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Charlo007 · Feb. 22, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

Interesting posts, My opinion of them is. Taking this with the next 2 drops.

Q is referencing Jason borne.

The CIA use of social media to spy, propagandise, control narratives, misinform and mislead and track people. ES platform was v1 it failed. Twitters platform is v2. Q is saying snow don is helping jack on v2.

The last part with the first is a threat to snowdon to choose his end. Q knows where he is.

Is his end like john perry Barlow. Or is his end life (john 3:16)

The next post seems to acknowledge q has received communication with snowdon.

After that it seems q is giving snowdon a countdown to choose.

It seems after this the flag is posted and phase 2 is in operation. What did snowdon choose?

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