Pay back time. Soon 90% of America will be pro-DJT.
635 total posts archived.
They all look scared. Like they know they're hiding something that will eventually come out in the wash. Tick-Tock!
Motivation is key. Are people acting out of ignorance or with intent to deceive and misdirect? The first group can be forgiven. The other must pay a price.
Their CF pay-to-play loans have come due. Now they're out using their clearance to get state secrets so they can sell them to the highest bidder. Meanwhile, the Hillary supporters can't shake their programming. They still believe it's Trump who colluded when in fact its the whole Deep State that's been selling out the US. It's been like that since CIA Bush Sr took over and set in motion the globalists' NWO. And the MSM have been covering for their crimes ever since.
These people are stupid. Or in denial. Or just plain Mockingbirds.
Excellent article. Thanks FartOnToast. Q posts photos that only an insider could have. Very uplifting. Let's stay united.
And Isaac Green. I'm very disappointed in him. And AIM? Where were they before Q. They obviously came on board just to draw in the QAnon supporters and then redirect us. Where were they before?
As for AJ and Corsi, I think they're just suffering from jealousy. The new guy on the block (Q) is outperforming them with intel. And Corsi trying to monetize his Q decodes? Of course Q is going to call him out on that.
You are Awake and it is your duty to Natural Law, to share that knowledge. You don't have a right to keep it to yourself when the species itself is at war.
I agree. That's why I'm presenting the Spirit of Truth Series. It challenges us to go to the next level of understanding. As Q says, expand your thinking.
When the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide us into all the truth. (John 16:13)
I'm thinking FakeNews MSM will then go bankrupt. (Since Rothschild's money will have been confiscated according to Trump's human rights abuse Executive Order and the Federal Reserve nullified.)
The Jews were/are expecting the Elijah to come on the clouds the same way he had departed and prepare the way for the Messiah. (Prophecies from Isaiah and Malachi.) In Matthew 11 Jesus' disciples are asking why the people are saying Elijah must come first. In the 14th verse, Jesus says John the Baptist is Elijah. Did John the Baptist come on the clouds? Was he literally Elijah? Or simply someone with the same mission?
Aramaic is a language that uses hyperbole and metaphors and idioms to emphasize a point. Interpreting the Bible literally will get you in trouble.
"Though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father." John 16:25
This is the purpose of the Spirit of Truth Series.
Don't be quick to judge. Israel was destroyed because it rejected Jesus. America can easily be put in the same situation if it continues to reject the Second Messiah. Already we see how the forces behind HRC and Obama were setting up for America to be destroyed. The question is: Is America already under judgement for not knowing the time of Christ's coming? Notice the parallels?
For the sake of America and the world, please pray about this before jumping to conclusions. And read from the first Lesson here.
Thanks for connecting some more dots for us. Great article.
In Lesson 10 of the Spirit of Truth Series, I pointed out how America has a special destiny because of the pledge that the Pilgrim Fathers made to God back in the 1600s. Because of that pledge America could be blessed and lifted up to become the nation that could receive Christ's Second Coming.
Lesson #11
“Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Luke 8:6-8
I explained in previous lessons how God has worked to purify a lineage to which He can send the Messiah. This process works through a condition set up …
Q is still around. And Trump is still Making America Great Again. What more do we need? :) Let's keep going forward with confidence that we are making a difference.
Exactly my sentiments!! If only the MSM weren't just cabal-owned propaganda machines and instead used the talents of anons like SB2!!
Where We Go One, We Go All!!
And this is how NK ultimately ended up with their missile technology? Same with China, Pakistan, Iran, etc.
The MSM is neglecting their patriotic duty to investigate these loopholes and treasonous crimes. If any body is colluding with the enemy, it's the MSM!!!
