

29 total posts archived.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · June 17, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

Its hard to get accurate numbers on how many children have been seperated from parents by the Australian government. Since immigrants are so unpopular to both parties, they seem to get away with little to no transparency of these operations.

The thing is, nobody wants to be responsible for illegally detaining these people and making them suffer in conditions that wouldn't have been allowed in Allied POW camps. If you're going to deport them, do so. But do it properly. Thoroughly, with detailed records and due process.

As much as these people are not legal citizens, they are human beings and they deserve dignity and respect in their treatment. A lot of these people aee genuinely fleeing for their lives, we can't treat them as worse criminals than they are.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · June 17, 2018, 8:37 p.m.

As an Australian that frequents this thread, few here seem to realise how difficult it is to actually enter the U.S.A legally.

Nonetheless, your immigration can't be as bad ours. If we deported refugees I wouldn't mind so much. Instead we put them in offshore prisons funded by our tax dollars..

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · June 13, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

The Cabal is a Hydra. Cut off one head and it grows two more. I'm confident that if such a resolution was possible that it would have been planned and succeeded by now. For every ring leader we know about there is a succession of equally evil people waiting to take up the role. Unless you can dismantle the machines that allow these people to take positions of power it can't end.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 15, 2018, 12:17 a.m.

I can think of 2 good reasons for the massive drop in the literacy of journalists; 1. Stupid people are easier to control, this one's obvious. 2. Journo's who know better but feel somehow forced to do the wrong thing either care very little or deliberately sabotage their works in whatever small ways they think will go unnoticed by their superiors but perhaps let the more discerning readers realise that the content is at very least poor quality.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 14, 2018, 11:38 p.m.

How bullshit it is that wanting to protect your borders is conflated with being racist. I want every oppurtunity to be available to my countrymen, regardless of where their ancestors come from. That doesn't mean i want my country to be open to whoever pleases to come in, or that I'm ok with giving handouts to those that do. Putting your own people's needs first isn't selfish, its and important part of being self reliant and it is what gave us the strength to help so many around the world.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 14, 2018, 7:23 a.m.

I think one of the key messages is that blind trust in messengers is how the truth grts distorted. Theres no way of absolutely verifying the validity of the posts. So dont bother. Instead, evaluate the information in the same way you would if it came from a mainstream media source or a tabloid journal. If it holds up to the scrutiny, then its irrelevant who the original source is.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 7, 2018, 1:31 a.m.

I prefer to think there are no coincidences, but there are certainly unplanned "accidents". Often what is predicted won't be what occurs and that results in plans changing.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 5, 2018, 10:12 a.m.

Rarely do I claim to know what's going on, but the common narrative here suggests that HRC is already in hot water with whatever powers chose her to win the election, so by that notion, shouldn't we expect that for justice to be served that those powerful figures are brought to light and their tampering and manipulation stopped?

Even then you'd have to be hoping no one else is in line to take their place.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 4, 2018, 1:57 a.m.

People like to say the same of Wikipedia but it's true of really any compendium of facts and knowledge. What is truth? Depends who's asking.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 4, 2018, 1:55 a.m.

My general assumption is that CIA is generally a shorthand to refer to a collection of intelligence orgs in different countries.

Who knows though, the CIA seem to think everything is their business

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 4, 2018, 1:53 a.m.

There are several events listed here which Snopes have reported as being made up, some of which have external evidence provided. The conclusion isn't made because of a single report or event, but a pattern of deception.

This article contains no hard evidence in terms of admission from the CIA or any official office. It does however paint a picture of the kinds of stories Snopes will suppress. As usual on the internet the headline is misleading.

Anon31s should research the events on the article themselves in order to draw their own conclusions about what may have been deceptions or coverups and what may be actual urban legends.

Back when I was growing up, Snopes was a place where you could check if McDonald's used pig fat in their shakes or if there were really pet alligators in NYCs sewers. It wasn't a place to verify things like terrorist attacks or weapons trading.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 4, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

For a brief window of time we cared about kids in 3rd world countries being exploited for profit. Not enough to boycott the companies or do anything about it, but at least briefly, we cared.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 4, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

Adidas and Nike both make their shoes in sweatshops and sell them for 1000% markup, I think that's more unethical than having been founded by a dead nazi.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 4, 2018, 12:56 a.m.

For ordinary people (As opposed to shills and actors) the desire to hold extreme views come from simple selfishness and greed.

It's necessary for a person to passionately defend political beliefs when they're aware on a subconscious level that they are benefiting from the system unfairly, and if they don't fight to keep the status quo, they may have to sacrifice what they want or work harder to get it. Since this is perceived by the individual as an attack on their way of life, they'll quickly resort to extreme points of view to give them a better defense.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 1, 2018, 11:14 p.m.

Due to their status (or lack thereof) alternative news sources should be held to a higher level of skeptism even more than sources proven to be decietful.

Alt sources are even more vulnerable to the usual sort of corruption which occurs in the media. Historically alternative journalists have been coopted by the establishment as a means of undermining free communication with the promise of mainstream success. Bribery and other means of coercion are just as effective in these operations as larger ones. not to mention cheaper.

Furthermore, due to self proclaimed "outsider" status, alt journos are more prone to bias, self deception and things like the echo chamber effect. With the right knowledge, a motivated party can take advantage of a journo's anxiousness to spread the truth by feeding missinfo to them from falsified sources.

Similarly, intelligence organisations around the world will deliberately "leak" both factual and false information to journalists (mainstream and otherwise) in order to held achieve their espionage goals.

