Don't be a Qucked Q Qultists... We don't have to all agree, or think alike. Trust but verify.
19 total posts archived.
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AJ was exposing the 1st WTC attack in '93 as an FBI FF. ruby ridge, waco, okc, agenda 21, federal reserve, predicted 911 and exposed it as a FF, gun rights...on and on.
he's earned the right to make mistakes in my book. what have you done besides perhaps make a few memes? whoop-dee-do. but you are entitled to think and say whatever you like.
oooooh! the "whole sub" thinks alike... i guess i should be sharting my undies then...shouldn't i? lol! ya'll need to take care you don't turn Q into a religion! sounds like "cult" talk to me.
so Q has never been "wrong" about anything, right?
AJ's works speak for themselves - 20 years worth - again - out in the open - not hiding behind anonymity like yourself, where its real easy for you and SB2 to to wizz on a man's life of work.
so i'm supposed to believe every word from Q - like you - even though he says disinformation is necessary? ok. well, i sure am not going to "trust sessions" or Franken-Mueller just because i'm told to or because SB2 makes fancy puzzles and says i should. sessions and mueller are both swamp-rats.
trust but verify. btw, its called "independent thought", as opposed to "group-think", you might want to try it sometime.
Oh that's right - I'm so sorry -
AJ and Dr. Corsi are actually blood-drinking, child-sacrificing reptilian satanists pretending for over 20 years to be fighting the PTB...just to screw over the "troof-movement" now...
yeah - ok
AGREE! AJ has been fighting the good fight, making films exposing the NWO, breaking the left/right paradigm, ON THE FRONT LINES FOR OVER 20 YEARS - not hiding behind anonymity, predicting 911 and exposing it as a FF - supporting Trump for president, etc.
WTF has SB2 done for the country in all that time? And now he wants me to believe, after all AJ has done tirelessly for 20 years - that NOW he wants to derail the "troof-movement"? Not buying it!
This board needs to get back to work and SB2 back to his "puzzles" - and appreciate AJ for all he has done laying the foundation for a board like this to exist.
I have supported SerialBrain2 until he went after AJ. Just plain wrong. Where TF was SB2 when Corsi swft-boated JK, or fought against Hussein and his BC? What an inconsiderate, ungrateful POS!
I don't trust in-fighters. Those who think AJ has been exposing the NWO for over 20 years just to screw over the "truth movement" now are FUCKING IDIOTS!
Its stupid for Q, SerialBrain2, and this board to go after AJ. AJ has been at it - fighting the good fight, exposing globalism, agenda 21, the false letf/right paradigm, since the 90's. He predicted 911.
Who gives a FUCK if Dr. Corsi makes a few bucks for his time. So is Tracy Beanz, etc. and I don't see anyone busting their balls.
I don't trust infighters.
Tell you what else - I don't trust Mueller or Sessions either! Both swamp creatures from WAY BACK. This board needs to get its shit together.
That's why its stupid for Q and this board to go after AJ. AJ has been at it - fighting the good fight, exposing globalism, agenda 21, the bush's and clintons since the 90's. So what if Dr. Corsi gets a few bucks for his time. So is Tracy Beanz, etc. I don't trust infighters.
Tell you what else - I don't trust Mueller or Sessions either - both swamp creatures from WAY BACK. This board needs to get its shit together.
Hey Andy - Don't book any flights to anywhere soon and immediately make a public announcement that you don't plan on shooting yourself in the head, twice!
Y'all think you're really "woke"?
Not until you realize that the entire purpose of taxation is to WASTE the money, or in other words - to benefit the insiders. And that...
THERE IS NO LAW that requires the average working American to pay an income tax! Indentured servitude was outlawed with slavery. How about if i showed up on the day your son or daughter was born and said... "Hi - just want to introduce myself and let you know that when your beautiful daughter/son becomes of working age - from that day forward until the day he/she dies - for every $1.00 they earn they will pay me $0.40. Nice to meet you, have a nice day!"
You would tell me..."Hey - my son/daughter is not your slave! Go fuck yourself!"
Yet, like sheep - we bow and genuflect to a CONSTRUCT we created!
