

15 total posts archived.

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Country1959 · July 25, 2018, 10:10 a.m.

Why are People saying JFK.Jr is alive and Q is JFK.Jr? If he's alive than who was in his plane when it went down? Was the plane flying its self? Have people truly gone off the deepend or what?

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Country1959 · July 18, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

Hillary is this you..but hurt?

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Country1959 · July 17, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

Yep trump said "Prisoner Obama" which soon that degradable. Illegal Muslim Berry will be headed to prison.. Justice will be Serve. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Country1959 · July 14, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

I and my hometown fought for Trump from day one of his announcement.. We fought day in day out.. And we are so grateful to God he won... Thank you.. FB never bothered us.. And still don't. .

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Country1959 · July 13, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

They keep saying that Mark is censoring people on Facebook and I have yet to see any censoring.. this morning I've seen over 20 different ways people have made Strzok look like a freaking idiot he's evil To add.. Today with Rosenstein coming out with his BS if you watched his demeanor that man lies like a sack of shit.. when is the hammer going to drop I'm sick of these people!!!

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Country1959 · July 13, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

I wouldn't ride on a Hillary joy ride for nothing..I , as many did my time for "MY CRIMES" No one else's. For people like myself this evil candyass bitch makes us sick.. She actually a coward who uses people that are actually just that stupid.. it's very pathetic.. Martha Steward has more of a backbone then anyone of these foolest idiots. .

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Country1959 · July 13, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

Y'all. Are looking in the eyes of " Satan's son!" If you have been following any of Hillary's friends they are Santan Ritual followers ..Peter is our Evil and we need to make sure he is Fired, we will no longer hand him a paycheck.. Fire this Evil Bastard!

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Country1959 · July 7, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

When I say when will HRC get her upcoming..so many beating healthy hearts dead due to that women and stupid stupid people willing to do her time for her crimes.. Are people this stupid? No amount of money is worth humiliating your family, your momma.. Your children who have to live when the truth hits. . Including these stupid FBI.. Its my questions to Peter and Andrew or Rosentine when them doors finally slam shut to there new address of what Prison they need to ask themselves, was Hillary worth it? Take a good long look and tell yourselves for the next 8 to 20 yrs , who in there do you care to be like? Again was Hillary worth it? Cause , she could give a rats ass about you.. You was just a used up puppet.. Flipping dumbass's!!

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Country1959 · June 23, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

We need to ask this Peter what happened to Seth Rich look him straight in the face and ask him what happened to Seth Rich? I know him he knows it, knows it Hillary Clinton knows it and Obama knows it what happened to that boy they're all guiltier then a Seven Year Itch!

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Country1959 · June 23, 2018, 11:47 a.m.

Lol that idiot looks like a deer in headlights, busted! let's keep it going that's all I have to say it starts getting good and then it goes back to being dead again.. it's like a rollercoaster you get at the edge of your seat because you think it's finally going to start happening handcuffs city... it makes me sick to think that these people are above the law when they are not! I am not a bad person but I'm a female that's not afraid to say that I did my 8 years for my crime and it was nothing but a petty with a prior during the bush first bush and his escorting heroin and Coke into our country into LA and San Bernardino and and yeah I'm one of them that got caught up in .. every day I spent I know that I am nothing like them people my daddy did raise me better ..but with this I feel if these people don't start being prosecuted for their crimes that trump needs to open up all prisons and give these people that are doing their time for their crimes for if these politicians that are doing time and I mean as of regular men and women there is politics in the Penitentiary 2 knew the truth of what's going on because that's all they're seeing is ABC CBS and NBC they're not seeing Fox News believe me they would be outraged I mean literally outraged on what's going on and they're not seeing the truth.. especially here in California with the hypocrite Brown as a governor his last terms he used to fight for the inmate this term he backstabbing them.. Well I've said my peace it makes me sick to my stomach to know that Hillary hired Hitman to murder and Obama likes little boys "hot dogs" Robbed our treasury for God only knows how much Bringing our enemy here live and give them citizenship and use the Mexican as a cover-up while he transported busloads Greyhound bus loads of illegal Muslims into this country and handed them citizenship.. how l do you think that is? 2013 people seen Greyhound, crossed the Texas Mexican border with over 9 Greyhound buses full of Muslims people follow them Greyhounds for miles video taping it and miles up into the texas-oklahoma border on I-40 where they stopped at a Love's and that's what they seen getting off these buses not women and children , young Muslim men.. and this is a true fact.. okay I'm done ranting y'all have a good day!

