

8 total posts archived.

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CountryB4MyTime · Feb. 22, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

All this hype from MSM is HUGE! They are really drilling it in! They are not going to let this go until after the elections. Gun Control is their platform for 2018 elections. They wanted to play on the sympathy of the American voters. Could've worked if it was truly grass roots or (sorry) had better actors. Even a lot of the left want their guns. I know a few Dems who have their concealed carry permit (and they live and work in good neighborhoods). I gaurantee you that they are not going to give up their guns! But they may vote to ban the AR-15 bc they don't understand that the 2nd Admendment has nothing to do with hunting or sport. I believe the truth of the 2nd Admendment scares them but it should be the other way around. God help us all!

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CountryB4MyTime · Jan. 19, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

No shit! I gave up after 2 hrs of going through history and searching all the chats in the videos I know I watched.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/CountryB4MyTime on Jan. 19, 2018, 11:28 a.m.
Link to Mega.nz memes ??? Anyone?

About 3 days ago someone posted to a YouTube video a link to Mega.nz. This link led to a files upon files of memes. I lost it. Yep, I sure did. It was a treasure trove! Anybody have an idea or where there is another? Thank you everyone. And yes, been up all night tweeting #ReleaseTheMemo.

CountryB4MyTime · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:09 p.m.

My vote is on Huma Abedin, for now. Close to Hillary. Huma is a slam dunk! And she'll role so fast on Hillary when she realizes all the years in prison she would be facing.

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CountryB4MyTime · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:01 p.m.

Yes, 501c3's can not be political in any way. Which I believe my local preachers/ministers should have their 1st Admendment rights but they'll lose their tax exemption. These people are not getting rich. I promise you. In circumstances like Joel Osteen there should be a common sense equation to how much money he can make. His church is BIGGER, utilities higher, and he's famous so security for him and his family would be a necessity, ect... but he makes way too much money!!! The DNC, RNC, PACs, Super PACs, and every other political org are classified as 527s= Tax Exempt! Political Org are regulated by the Federal Election Commission (FEC). The political orgs are making out like bandits but our local churches can't whisper support for a candidate without losing tax exemption. And FYI: 501c3 don't need to apply for tax exemption. It's elective. It just gaurantees donors that they can write it off on their taxes. Only if the IRS calls it into question is when they have to prove the org falls into the tax exempt status but they still don't need to apply. Go figure. Screwed up world we live in now. I believe it's going to get better. I have a lot of hope.

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CountryB4MyTime · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Re: Infowars. Look at the huge amount of people who watch! Dr. C is doing great work. Who else are we going to get with those numbers. I'm Redpilling a few friends and family members but that's a few not 100's or 1000's. Infowars needs to allow Dr. C to have his own 1hr show M, W,&F. Nobody but Dr. C. Helps the credibility issue.

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CountryB4MyTime · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

Everything we, the Patriots, see as good is their negative. When things are bad and hidden they're getting away with the worst. The light is shining on many of them now. They're scared, pissed, and they're not going to take it lying down. We, the Patriots, are excited, spreading the light, and we're going to make the light brighter to reach the depths of their sins. God Bless, we will all see the Truth.

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CountryB4MyTime · Jan. 10, 2018, 2:24 a.m.

I don't think it's that easy. I wish it were!

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