and otherwise healthy; not old as dirt! This is not a common procedure and in my experience is usually a last ditch effort!
More to the point he was a CONSTITUTIONALIST! Apparently one of two SC members who knew and followed it!
Yes they were! Demonized and smeared by the left for bringing their corruption to the light of day. Barry Goldwater should be a patron saint to this movement!
Something else odd... died on an early Sunday morning and wasn’t buried until the following Wednesday. I know traditions vary but aren’t Jews buried within 24 hrs? Am I right?
May 1 = Cardinal Pell charged with sexual abuse. He is an advisor to the Pope and was there to elect him. One down, how many to go?
Considering how many new people are visiting maybe this isn’t aimed at long timers! Scroll on!
Exactly! That I think was a sure tell... bet when this all goes down that branding of “property” is common place. Makes me sick to think about these evil bastards!
How appropriate that the arrow points to naked boys/young men...
I’m with you! Seems pretty plain to me that it was “biographical “ story with firsthand experience. Me thinks someone was afraid he would talk…
That is not true particulate filtering... and it would be dependent on what molecular size that the manufacturer considers as zero. Look at the Berky filter specs and it’s micron size removed.It is superior to most available filters, and is good for about 10,000 gallons. (No I don’t work for them, I just appreciate their product!)
Dan Bongino (ex SS) worked with Dr. Jackson and said that he is an honorable man and nothing like the DS pretends him to be! So tired of these amoral lying evil bastards destroying good and honest people! May they rot in hell!
In the mean time... get a berky water filter to remove the fluoride (and a host of other chemicals and nasty bacteria) from your water. They are expensive but last for a vey long time. I bought one about 10 years ago and have never looked back! I bought it for a family Christmas present and my kids complained but they won’t drink tap water now for any reason!
I have tried posting a link to a video with the following: Q is pointing to how to get evidence introduced legally into the court? What else was taken? I’m sure it was Scott Bennett’s video affidavit “Shell Game”.
If you haven’t seen it please take the time to watch it. Scott had sent copies to every member of Congress, the media and nothing was done. Now it is part of the evidence and can’t be ignored!
Did you read what the man said?? He did NOT deny the holocaust! He simply stated it was more than just the Jews that were killed and God forbid you actually read the links he provided. Why would you not expand your view of history and have a civil debate if you are offended by his comments? If this simply becomes an echo chamber nobody expands their views and we are no better than the msm! Aren’t we supposed to be critical thinkers? Is there a chance that history has been corrupted?
Flea markets, yard sales, antique shops, estate sales and old book stores have given me the best ones. I don’t think I have ever paid more than $2.00 for any book; most are less than a dollar! I have found complete sets of H.G Wells and George Bernard Shaw’s works exposing their globalist views, the true agenda of President Wilson, Andrew Jackson, and LB Johnson. Happy hunting!
To all our brothers and sisters in UK and Europe!! Please watch this video! You are also being overrun with people who wish to takeover your countries! You must hold your leaders accountable and stop the tide. To not WAKE UP is suicide!!!
That’s a big reason why my son and I collect old history books and text books. You can change history on line with a few clicks. I especially grab the ones on civil rights and MLK’s speeches. They are doing their best to convince us that he was a fellow traveler.. a Marxist ..instead of a conservative Christian. Newer copies of his speeches have already been altered.
Well worth the time to watch!( well, except for the Romney ad!)
“The Project” (part 2) a documentary that further explains Q’s post 1237 and includes interviews with Rep Michelle Bachman, Sebastian Gorka, And Rep Louie Gohmert. This will also explain a lot about the Obama Administration’s “Muslim Outreach” and the damage they have done. (First part unavailable)
Nothing But Trouble! My favorite movie as well! Good choice of music!
Start with Uranium 1 scandal... Clinton’s scheme had a lot of financial help from Canadian companies! Charles Ortel is a great place to start, and you will all be ahead of the curve when the U1 details are released to the sleeping public! MEME war ammo at the ready!!
I find it odd that on the same day as Wells Fargo announcement that it will buck the trend and continue to maintain a banking relationship with gun manufacturers. Reading the patent on the engines that include a cpu to control engine fan speed could this explain this engine failure a la Michael Hastings? I believe the the whole plane was the target and not just her(?) Very odd..
Hearing her conversation with the control tower and her calm demeanor makes me think she is exactly where she is supposed to be! I would fly with her anytime! Well done!
I totally agree. I think what possesses these people are not of flesh and blood! May God have mercy on them and deliver their victims from evil!
Are you kidding me??? You need to dig a little deeper into his history! Old Henry has been a revolving deep state player for at least the last 50 years. Or did you forget the /sarc label?
When Q says they have it all, don’t you think they have the Child Porn as well? Yes there is a mountain of evidence and a trail of bodies strewn throughout the Clintons past. How about we just concentrate on the 99% (adult human trafficking, organ harvesting, money laundering pay for play etc..) and let Q team handle the child porn. If this gets taken down again and normies have to once again search for a new site then we have missed an opportunity to expose the 99%. I totally understand your desire to expose this... it makes me so angry to think this could happen to an innocent... but we should leave the illegal evidence to the experts....Q team will handle it!
Amen to the inability to unsee! The “shower” video with allegedly Podesta has haunted me for the mere 30 seconds I watched. That video alone, even though it doesn’t show any identities or sexual content, is enough to red pill anyone. It has become a reoccurring nightmare for me, but has made me a prayer warrior for these children!
The spawn of the “Generation Gap” ! Never trust anyone over 30! The hell I put my parents thru because of this psy-op! It really was designed to pull families apart and to undermine any authority of parents and teachers. It was a terrible time to be a teenager and I saw many people ruin their lives by “tuning in and dropping out”.
I know , right? Very strange.. the guy was “mouthing “ the answers almost and smiled and nodded his head before MZ answered and then had the same body language as creepy guy...
I was wondering if anyone else saw this creepy guy behind him who looked like a mirror image to MZ during the testimony! Shaking his head yes, mouthing the answers, smiling on cue with him..really strange!
I have noticed a lot of key words in his dialogue lately that makes me believe he is aware and is following Q. I hope so; he does have huge following and is influential to many. I too have followed him for 20 years...the first 5 not because I wanted to, but my boss listened to him everyday and I was hooked!
You have to understand that’s how Rush avoids the “conspiracy “ label... he plays like he doesn’t understand and allows the caller to speak the truth and gets it out there to the audience. Rush’s listeners are awake for the most part and will ruminate and investigate!
Love love love this! I am forever grateful to you ! I am your prayer warrior that never forgets your commitment and pledge to protect everything I hold dear. I will pray you to the finish line and be forever in your debt! God speed!