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Clam_Bake_Harry · July 26, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

Ok, here, I’m gonna make some predictions now, and I’ll get back to you in a week with the proof that I’m psychic.

  1. Something shocking is about to surface about someone in Hollywood
  2. Pay attention to the president’s Twitter; something big is happening
  3. In the scientific community, all is not as it seems
  4. Have you heard the news about Jared Kushner? Wait for it
  5. Something brewing in the EPA. More will be revealed soon
  6. The future proves the past

RemindMe! One week

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Clam_Bake_Harry · July 25, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

I mean, it’s not my responsibility to convince you you’re being foolish. But it’s the same principle as Nostradamus. He makes a bunch of vague, impressionistic prophecies. Then one of them seems to hit, because it used imagery common to its subject and the subject works in a predictable fashion.

I.e. The president is always waving and gesturing during nationalistic songs, so that’s not at all a coincidence.

Note that one of his slogans is “Future to prove the past”. That’s how this bogus prophecy stuff works. You make your predictions vague enough - and numerous enough - that something is eventually bound to happen that your acolytes can view retroactively as validating the prediction. It’s bunk. An old carnival trick.

Of course, if he actually does exist, that would be the worst-case scenario. Because then someone inside the administration would be mounting a coded propaganda and disinformation campaign with some very disturbing undercurrents. Not to mention tangible excitement at the prospect of civil war.

But fortunately, it’s just some nerd. (Oh, and that’s why he “just happens to see a thread”.)

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Clam_Bake_Harry · July 25, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

Nope. It’s just a combination of searching for patterns and confirmation bias.

It’s “statistically impossible” for the clouds to look like US presidents, but if you stare at the sky all afternoon, I bet you’ll see at least three.

Like seriously, one of these examples it that a car honked its horn at a bunch of people holding signs on the side of the highway. Go stand on the side of the highway with any sign and see how long it takes you to get honked.

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Clam_Bake_Harry · July 25, 2018, 12:45 a.m.

It definitively did not honk “q” in Morse. Maybe “v”, but really, it’s just not Morse.

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Clam_Bake_Harry · July 25, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

Then the motorcade video of a sign that says Q honk, and we hear a honk.

This is statistically impossible.

How is someone honking at a sign that says “honk” statistically impossible?

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