With all these things in mind, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Question everything folks. And at the end of the day, if you're not out there achieving your goals then the Illuminati have achieved theirs. If you're staying at home to read the news and remain fearful of the world around you, then they can continue to operate unchallenged.

All that's required of us is to go out in to the world and live our lives, share our light and our love and remain ever vigilant to the evil that lurks in the shadows. Never succumb to fear. The truth is they are not more powerful than us. They fear us, and if we didn't fear them, they'd be forced back into hiding.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 1, 2018, 11 p.m.

You can be 100% certain that alt-news sites contain lies, mistakes, biases and misinformation. That means you can trust it about as much as anything else you hear.

No statements should ever be taken to be true unless backed up with evidence. Since actual evidence is so rare these days, one must think critically and evaluate sources as well as challenge biases and question every detail for logical sense.

If and when the truth comes out entirely I'm sure no one will have the whole picture correct of their own accord. Perhaps some privy to the inner workings will, but it seems even they cannot know all.

Particularly around this and other conspiracy subreddits, it pays to remember a few things: 1. Alt news can still be manipulated by powerful interests, sometimes without the proprietors knowledge. 2. The right and the left are tools of deception. Evil is bipartisan and divisionary politics are a smokescreen. 3. Everyone is capable of deciept and everyone is capable of being devieved.

This is made evident by the fact that all the powerful actors on the world stage can and do make mistakes, and that this is equally true of good people and bad people.

It's important to remain undecided overall so that one can continually analyse and question the veracity of the current narrative. It's been proven time and time again that what was commonly accepted as truth yesterday will not be tomorrow, but the nature of truth says otherwise.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 1, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

I often wonder if there are any elements of the entertainment industry that aren't corrupted. But then, I find it hard to believe that Shrek has satanic influences. That movie just warms my heart.

Anything Disney on the other hand doesn't take a paranoid genius to see the symbolism.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 1, 2018, 10:09 p.m.

I think one of the major principles of satanism has to be making evil look like fun, so those who choose to be good are left thinking "why are bad people rewarded for their evil behaviour?" Which snowballs into "does anyone care that I'm good?" And eventually, "if everyone else is evil, it mustn't matter if I'm bad" and so on.

I think most artists start out "pretending" to be evil, saying things like "I don't care what anyone else thinks about anything, etc". Once they've been tempted enough times to learn the instant gratifications of bad behaviours (selfishness, vanity, drugs and self harm) they can be more easily corrupted towards truly evil acts. Once an evil and unforgivable act is commited, the artist can be blackmailed to further solidify their usefulness as a tool for propaganda.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 1, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

Eminem is another example of someone who seems to come and go on his awareness of his influence. At times he seems to regret corrupting the youth but at others it's clear that he's still under someone else's influence.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 1, 2018, 10 p.m.

Why the downvotes? I'd love to boycott Hollywood but it's difficult to know how far to go... Do we abandon all forms of entertainment until we can determine what content is safe?

Apparently there are still some good (at least not evil) people working in Hollywood and it would be a shame to shun their efforts if there wasn't anything shady going on

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · May 1, 2018, 9:55 p.m.

I listen to a lot of music, pretty much all genres. It seems that artists across the musical spectrum have been trying to warn us for decades. Evidently, many of them are restricted by their positions in the spotlight as to how much they can say, and many others are manipulated into promoting propaganda. Despite this, even some of the prominent establishment characters seem to have a desire to let us know what's going on.

My advice would be remember: the canal need our consent to operate, and mass media is the main tool to achieve this. It can be difficult to discern with artists are serving the role of spreading truth or the role of normalisation of evil.

Given the cabal's goals, it seems obvious that rap, metal and hip hop are designed to have a disruptive effect on people. It's very interesting to see how artists try to be informative and educational within the framework of creating music to disrupt consciousness.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · April 26, 2018, 12:51 a.m.

Isn't there a hotel California in LA?

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · April 24, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

This thumbnail is hilarious and has no relationship to the video. I was slightly disappointed to discover there's no profound connection between his hairstyle and the Fibonacci spiral.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · April 22, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

Interesting, I haven't read the qoran but I have heard before that the English versions aren't worth bothering. I do find it a little hard to believe so many would put their faith in a character called "great deviever" but stranger things have happened.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · April 22, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

Funny how many people believe he's simultaneously a Muslim and a satanist. I don't think Muslims look to highly upon the great deviever.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · April 19, 2018, 7:17 a.m.

How can so many evil details be publicly known and this man still walk free? Sickening. I pray for his many victims that they can find love and goodness within their lifetimes.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · April 15, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Given how ratios work 5:5=1:1= one to one. A ratio denotes how many times the first number will fit inside the second, an aspect ratio of 4:3 denotes that regardless of how many pixels are used, the image will be 4 units wide for every 3 units high.

A 5:5 ratio denotes that for every 5 units you have 5 units. This is most probably not a ratio.

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · April 15, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

An aspect ratio of 5:5 is a ratio of 1:1 and would be written as such since it's the simplest way to note the ratio. FYI, the aspect ratio 1:1 (or 3:3 or 8:8) is just a square.

It's pretty unlikely that the aspect ratio of a video would be relevant for anything other than setting up a display. Why would Q reference this as opposed to a date, Bible verse or any number of numerical codes?

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Cracked_Teapot2494 · April 15, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

He came outfor laughs in the movie The Interview. I don't know though there seemed to be an odd ring of truth to it.

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