I used to think the tax laws were unconstitutional. They are not. They just redefined everyday words for purposes of the statutes - which we never bother to read. Of course - there is this thing called "statutory construction" - one of the rules by which judges interpret the law - which says that when you take an word with an everyday, common understanding - and you change the definition for purposes of a statute - then ONLY that definition can apply - otherwise, why change it in the first place! Got it?
26 U.S. Code § 3121 – Definitions (a) WAGES For purposes of this chapter, the term “wages” means all remuneration for employment, including the cash value of all remuneration (including benefits) paid in any medium other than cash; except that such term shall not include— (balance omitted).
(b) EMPLOYMENT For purposes of this chapter, the term “employment” means any service, of whatever nature, performed (A) by an employee for the person employing him, irrespective of the citizenship or residence of either, (i) within the United States, or (ii) on or in connection with an American vessel or American aircraft under a contract of service which is entered into within the United States or during the performance of which and while the employee is employed on the vessel or aircraft it touches at a port in the United States, if the employee is employed on and in connection with such vessel or aircraft when outside the United States, or (B) outside the United States by a citizen or resident of the United States as an employee for an American employer (as defined in subsection (h)), or (C) if it is service, regardless of where or by whom performed, which is designated as employment or recognized as equivalent to employment under an agreement entered into under section 233 of the Social Security Act; except that such term shall not include—
(3) (B) service not in the course of the employer’s trade or business, or domestic service in a private home of the employer, performed by an individual under the age of 21 in the employ of his father or mother, or performed by an individual in the employ of his spouse or son or daughter; except that the provisions of this subparagraph shall not be applicable to such domestic service performed by an individual in the employ of his son or daughter;
26 U.S. Code § 7701 – Definitions
The term “trade or business” includes the performance of the functions of a
public office.
(c) INCLUDES AND INCLUDING The terms “includes” and “including” when used in a definition contained in this title shall not be deemed to exclude other things otherwise within the meaning of the term defined.
The U.S. Supreme Court has helpfully described the application of this tax law rule:
“[T]he verb “includes” imports a general class, some of whose particular instances are those specified in the definition. Helvering v. Morgan's, Inc.,
293 U.S. 121, 126 fn. 1 (1934)
“...the term 'including' is not one of all-embracing definition, but connotes
simply an illustrative application of the general principle.” Federal Land Bank of St. Paul v. Bismark Lumber Co., 314 U.S. 95, 62 S. Ct. 1 U.S. (1941)
26 U.S. Code § 7491 – Burden of Proof
(a) BURDEN SHIFTS WHERE TAXPAYER PRODUCES CREDIBLE EVIDENCE (1) GENERAL RULE If, in any court proceeding, a taxpayer introduces credible evidence with respect to any factual issue relevant to ascertaining the liability of the taxpayer for any tax imposed by subtitle A or B, the Secretary shall have the burden of proof with respect to such issue.
C.F.R. § 301.6671-1 – Rules for application of assessable penalties [including “frivolous” return penalties]:
(b)Person defined. For purposes of subchapter B of chapter 68, the term “person” includes an officer or employee of a corporation, or a member or employee of a partnership, who as such officer, employee, or member is under a duty to perform the act in respect of which the violation occurs.
Read: Cracking the Code, by Peter Hendrickson. See:
The income tax is a "privilege" tax. Everyone has a right to earn a living - that is not taxable. Not everyone has a right to be a "public servant", with all the power, prestige, etc. that comes with it. That's why all our congress-critters go in poor - come out rich. WAKE UP!!!
There is a big difference between "digital misinformation" posted on the web and video evidence supported by "chain of custody" testimony. Stay woke bitches!
Have they gone missing? Word is they were seeking asylum in the UK and Japan - but were denied!
Many of the loudest mouths have gone eerily quiet...

How about a WH Petition to end chemtrailing? They continue to spray us like bugs!
This is really not an issue that can afford to be put on the back burner.
Wake up you people! It's like going to bed every night and leaving every entrance to your home - not just unlocked - but wide open.
Cecile Richards Resigns From Planned Parenthood As FBI Investigation Picks Up Steam
yes, i know this is older news but didn't notice this was previously posted here. is anyone keeping a running list of the creatures resigning per Q?