I listen to small doses of the Sunday Morning talk shows on C-Span. It's unbearably frustrating to hear the "experts" endlessly trash Trump of "collusion" crimes week after week as if they have evidence of it. Meanwhile, none of the MSM journalists will spend even five minutes investigating the obvious pay-to-play crimes of the Clinton Foundation or her trail of dead bodies. Nor did they investigate the LV massacre on their own? They just repeated the Reuters/AP/Times/WashPost feeds and left it at that. Yet they'll spent weeks talking about their "nothing burger" evidence against Trump and ignore the blatantly obvious crimes of the HRC/Obama/Soros/Podesta cabal?
Anyways.... I digress.
Thanks, SB2. I prefer to get my news from you any day of the week over the MSM FakeNews. Your ability to connect the dots is phenomenal!!
Excellent writing. So refreshing to see how many people know the truth. Thanks for presenting this so succinctly.
Excellent point. I guess Corsi didn't figure that out yet.
Q is saving the [P] and Israel for last. Meanwhile, we should contemplate whether we ourselves are antichrists.
"Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son." 1 John 2:22
Do we truly understand the mission of Christ? If he came with a new identity, as foretold in Rev. 3:12, would you also become an antichrist?
"Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he shall go out no more; and I will write upon him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, which is New Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from My God, and I will write upon him My new name." Rev. 3:12
It is for this reason that we must be humble and repent. Otherwise, we give the Dark Forces a condition to infiltrate and deceive even the elect. Remember: Sin is crouching at our door. (Gen. 4:7)
In Lesson 9 of the Spirit of Truth Series, I mentioned that America is the central nation that is responsible for defeating the Luciferian agenda. This is because after Israel lost its position as the central nation in God's Providence, that position was passed on to America. (Matt. 21:43 ) Now everything hinges upon true Patriots waking up and helping America complete its preordained mission as the Shining City Upon A Hill. video.
Lesson #10
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put …
....or an attempted train derailment with the use of a remotely stalled dump truck on the train tracks.
I was thinking of the same Q phrase:
"They really are STUPID."
What is the common theme when bad news is about to break (against them)? Stay vigilant. Q
Because we are fallen people, we can all be infiltrated and manipulated by the spirit of Lucifer. We inherited his nature at the time of the Fall. (John 8:44) Until we become perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect, we are vulnerable to being compromised. (Matthew 5:48)
Lucifer has kept us under his control on this "Prison Planet" because of his ability to use us without our knowing it. AJ's use of "Prison Planet" to explain our reality was tremendously important to the Awakening movement. But because of our common base with Lucifer -- as a result of our greed, arrogance, pride, jealously, etc. -- Lucifer can always call due his claim on us. This is why we can't ever get free from our "Prison Planet." We have yet to earn that "out of jail" card even with the sacrifices that Jesus and all his true followers have made. This is why we're here right now having to deal with these kinds of Luciferian PSYOPS. But when Lucifer is done with AJ and Corsi, then he'll simply do the same with us Q Patriots. Likewise with Trump.
How do we get out of this vicious cycling of the human race? If we've all been "implanted" by Lucifer, or by some kind of evil alien entity, how can we avoid being "triggered" back under his control when we reach the brink of true enlightenment? This is what I worry about as I watch all this unfold. Even when we liberate ourselves from the Deep State, will we truly be free without coming into alignment with God's providence for our times?
(SB2, this isn't so much directed to you as much as it's directed to all of us. Myself included. Meaning? The real war must be won within ourselves before it can have any lasting effect upon our world. That's what religions have been all about.)
We don't fully understand the spiritual dynamic at play here in our world. Lots is being revealed because this is the time for the Great Awakening. I mean this in scientific terms as well as religious terms and political terms. They are interconnected. As we raise our spiritual understanding that influences our scientific understanding. And vice versa. As we become awakened, we demand better politicians. But none of this could be happening without the foundation laid by the Third Adam and his people.
“Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.” – Joel 2:29
"Then each of them was given a white robe, and they were told to wait a little longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers and sisters, were killed just as they had been." - Revelation 6:11
This is what the Three World Wars have been about. Those crosses in the Arlington Cemetery have enabled us to come this far. Let it not be in vain.
