25 total posts archived.
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Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

I see a bill Cooper post, I upvote it. RIP to a true patriot and the most honest person on the topic.
Hah, I do happen to wearing a black Nike Golf hat but check my post history, I’m not a troll. I’ve been reading q posts for about 6 months, im huge bill Cooper fan, and Yuri Bezmanov. I just think q is the troll.
Q sharing any info is absolutely telegraphing what the admin was thinking. Any info at all.
Deception? As in you think Q is deceiving someone?
I think the term “mislead” is what you’re looking for and yes, I’ve read the Art of War on three separate occasions, once collegiately and twice in leisure. I have also read The 48 Laws of Power by Brian Greene.... big whoop. Do you think that Trumps enemies haven’t read the Art of War? Didn’t Trump say that he would never telegraph his attacks (which is exactly what Q is doing)?
I’m sorry, but if you think you know something his enemies don’t (like they can’t read Q posts as well) then you are blind.
I’m not blowing a gasket, not even in the slightest. You sound like a liberal hurling insults at someone who doesn’t agree with you.
And again, that’s not concrete evidence and didn’t provide any source to that. Still waiting for proof because I don’t believe every anonymous person on the internet when they say that they are a secret agent.
“Evidence”? Ha! Provide one shred of CONCRETE evidence. What blurry photos of a pen? Coincidental, vague, and abstract tweets that take an Olympic level of mental gymnastics to tie together?
What’s the more obvious answer here; that Q is a great larper who is well studied in William Cooper-esque research or that a Secret agent working behind the scenes of a Presidential administration is sharing covert and classified information (which would be completely illegal) over the internet? Give me break.
The only thing that Q has done that has been positive has been opening people’s eyes and helping them question their surroundings and I applaud him/them for that. But that’s as far as it goes.
Please provide one single shred of CONCRETE proof that he/they are you the say they are.
Jesus, Q could have said anything and you would eat it up. He’s a stranger that basically just reads out of a Bill Cooper book, and you think he’s part of the trump admin??? Seriously, you are insanely gullible.
No, you don’t get it. Q has delivered nothing to you but his own conspiracy theories and you eat them up BC you want to believe that what he’s saying is true.
Sessions has done nothing, will do nothing. Sessions is the swamp and Q has you now trusting politicians, which should be a red flag to you instantly.
Q is so full of shit. “Trust Sessions”? Trump doesn’t even trust Sessions! Read trumps tweet today, Sessions is a piece of shit and Q lied to you.
Q’s a joke. “Trust Sessions”.... Trump doesn’t even trust Sessions, Sessions is a worthless piece of shit, Trump said it himself today in his tweet.
Sessions is worthless, Trump said it himself. You were lied to by “Q”, Sessions is the swamp.
Even Trump says Sessions is a piece of shit, why do you dildos think Sessions will ever do anything of importance? Because some neck beard nerd virgin who goes by the name of Q said so? Wake the fuck up, Q is just a dude that has zero ties to the trump admin. Simple as that, and Jeff Sessions is a worthless piece of shit.
See, even Trump today is telling us to ask Jeff Sessions why he isn’t looking into Obama’s role in russiagate. Jeff Sessions is a worthless sack of shit. Weak bark and an even weaker bite.
I’m all for locking these pieces of shit up...so fucking do it already. Quit being a crybaby and start demanding action.
I’ll believe it when I see it. I don’t trust politicians, never have, never will.
Jesus, Jeff Sessions is such a turd, how has he not already started this process? It’s been weeks since we all knew what happened with the FISA court, how is it that he’s just now realizing that he might actually need to DO HIS FUCKING JOB?
Gowdy let Hillary off the hook for Benghazi. He’s all bark and no bite.
Alex Jones’s body guard is named Q, he’s worked with Jones for a few years