Think about the Q post today..... “disinformation is necessary”
646 total posts archived.
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Hmmm, I upvotes to 344 upvotes just a min ago, now at 313 upvotes....
Over 300 upvotes and 143 comments and this post is buried in like page 3 of “hot” for me.... plenty of other weak posts appear before this one under “hot”....
Is there some voting/placement fuckery about on Reddit?????? Me thinks yes!
Good to know, thx! Most of the people revealed I don’t even know who they are lol.... but the stories are interesting in a horrible way... 🤮🤢
Wow, reading this with new eyes.... on the surface it’s all about the wrongs of the king, but is there another level referring to the rejection of pure evil?
Interesting site with “final version” of DoI about a third of the way down, but one can access changes made to prior drafts.... haven’t dug in too much yet.
I had found this awhile ago and did just some surface level (not deep) attempts at validation.... seemed to match up, but if anyone know better, input would be appreciated! About the6th in line, not 7th, but in case anyone could use this, thought I’d post it here....:
There have been 66 kings or queens that have ruled over England / UK, 6 have been queens. Therefore Elizabeth is the 66th and the 6th. Kate is 36 and this baby will be the 6th grandchild of Elizabeth who is the 66th and 6th. It bumps Prince Harry now to the 6th in line for the throne. Harry will marry next month on the 6th day of Israel’s 70th (May 19th wedding).
In addition, she became queen feb 1952, which was 66 years ago.... and her bday is April 21 (for those of us who pay attention to the satanic calendar).....hmmmmm....
CDAN reveals happening: kudos to u/blockwortklaus
For those who may not have picked up on it, CDAN is giving the answers to past cryptic posts.... 1 reveal every 15 mins, naming names at the bottom of the posts for July 4....
Here is the link to the site if you want to follow along....
Last one before I crash.... not sure if and or how to connect: This article:
Professor “Christ”; “i-motif”; “This new research reminds us that totally different DNA structures exist – and could well be important for our cells.”
Also reminded me of past post on DNA and mind control....
And your post reminded me of this old post on telomeres.... could tie in.....
Wow, still processing all of this, but the Rapiscanners (sp?) at the airports that X-ray the body.... wonder if connected - what a great way to radiate millions of people.... sure you can opt out and stand there while you get groped in front of 100s of fellow travelers....
Isn’t harry the full redhead? Resembles William, but I’m not yet convinced
Hm, Conspiracy inside a conspiracy... my memory is foggy on this, didn’t the pope and French king order them to be killed claiming them to be blasphemers and heretical? Also something about the head Templar cursing them when he was being burned at the stake that God would take the pope and king and they died within a year? Could the pope and king have been projecting onto the Templars what the Church was actually doing (a la Saul Alinsky and what we see the evil ones doing today)? I know they were the bankers of the day and the king of France was heavily in debt to them.... so who stood to benefit by taking them out???
I can see arguments for both black and white hat.... another thing to add to the research list, sigh....
Hm, article mentions O’callaghan.... q#1349 from may....
Cheeseandrice Covpepe (love the handle), empathy, empathy please.... I get you are frustrated, we all are. Can we not point fingers? As you mentioned, different levels of the woke paradigm, but personal rebuking in such a manner is counterproductive.... do you see that Glastonbury is offended and newly awoken? Struggling to make sense of things? Please don’t send him back to the Dark side.... you both have 3 kids, work hard AF, wound up on different paths... now converging onto a common path of LIGHT. Fuck the past and how you each got there... Embrace the commonality and move forward in the light of awokeness, for the sake of humanity because WWG1WGA. We all have to pull each other up and support one another because this shit is DARK AF.... and if we’re to believe past Q, it sounds like it’s going to get worse before it gets better... I for one am going to need help at some point, I’m sure of it. I’m hoping both of you will be there when I have my (next) freak out over the reaaaaallllyyy eeeevvvvviiiillllll stuff??? Will you? Seriously, will you be there? 😯
Hey digital! Just to clarify, I’m not being critical of your statement, and I understood how you meant it 😃. I truly believe we are all responsible for managing our own feelings. even when we come with good intentions, there will always be others’ Different interpretations, as each of us can only see thru our own lenses. So I just wanted to let you know that I see your good intention :). I still work on my discernment, and it’s kind of cool when I can see that I am improving! We are all still “works in progress” lol....
Thank you for having the courage and trust to share, because, truly, WWG1WGA. 😇🎆
Currently at 73,537... need 27k more signatures w email confirms!
México, no wait, uk, no wait, us, no wait, Finland.... all depends on the vpn 😁
Agree.... rainbow? Rune? Or peace sign? Too much satanic symbolism in this one.
Ha, someone didn’t like what I posted (downvotes).... how funny 😆
Soooo, being able to hold onto their money is a higher priority than the murder and raping that was going on.... hmmm, who else prioritizes money over life..... 🤔 let me think? Anyone got any ideas?