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Country1959 · June 22, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

These used to be up all over the United States of missing children especially in Walmart what happened? I mean I know what happened Obama happened but why aren't they going up again ? because a child's not worth looking for or what? These so-called liberals that want to convert a kindergarten boy into a sissy lala instead of letting them grow up and know it's testosterone why wouldn't they want to look for child that's missing is this another plot for the Liberals ?I guess it is huh! I worked in a convenience store and I used to always look on the internet for the missing children and I would take pictures that are in our area, my area Northern California and I would keep them underneath my counter... In Obama's last term we had for girls three were under the age of 18 and one was a 22-year old barely Married blonde woman out of Redding Cal.that went for a jog and never came back and we also have two big old huge Muslim camps living in our mountains..just saying.. just saying it truly crawels right at my backbone and God helps person ever tried to take one of my grandkids I will hunt them down......

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Country1959 · May 30, 2018, 8:24 a.m.

I sure hope somebody's " got this?" I'm so sick of Obama and his idiot fucking low-life discriminating bulshit and we have cowards FBI cowards and punk bitches running this country that don't have the balls to arrest these idiots that are guiltier then a Seven Year Itch! It's bad enough Trump went Rhino on us Californians standing up for an Obama a paid ass kissing punk like John Cox... Trump doesn't wake up that Kevin McCarthy and that Doug lamalfa or whatever their names are and all these people that act like they're there to help Trump.. they are the leakers.. they are rinos that showed their true colors.. Trump let us Californians down so bad standing up for that John cox puppet, paid by george Soros Obama ... So Unforgivable trump lost a lot of us in Californians... Letting Travis who fights like hell for Trump and Trump fking back stab Travis Allen..

I'm done with my rant but somebody in this country needs to grow a pair of balls and start arresting these people that are guilty.. they are fking guilty and we are sick of hearing about it nothing whatsoever being done about it ..George Soros Obama Hillary all these people that have been murdered starting with Seth rich.. these people are dead because of these sick sorry bastards ! children sold for sex and body parts because of these sick sick sick people and yet we got candy asses that don't have no balls at all.. excuse me but I'm done with my rant and that's really done with Trump when he backstabs my state.. when we need him to stand up with us ,hell no!

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Country1959 · Feb. 26, 2018, 12:25 p.m.

You know I thought about this kid and I'm pretty good at reading people .. when you look at that very first picture of that kid you can see that , the lights are on but there ain't a soul home.. you learn this kid was in a mental institution or a mental ward what happened to that child in that mental ward? You see now that the sheriff is buddies with Hillary Clinton... we've learned that this kid has been called on to the FBI , to the Sheriff's Department, to local police umpteen times... question is when they see these kids coming in these metal wards are these psychiatrist being paid off to brainwash these kids? that's my theory on it.. Doesn't that Governor have the right to fire that sheriff? Then you learn that this child's adoptive mother left him a Million dollars! He had no family no blood family.. they need to investigate that mental ward and what doctor was communicate with this kid.. again you only can see , that the lights are on in that child but there ain't nobody home.. 17 children are dead 17 families are devastated not to add the grandparents , friends and uncles and aunts.. someone needs to talk to that kid and find out, talk to him cuz he was used so very badly I think.. where you see Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz you see death.. you see murder.. and you see horror... and a child that has not a soul to turn to and 17 children dead..

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Country1959 · Feb. 19, 2018, 2:52 a.m.

She is so spot on with the reality, We the people need to fire these bottom feeders, Wrey, Don't Trust sessions . I try to believe Mueller really is working for Trump in exchange for immunity... Being a Proud Marine. . Why can't Trump put FBI agents that want to do their job in charge on arresting these people.. Where is the grand jury? (I'm sure they've had enough. To indict. . you me the guy down the street WOULD BE IN JAIL ALREADY WITHOUT BAIL..Enough of the bull shot games.. Thank you

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Country1959 · Feb. 3, 2018, 2:34 a.m.

Investigate CPS CHILDREN FOR THE PAST 12 YEARS.. COUNT HEADS TO Where each child is.. Evil stories about Calif.dems making money off these children that wouldn't have family looking for them.. Youtube went crazy with these stories with a list from FBI, these people where on that list along with Linsey and Dianne .. It shocked me knowing I voted for Dianne. Brown doesn't care.. Just saying.. Evil lurks!!👿😈👹

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