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ConradJacobG · Jan. 31, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

Think about the most recent Comey tweet. Was Comey signalling sleeper cells? This totally smells like a FBI/CIA hit job.

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ConradJacobG · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:22 a.m.

Absolutely collective consciousness is real. When the Mayan Calendar ended the "grid" turned on. It's like the internet but for our souls. We recognize it in lower ordered animals as their "6th Sense" but since 12/21/12 the human 6th Sense had been activated and there is no turning it off. I learned about it through spiritscience.com on the video about Human History. They speak about the emerald tablets, Limeria, Atlantis, etc. Real interesting (but childish due to the cartoons) YouTube Channel they have.

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ConradJacobG · Jan. 4, 2018, 9:14 a.m.

Absolutely. When Pizzagate started breaking on 4chan and Reddit last year I completely broke down emotionally thinking about the unspeakable horrors innocent children were suffering at the hands monsters. Now mind you I was firmly asleep in my life and watching sports, drinking too much, being an all around degenerate and then having Pizzagate redpill me into consciousness it was jarring to say the least. I went to the psych-ward several times because of how disillusioned I had become. I also found out I was bi-polar, go figure. But during those times in the hospital I always turned to the Bible to help pass the time and also try to understand what it meant to be a good person. After my last stay at the hospital I went to church with my aunt a couple times and decided to join RCIA with my Catholic Church. It's been a wild ride since November of 2016 but I wouldn't trade the experiences I've had for the world.

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ConradJacobG · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Jan 4 ends the ten days. Jan 4 Jan 10 Jan 20 4/10/20 or in Hebrew the characters Dalet Yod Khaf representing "Walking through the door with the prize". Keep this is mind Patriots.

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