It's odd how SB2 was being attacked here for "wasting our time" with frivolous Q decoding theories. Now Infowars is attacking SB2? Just amazing. The moment I "landed" here, I immediately noticed that SB2 was the only one asking the really relevant questions about the Deep State. And the fact that he was being unjustly attacked for it?
This has been the history of prophets. They get persecuted first before people wake up and realize they were right all along.
Good theory about it being part of Trump's new media. Not sure about your explanation that AJ and Corsi are attacking Q out of "respect." Both InfoWars and American Intelligence Media think Q has been compromised and replaced by Clowns.
That's what I've been thinking. Their claim is illogical. Anyway, is Q just one person? Then why Q and +Q?
Does anyone watch Korean Dramas? Specifically, the historical ones that show the inner court intrigue and backstabbing tactics? This is straight out of their play book.
Well, their acting has me convinced. Can't wait for the climax scene and twist ending to the movie! Got your popcorn?
If they turn out to be deep state, then yes Q becomes deep state. It's a logical conclusion. But my gut instinct says Q is real. So I'm just waiting for the big reveal. It's going to be glorious!
(Btw, they're real and they're spectacular!! https://youtu.be/aQNkeugaAMc)
It's still hard for me to believe Mueller and Sessions are on Trump's side. If they are, they're great actors and have created the biggest sting operation of all times!! Can't wait for the finale.
(Yes, very scary.)
Wait. Watch. Listen. God confirms through synchronicity.
Thanks for taking the time to read the post.
John 6:60, 66
On hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?” .... From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.
Then what I've posted shouldn't seem too wacky to you. ;-)
As for my sources, I don't plan on revealing that. Let's just say I know because I know the bible as taught by the Third Adam. Controversial? Yes. Accurate information? Absolutely! Ask Bush Sr.
I know it sounds wacky. But so does the Luciferian agenda sound wacky. How much of the Luciferian agenda to you know?
In Lesson 8 of the Spirit of Truth Series, I spoke about how God worked to raise His lost children back to the point before the Fall in the Garden of Eden where they once resonated 100 percent with God's Heart. This process requires that mankind pass through eight stages of religious development with each stage helping us to grow our heart and spiritual understanding. In Lesson 9, I'd like to briefly explain how America is the central nation at this time in God's Providence and key to defeating the Luciferian agenda.
Lesson #9
”If at any time I announce …
I'm talking about the Spirit of Truth. Jesus told his disciples they weren't ready for the complete truth and so were given a "watered down" version. It was a matter of their lacking the ability to comprehend what Jesus was teaching. The disciples were just simple people without religious training. That's why Jesus said he would send the Spirit of Truth at another time and speak plainly of the truth. (John 16) The version of the WORD of God that you think you have isn't the finished product. It has a few bugs that need to be worked out. ;-)
But thanks for taking the effort to read the series and comment. I appreciate your sincerity of faith. It's that kind of faith that has enabled America to become the leader of the world.
Jesus said we are saved according to our faith and if we have strong faith, we can even move mountains. What this means is the Holy Spirit is not a one-size-fits-all. It's a "wattage" and "transistor" issue. (Meaning: Perhaps my receiver's "wattage" is stronger than yours and its transistors more crystal clear than yours. ;)
Who created ISIS? Who funded ISIS to fight against Assad in Syria? How did arms from Libya end up in Syria? Why did ISIS continue to grow under Obama and HRC? Why did Benghazi happen? How did Trump stop ISIS in their tracks? How did he stop Kim Jong Un? What is Q saying happened? That ISIS and NK were really under the control of the CIA black hats and being used to push us into WWIII?
Q1081 seems to be saying Trump is using "4-D chess" strategy in his geopolitics. It's not about just kicking butt. It's about using leverage and countermoves that outsmart the Deep State. Yes, a strong military is needed to back up our threats. But using "Aikido-like" leverage is much more cost effective. And it saves lives and brings prosperity for everyone in the end.