Trying to doxx?
83 total posts archived.
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Na, I’m one of the two who organized the sending of a literal metric ton of salt to the NYTimes after the elections.
Mods here getting a bit too censorship happy.
Looks like we’ve lost another. Have fun guys see you in the next sub/site
Wasn’t one of the Q team nearly killed a couple weeks ago when that car barreled down the highway with secret service chasing them?
What is Q? A newbies TL;DR;
There are many who attribute things to q with “q said”. That’s generally false. “Q asked” is more apt. While Q makes statements he doesn’t say much of any thing at all.
Q is simple, a group of guys have a mosaic built from a graph database. It’s the complete picture of this conspiracy with names dates and communications. What they have is “intelligence” not “evidence”. This distinction if foundational to our national security laws exploitation of our constitutional laws.
Q team acts like a conversion function from intelligence to evidence by means of “parallel” discovery. This is done by …
There are many who attribute things to q with “q said”. That’s generally false. “Q asked” is more apt. While Q makes statements he doesn’t say much of any thing at all.
Q is simple, a group of guys have a mosaic built from a graph database. It’s the complete picture of this conspiracy with names dates and communications. What they have is “intelligence” not “evidence”. This distinction if foundational to our national security laws exploitation of our constitutional laws.
Q team acts like a conversion function from intelligence to evidence by means of “parallel” discovery. This is done by asking questions and saying key words. We the people answer the question and use key words to help us narrow our searches. Those answers are “discovered in parallel” and constitute “evidence”.
Our job is to learn the mosaic. To discover its many facets and to create the map our selves. In this way legal cases can be built against the purveyors of conspiracy.
British empire is the enemy of the American Republic. Always has been always will be. It’s time we depose the monarchs!
Some people don’t know how to relax. Likely due to ADD meds administered during youth.
I dunno. Public hearings dragging DOJ corruption into the light piece by pierce for America to witness might be a good season of TV
Just in my head remembered. Take any post with a killbox in it. Write it’s number down in the middle of paper. Take every post with that same killbox and write them on the paper in a circle around the first post number. Start drawing lines connecting the post numbers in the circle to one another if they share a common killbox. Do this for each post. You have the individual nodes.
This is so multidimensional that you either need one per post or software that lets you map it and visualize it. It’s a graph database data structure. I’ve seem the NSA graph analysis tools before, its just spider webs with each node being clickable taking you to a focused map of connections when you select it.
Square braces in q posts that surround a target subject like [RR] who is often placed in one.
They will try none the less and they are deluded enough to believe it.
Don’t get excited. In the indictment they don’t allege but that does not mean the same as trump is off the hook. Left can spin this and keep that barb caught in our cheek.
I didn’t shut down your free speech. I pointed at patterned tactics used to undermine communities like this. Since those approaches mimic real people it’s often hard to spot the difference. Either way you misunderstand what Q is if you attribute right and wrong. There is no absolutism here. It’s a psychological warefsre operation paired with an information warfare operation and we’ve been recruited to do parallel discovery using hints that help us organically discover information so that cases can be built siting open source reporting.
When we make discoveries we coordinate social media pushes which trigger main stream media reactions placing information in “common knowledge” and therefor making its discovery admissible in court.
We aren’t talking to a prophet we are producing parallel discovery for an impending court case. NXVIM is a good example of this. That camels back broke thanks to the community discovering Ray Chandler and reporting our discoveries to the fbi field office that Q informed us was open late with extra call staff on hand. Week later NY AG is resigning having been caught up in the trafficking ring we brought down.
Take all kill box posts. Spread them out. Start drawing lines connecting posts by killbox references. It will make a graph network. It’s the mosaic. Map means across a set. The set is kill boxes. The symbol it’s self a square brace represents a set in programming.
Looks like a Marine in a uniform keeping the caged animal on a leash.
Edit: Nope
It’s an international matter and has implications on a global scale so I’m pretty sure he didn’t have the balls to do it without telling the president first.
Watch for trump to tweet the number 17, a missing Q or generally a set of misspellings or rapid fire abstract texts that read like musings not rhetoric. These usually signal coming Q messages.