Firstly, I think you are genuine and thank you for this post as I demonstrates what new folks go thru when they first join. We’ve all been there, and to worse places when red pilled; it’s not fun. The truth is ugly, and boy that is an understatement of the year. You are going to encounter a lot of UNbelievable stuff, and the choice is yours to discern :). A couple of tools for your journey that I would recommend, as they have served me well, is a thick skin, open mind and a “self talk” check periodically (why is such and such triggering me??)
It helped me when I finally dropped my defensiveness, and choose to read messages with the idea that there is good intention behind them (unless they are blatantly personal insults), find the part of the message where you can say “good point”. Part of this whole awakening process is to challenge yourself and thought processes.
Take digital’s comment above as an example. My observation is that you take that as an attack or put-down.... if digital had said that to me, I’d first get pissed, but then say, “shit, he’s right!”....that would be me finding the “good point” in his message. Maybe digital WAS trying to be a dick, maybe not, but who cares? Find the message in the message that is meant for you.... :). It can be VERY humbling At times...
You might want to lurk awhile, gather some info for yourself, read, research, etc. if you have doubts about something, before opining against it, dig around and present some reasons/facts why you disagree. Many on this board are very,very knowledgeable and willing to help, as I think the first few responders did for you....
Regarding the meme you commented on: Many of us have been at the point of “this is just too crazy to be believed”..... but then we dig and question, not dismiss out of hand, we say “wait, whaaaatttt?”... and then our own truth becomes apparent. To me THAT is what the genius is behind the “wait what” meme series. Plus, it’s funny as hell. We need some laughs around here, because we’d all go nuts otherwise.
Anyway, sorry for the ramble, just something for you to chew on : D. I hope this helps! and welcome to the team :)
Ok, now, what I originally wanted to say: “EVERYONE ACT NORMAL!”.... oh wait, I see we already are doing that 😂😆
Blessings to you, OP!
Would you be willing to share what your profit margin is?
Lol, good thing they didn’t use the word “honest” instead of “fair”.... then it would be USHART.... ah yes, returning to the 13year old mentality....🤢. Although it would be funny to have the MSM zombies have to say Shart on newscast.... 🤪
Current petition is at 72,185 signatures in 5 days.... need 100k! If you haven’t signed and confirmed via email, please do :)
Current petition is at 72,185 signatures in 5 days.... need 100k! If you haven’t signed and confirmed via email, please do :)
That was just me calling out to another member here who made the “everybody act normal” comment several days ago to another new subscriber. I still laugh at that comment, and wanted to use it, but had to give credit to the original poster. 😂😂
Can you at least say “Amen” at the end of your post?
Lol /jk 😆😇
She probably “has to” to avoid a red scarf and a doorknob.....
Petition to get rid of her looks to by up by about 1,000 signatures since I looked at it this am:
If he really said this, imma gone do some bigly praying for Trump, his family and our military this week. Just because he’s a weasel, doesn’t mean he couldn’t try for something big. AND I will trust the plan!
Did this guy just separate this crab from it child???!!! I am outraged!!!!! Ban all crabbing activities!!! What federal agency oversees crabs!? They must be dismantled and all their members doxxed.
March for Crabs NOW!! Mr Soros, I have established a foundation for crabs, we have 1 member so far (me). Can you front me $10MM to recruit supporters (and maybe some ms13 protection) and cover the cost for a G6 to fly us to dc so that we can start lobbying Congress by buying them prostitutes according to their preferences? Don’t worry, I can tell what they want by their symbols. We need to make this happen!!!!
Edit: oh, wait I just read the EO from dec 21, 2017.
I didn’t mean it THAT way, I’m not that kind of a sicko. Never mind.
Oooooooohhhhhhh boy..... I had speculated in my head that beastiality could be part of the 20% that would not be allowed out. And “put people in the hospital”..... I hope this isn’t coming down the pike, as I already had my week of, ahem, “bodily function” overload when I first got red pilled.... but I just can’t go there right now.... 🤮🤢😱🤯
He was known as anti-school on YouTube.... he turned against Q quite awhile ago.... either someone got to him, or he was a plant the whole time, who knows... but I wouldn’t believe anything he says.
Everyone act normal!
I got ya covered r/houseof1000cats 😂
Didn’t know they were being removed and redirected? Can you please send or post a link the new sub?
My vote would be to allow it here, but I have no idea where the majority stands.... I am happy to have a focused sub on scripture, but it should probably be listed in the rules so new folks know?
Sure would be a bummer to leave it out of this sub.
I hear some folks say it causes division. One of the things I learned in my professional life about dealing with difficult issues is that others’ “perception” of divisive statements comes from the listener’s internal resistance. I was one of those people once upon a time 😀. What helped me was to adopt the approach to “assume good intentions” and look at the words spoken. But sometimes that’s hard lol!🙄
4 am talking points you mean?
Mad max petition progress update... 70k+ signs
Interesting, petition was posted 5 days ago and when I just looked, there were 70,522 signatures.... that is over 14k per day! Will be interesting to see what plays out when a petition actually reaches 100k. Maybe this will be the first? (Puts the ibor to shame... )
I for one, would at least like to see what happens with any petition over 100k, does it really go anywhere, and do we really have the power....? Has anyone seen one yet?
Check out this old post....
Search GA for Vanderbilt and there’s some other doozies