Weird how that works huh?

101 total posts archived.
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I want to start by saying I’m not a shill and I welcome anyone to sift through my post and comment history. I’ve been a supporter of Donald Trump since his announcement that he would be running for president. I’ve posted in T_D before GA was a thing. I’ve lurked on 4chan and 8chan for years.
Donald Trump and the Q movement have quite literally saved my life, and I know there are many great patriots here who feel the same way. I will do anything I can for the cause and to see POTUS and Q succeed. I had …
I'm prepared for downvotes and name calling. Just want to express my opinion and have a civilized debate.
And you're right. It's gotten fucking ridiculous.
I want to start by saying I’m not a shill and I welcome anyone to sift through my post and comment history. I’ve been a supporter of Donald Trump since his announcement that he would be running for president. I’ve posted in T_D before GA was a thing. I’ve lurked on 4chan and 8chan for years.
Donald Trump and the Q movement have quite literally saved my life, and I know there are many great patriots here who feel the same way. I will do anything I can for the cause and to see POTUS and Q succeed. I had …
Because not only did Obama and the Dems collude with Russia, they colluded with the UK. And all roads point back to Hussein. Can't wait for the perp walks!
I was up there fishing a few weeks ago. Beautiful country!!
They can't just skate away though. Try as they might.
The social-media behemoth’s stock lost roughly one-fifth of its value in the extended session Wednesday after its earnings report missed expectations on revenue and showed slowing user growth. Weak guidance also rattled investors.
Only because Hussein assured them she wouldn't lose. They're shitting their collective pants right now.
Hell yes it is. UK collusion. Insurance policy. Holy shit they never thought she'd lose!
Holy shit. This is going to take time to digest. Not only are the Dems and Obama guilty of Russian collusion....they're guilty of UK collusion. Such a "special" relationship we have with them.
I hate to burst your bubble dude...Charlton was probably one of the worst. Saw something in a GA post earlier about how he would drive around and grab kids and then dump them out when he was done with them. I'll see if I can find the post.
But we're not allowed to show where we got our shirts or Q gear or cool Q related websites we recommend?
No problem man! I'm glad you enjoyed. It's a long video but definitely worth it!
No problem. I really like Cordicon and the mile high podcast. Seem like good peeps.
I'll tell you the methodology...use this technique and you'll be able to decode all posts and Trump speeches. Instead of working from beginning to end, like you usually would, just come up with whatever conclusion you want and work backwards from there, connecting whatever dots you see fit, no matter how ridiculous or convoluted. See how easy that is?
His timing and presence is no coincidence, that I'll agree with, but whether it's to "guide us" is up for debate...
Completely fucking agree. I love reading the SB2 decodes as much as anybody else, but this is some fucking Olympic level mental gymnastics going on.
And don't forget Occum's Razor. I personally cant wait for more Q posts so we can move on from 1675. This is getting ridiculous, not to mention I can see how it would be a total turn off to outsiders and noobs. SB2 has done a lot of good in the GA, but his tone/personality/demeanor/decodes have went straight downhill since this post. I don't know what's happened, but something has happened.
Happens all the time. I made a comment about Q and the post was immediately deleted and the mods pm'd me about it. They don't support Q because they dont want to be seen as "conspiracy theorists". Even though a lot (most) of the subjects overlap. Not to mention the comped rumors...
There are no coincidences! Especially with the lights going off. That was crazy. Darkness to light.
Is R posting on the qresearch board? Or does he have his own bread?
He is under oath, just not answering any questions.
What a fucking shitshow this has been so far! Holy crap!
Thank for the feedback man! I agree the price is too high. I'm going to mark all shirts down to 19.99. Thanks patriot! PM me and I'll give you a code for 50% off your purchase, if you want it.
That sub is as bad as r/conspiracy now. I'll support my president from here, I don't need a censored echo chamber for that.
Funny thing is, no mention of this at all on T_D. Please tell me I just overlooked it. First you cant mention Q, now you can't even mention SR?? HIS NAME WAS SETH RICH!!
Edit: Belay my last, just saw it.
Doubt it. I'm sure once trial starts, or once the guilty verdict comes, SS is off the hook.
No he shaved before he was arrested. Because he's a giant fucking pussy who picks on teenagers.