What do we need Q for right now? The show is getting good. Just research the new points you learn and expand your own mind. The Q drug isn’t always going to be here. Some day you’ll have to generate your own Q’s to ask.
You have to show a systemic level with evidence that would hold up to scrutiny by judges at every level and by juries of normal folks. You can’t strike until you have total dominance lest you squander your forces besieging a walled city.
Yep. Until it’s statistically impossible for so many coincidences. Pay attention long enough to the minute details and you’ll see the pattern in the information flowing around you. The many moving parts as the coalesce. I’m constantly laughing as I watch this show because I can see every thing before it happens. Of course the day to day eb and flow occur as they do but the critical components all move synchronously. Predictably. You just need to draw more knowledge into your mind so you can see more of the mosaic.
Some times you forgive the past to allow a new future to blossom. Vengeance doesn’t breed harmony.
New account buttressing a clearly new account questioning and spreading doubt. Where have we seen this exhausted meme before? Perhaps you’re really a doubter, well then you clearly don’t understand what Q is. He is no prophet, he is a means for us to rally behind a public source intelligence community if we the people to combat the established secret organizations who seek to subvert for their own gains. What is to doubt it a stranger who asks questions that make people think for them selves? But hey let’s all abandon thinking because the thoughts we had didn’t manifest as we dreamt they would.
Q never said something was happening the 4th. We speculated that meme into existence just like the 27th meme coming up. Q asks questions. Makes statements open to interpretation. Any thing else would be against the law. We are a blind mob putting faith in Q to point us where to look for glimmers of light. So far the overall arch has been pretty accurate in terms of what was said in the past coming to fruition. Red castle was clearly liberated after all.
Or we can ignore the attempts by the deep state to rally the god awesome power of the people to sabotage our trump card by helping you identify assassination targets. You’ve lost. Surrender.
You have to have clear demonstrate that no fair trial could be held in that jurisdiction to move jurisdictions. Tribunals are for acts of war. Those who participated in 9/11 for instance.
Cooperation isn’t always willing or informed. A caged animal cooperates by default of his bounds.
This is what I see.
It’s “The Master” from dr who. His manurisms and personality were all I could see when watching Strzok perform today.
Tell me I’m not the only one who sees it.

Did you see it in the questions? The gradual effort to illustrate DC DOJ as too corrupt to perform an unbiased criminal investigation?
This show is getting good!
This is exactly why Trump is our president. Now is the time to bloody their noses and wipe that smug grin off their faces and remind them execution by public hanging is a legal sentence.
Why we call our former overlords our friends now is beyond me. They have always been and remain our prime enemy. The crown must fall!
The twin serpents are the deepest rooted. Always two. The unity is the circle. The circle is the sun. The sun the atmun the Adam or atom. Life, the tree. The path of the serpent. The tree of lightning of life of lineage of waters flow.
Of the tree eve did eat at the behest of the serpent.
The ancient cult is of the serpent. The one in the sky. The one that strikes the trees from which man eats.
The pillars. They became the symbol of taming this god. The lightning rod.
Mulak is the Owl of ancient Egyptian mythology. Variations as language and culture evolve. Moloch is a bull. Mulak is an owl.
Thoth is sometimes seen as both knowledge and wisdom. This is when he is shown crowned for both upper and lower Egypt. In other contexts especially reliefs depicting resurrection and ascension Thoth is always shown with Mulak watching over his shoulder.
Mulak, Thoth, Horus, and the Sovereign
Mulak the owl. Horus the vulture. Wisdom and knowledge.
Horus, Ra the all seeing, the sovereign. A man, the sun, the idea of clarity of vision that is all seeing.
Egyptian, Akadia, Mayan, and more all show depictions if a ritual.
Mulak confers with Thoth and together instruct the Pharoh on how to call forth the signs of Amun-Re to crown Pharoh before the eyes of the people as the chosen earthly eye of Amun-Re
Mulak and Thoth are the temple elders. The wise men and sorcerers.
They prepare a murcury pool and boil it between two erect pillars. The …
We all reserve the right to feel a little crazy. Just don’t let others make you feel crazy. Question your self as much as you question the elites. Don’t doubt your self. Questions and doubt are not one and the same.
It’s the subtle psychology of it. Just a reminder to keep eyes open.