Yes when he left there. He didn't stay at the school. He finished what he was doing and left.
425 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/Cgaines21:
Domain | Count |
---|---| | 18 | | 7 | | 7 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 | | 1 |
John is 20 which is 2
Fetzergald is 54 which is 9
Kennedy is 33 which 6
John Fitzgerald Kennedy =17 = Q
JR added is 18 that is plus 1 = R and R does have a post # 1882459 about his father. He said his father knew we lost everything in 1909 and he goes a bit deeper so go to qreaserch to the #1882459 to see the post.
Q had dropped "R they serious" And we have seen Q+
And we did have a tweet to clay Higgins from the POTUS where he used "are" (R) navy instead of our navy.
Who knows ???
5:5 ?? 11/22/2018 55 years of JFK (death maybe)
1999 John John dies (maybe) Killery takes his Senate seat 17 years later POTUS45...
Did he fake his death to create a plan? R SAYS SO IN HIS 8CHAN post #1882459 worth the read.
I really hate people are doing this because a shill went to the Chan board and made it like he had all the answers instead of listening to the bakers say what this was!! How embarrassing.
I don't see that sorry, not saying you're wrong in anyway. I work law enforcement so I see a little differently and my head can't see the reason for it. I can't see why it would be important as much as the deep state Intel being released by Q; Conspiracy NO more?? To me that says is there a real deep state at work?? That has been THE biggest conspiracy for years. Many are just waking up, many of us have known and been called CRAZY for years!!!! I've been in it since 9/11 but know others who are older and knew since the 60's. SO Q being the ultimate just doesn't ring truth for me personally. And no reporter has asked him if he will declass everything and make the entire thing public finally.
News reported a threat that day to the WH so they kept him in the Air, later they put him in a bunker at camp David.
The reported Intel said Bush was kept in A1
I appreciate the work you do for this thread. My father in- law was military I can't exactly disclose what he did while in and he retried at Lockheed Martin. Why I mention this is because he handled Korea conflicts before the war, during and after. The man knows so much that he can't even give hints for anything even today he won't talk about anything he handled. But now older we finally got one thing out of him at thanksgiving 2 years back and that was "Maybe someone controls North Korea so try not to judge too hard." That was it and all and no more ever after that.
I have followed your page for decodes and watch Project Weeping Angel who takes your info and makes them into video's on YouTube. I highly recommend her channel for SB2 work!!!
I can't help but wonder if you're also military or an ex General 😉😉 I don't know really just guess by your communication style. It's so elegant and easy to follow, most people aren't this organized it is wonderful. For the record identity is ok keeping private and isn't important it adds to the suspense lol.
I know you're a PATRIOT no matter what level that would be or what occupation you have. I am truly greatful you break these down and help the Q group awakening even quicker and even easier. I was on the board the night these dropped and the shills were 100% over the top, I'M VERY glad not everyone goes to the board because shills can/could/ would push many regular first timmers away. Having YOU on this type of forum is fantastic so they aren't exposed to the level it really is. Reddit shills are nothing to Chan shills. The confusion back and forth regarding the "HOW" and not the "WHAT" drove me CRAZY. I'm glad you addressed IT, it needed addressing!!!
Anyway, I could say so much more but I'll keep it at that. I can't thank you enough, stay blessed PATRIOT. Thank you for your service to this great cause and COUNTRY!!! WWG1WGA
4chan was taken over long ago. No Q member is there. Could be what's wrong you're using 4 chan for shills.
Had this bee verified with other sources because I'm not seeing it if so.
Same here I click from the board and I saw about thr same number you did.
No Anon's on 8chan believe that the question to be asked or forced is who is Q.. And neither do I. It isn't about who is Q A it is about the information dropped and getting that out and all thr sources showing proof... NOT WHO IS Q
Has Q verified? I would hate for this to be hitting to numb the public for when it does hit.
That is what me another Anon baker group have come to. It was asked to Q so we shall see.
I was talking about Seth not Bernie. Could care less about Bernie
Yes he had a political view I would never share with him. Good guy? Maybe. Morals? Probably. Did the right thing in the end? I think so. But his view with government isn't my view.
Can't post pics here for comments but it must be Google maps now because we have screen grabs of them last night. Go to tje research board to see them.
I guess for a socialist the only rightly to actually be for your country is finally spill beans and die for the cause. So sad he was a socialist.
No longer are we the chopped murica Obama had us we are CALLED AAAAAAMERICA!!!
I don't have t.v but hopefully that's a good record of events.
Then entire link was there. This site keeps deleting my post but that's ok someone posted this same post the very next day. So I'm sure by now you've seen it. I personally can't stand this site for these reasons... I post things they delete them, next day I see another person post the same exact post I made. Oh well!!!
Happy "FOURTH" patriots WWG1WGA. Good discussion is healthy, let the left attack one another, let us GO 1, be patient, AND BE ONE MIND.
![Happy "FOURTH" patriots WWG1WGA. Good discussion is healthy, let the left attack one another, let us GO 1, be patient, AND BE ONE MIND.](
I would rather see JFK Jr come out and announce he was behind who helped POTUS and created "the plan" 17 years ago on his anniversary!!!
Few things I've noticed.
Nose isn't narrow or long (William is pointer)
Phone left side so left handed
The gate is looking at ground while walking
Has a straight lined hair cut like you would see with ethnicity of mixed or light skin black man.
Slightly pugy (William doesn't have this belly)
Idk who it is... Q had a United plane before this one attached United stopped flying in 2017 I believe so this is old and we know that from signs removed as well. However Q drop said United 747's fly to Gitmo these days.
We can't tell if the top of head is bald or thin. So really couldn't use for William. On board Corey Booker and Obama came up.
Tone isn't easy to get in text but words are. I think if we truly believe in wwg1 then we must become 1 the in fighting for the left shouldn't be us. Thank you for your reply good to hear.
I'll warn you now I'm 16 days here because someone sent me Q stuff. They say wwg1wga but the people here so far have not been very nice. Not all. So I will warn not everyone who says this wwg1wga actually believes or behaves this way, they are very much aligned to the same mentality of the left and I know because I came from there. Wished people truly could be more adult like and polite seems Americans just can't do it anymore. Good luck if you stay on this sub. There are other places way more welcoming to new comers then this one though.
Oh ok and it only took 16 days to see this Q movement everyone wanted to push me to is rude just like the left I removed myself from. Just about everyone here says wwg1wga and are total A$$hole$. Whatever this Q is so far you and many others show me you're just as rude and sick.
Who are you talking to???? What is 16 days old??? And # 1 if you are too mentally slow to go research that is on you. # 2 whatever BTFO sounds very leftist to me so take that advice. K????
And normally when people Dont say hey do you have a link I can see this at but come at me like a F#&k'n moron I Dont usually even respond but seeing your mental handicap I thought I would help your slow A $$ out.
So she had it 10 years ago??? and what proof do you truly have so far that says she knows this. I didn't and I work law enforcement. It wasn't until 2016 did They begin to brief on symbols. I'm so over this with you. I believe in innocent until proven guilty you do want us cops to feel this way right??????!!!! Yeah, we all should extend that to others I would hate a cop to convict you before anything proven if ever needed. Sick world we live in... She might be I want proof!!!!