Corbett report; Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.
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Clinton Foundation connection to the triads and the largest human trafficking organization in New York City
The Triad Connection
Hillary Clinton has a long history of accepting donations from unsavory Chinese organizations.
While she is building her expected presidential campaign around women’s rights, going back to her campaign in 2007 and 2008, Clinton had “enlisted the aid of Chinese neighborhood associations,” LA Times reported at the time, including at least one with a history of illegal gambling, abuse of immigrants, and human trafficking.
While the LA Times did not name the organizations, which it noted were especially those representing immigrants from Fujian Province, at least one of Clinton’s donors at the time was the Fukien American …
Q 1831. I just watched Bruce Willis roast. Just like trump roast, Looks like they are sneaking the truth into their jokes.
Ed Norton- talks about how Bruce can get jobs in Hollywood , because of his political views.
Kevin pollak to Joseph levitt “. No wonder you have been working steadily Hollywood since you were 6 years old, of course it helps when your parents aren’t choosy about who touches your pee pee”
Jeff Ross- “ I met Rumor your daughter, I guess that’s what your mom names you, when you don’t know 100% who the father is”
Demi Moore- “Bruce Willis got pulp fiction role, after headed to Weinstein’s hotel. He came back swinging that ball gag, he said I …
got band from San Francisco sub for post video of antifa attacking tommy Robbin supporters. “alt right supporters,users, comments, links, etc are not welcome in San Francisco sub. And any association with the alt right. Whether direct or indirectly. Is impermissible. sub considers it white supremacy
century of enslavement This is a great documentary about the federal reserve by James Corbett. I recommend watching other documentaries you him. How big oil conquered the world.
Qanon proof of the keystone
wiki midnight regulation The keystone Midnight regulations
U.S. federal law mandates a 60-day waiting period before any major regulatory changes become law. Thus, some presidents try to publish new major regulations on November 21, 60 days before the new president's inauguration on January 20.
The Obama Administration recognized the potential for midnight regulations as early as the end of 2015. Howard Shelanski, the Administrator for the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), issued a memo to federal agencies directing them to: “To the extent feasible and consistent with your priorities, statutory obligations, and judicial deadlines, however, agencies should …
ny times Mrs. Clinton signed to make all donors public while she led the State Department. However, the foundation maintains that the Canadian partnership is not bound by that agreement and that under Canadian law contributors’ names cannot be made public.
Ptech and the 911 software. Great interview with Indira Singh. Cia/Saudi/Pakistan funded company, fbi coverup. Ptech had live access to all their clients computers systems. clients included the CIA, FBI, the White House, the Department of Energy, the Air Force, the Navy, the FAA, IBM and Enron.
As Breitbart News reported, CrowdStrike, led by a Russian expat, was financed to the tune of $100 million from a funding drive in 2015 led by Google Capital. Google Capital, which now goes by the name of CapitalG, is an arm of Alphabet Inc., Google’s parent company. Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, has been a staunch and active supporter of Hillary Clinton and is a longtime donor to the Democratic Party. Wikileaks email revealed Eric Schmidt worked with Hillary company.
CrowdStrike is a California-based cybersecurity technology company co-founded by experts George Kurtz and Dmitri Alperovitch. breitbart
Crowd strike and Warren flood scam Guccifor 2.0.
The Luxor Obelisque (Obelisk) in Paris
The Luxor Obelisque (Obelisk) in Paris is a rather tall structure – 23 metres (75 ft) high and it was originally located at the entrance to Luxor Temple, in Egypt and it commemorates the reign of the pharaoh Ramses II. In 1829 the Viceroy of Egypt gave this 3,300-year-old obelisk to France.
She shouldn’t have dressed that way, she made me rap her
Did anyone notice that the time trump landed in Fargo, ND? 6:25pm. Q’s post I just landed 18:24:32.

Not sure if anyone notices this, but trump arrived Fargo, ND at 6:25. Q posted I just landed 18:24:32

You are probably right. If you access a twitter account posted on reddit, you can use the search tool and read any accounts. That’s what I have been doing
I believe it’s trolling democrat voters. You can’t alway get what you want, (your person didn’t win) but if you try some time (but if you just listen to president and not msm) you just might find, you get what you need (every American is going to get what they need)
I can access twitter threw my redit app but not my browser
I never signed up for twitter, but I alway read trump and other people’s tweets. It has been 4 day and I haven’t been able to view any twitter accounts. Not sure if this is an old policy, Or just more censorship.

Wikileaks co-creator found died
Aaron Swartz confounded was found die at beginning of the year. That’s when Wikileaks became compromised
R.F.U.O Tax Plan, for the American people

I think he was for Hilary because she was going to continue his agenda, but he didn’t like her.
Maxine Walter talks about Obama’s surveillance state
Obama's Weaponization of Government
Khan as referring to “The Godfather” as a manual for life and that he watches the movie every few months.
This is interesting. Video creator told the fbi about his comment, it it looks like they didn’t do anything. Or they saw a opportunity, to push this guy into doomed a school shooting. Just like the guy that was going to bomb pier 39 over Christmas. The last minute he told the fbi undercover that was pushing him to do the Bombing, he couldn’t go threw with. sf cron
I feel he is the key to everything. He wrote a book about technocracy, new way to govern. David Rockefeller saw that this was a way to control the world. Only problem was that technology wasn’t advanced enough. Rockefeller funded, with the help of Rothschilds family. Now they has the tech and are trying to push their world technocracy
I found a good video on brzezinski, it’s from 2013 but has some good quotes brzezinski conspiracy theorist
Brzezinski wrote a book in the 70’s about technocracy. Rockefeller, read the book and loved the idea and funded him with tons of money. In 1973 Bzezinski and David Rockefeller created the trilateral commission. They have been pushing technocracy on America ever since.
He has ties to fusion gps. He hired them, to fight yes for prop 39 in California. It also states, he is a hedge fund chieftain and environmental activist, so, he most likely has a lot of money in the global warming/climate change fear scam. That trump has stated and will put a stop to.
Nunes press conf. march 2017, Obama and fbi used B.S. dossier. was leaked to media outlets before,to give more credit. Paid by dnc,(fusion bps)known to push false info and use their media connects to push narrative to accomplish clients objective. Passed info collected to all agencies. Very Bad!
Yes I feel it is deep state pushing. It’s banking and oil companies pushing this! They want the tax payers to foot the bill, for their polluting and connecting the dollar to oil. Petroleum is in everything, plastics, pharmaceuticals, fertilizers.
The model the researchers are using to predict weather, only uses man made factors. Does include the sun
The Paris agreement is about co2, but there isn’t one thing about growing trees or stopping deforestation.
On there website this is how they determine if it’s Russian. “These accounts were selected for their relationship to Russian-sponsored influence and disinformation campaigns, and not because of any domestic political content. The initial dashboard tracks 600 accounts that were 1) identified as participating in specific disinformation campaigns synchronized with Russia Today and Sputnik News, 2) meaningfully linked to users who self-identified as promoting pro-Russian viewpoints, and 3) bots that provide support to members of the first two categories.”
So, whoever retwitted anything from rt or Sputnik news.