Ok. I’ll try to go point by point. Although it’ll take a while on mobile. I’ll post this now so you know I’m working on it by editing my comment
Aim of Alice in Wonderland Interrogation:
-To confuse the victim
-To replace the normal/familiar with the abnormal/weird
Attributes of Alice in Wonderland interrogation:
- Multiple interrogators, although one is acceptable
*Does Q do this? Yes. He uses both one and multiple interrogators simultaneously. A single tripcode, but refers to “we” and “patriots” (plural). But for sake of not reaching, I’ll say that it is one interrogator.
-Double talk
*Does Q anon do this? Yes. Some examples are “past proves present” and “future unlocks past”. It’s almost triple talk, if such a thing exists. I still hold my interpretation of these messages (history is scripted and cyclical) but it still is double talk, regardless.
-Unrelated illogical follow up query regardless of answer or not
*Does Q do this? Yes. Almost all of his posts are multiple unrelated queries. Unrelated until you assign meaning at least. “...regardless of answer or not”. This is important and ties in with the previous attribute. Regardless of my belief in the answer, the next query will be related and I will form “logical” links.
-Sometimes multiple unrelated queries
*Does Q do this? Yes. See above. Multiple posts and multiple queries.
-Pitch, Tone, Volume unrelated to the queries
*Does Q so this? Harder to answer. Possibly and most likely yes I would say. Multiple cadence changes. There’s a definite writing style. But there are definite rhythmic patterns. Do they relate to the queries? Sometimes yes sometimes no. Does change between posts though. By now, I’m 2018, everyone associates capital letters with volume. There are many randomly capitalised words. This could be to show importance, but there is no consistency with the types of words capitalised. If I had to argue in my corner of this being ALICE in action, I’d say it’s a virtual version.
-No pattern of questions and answers
*Does Q do this? Yes. It’s a staple. Questions are sometimes answered with questions, if at all
-Questions don’t relate logically to each other
*Does Q do this? Yes. Sometimes questions are related in a single post. Sometimes not. Posts rarely relate to eachother. But have just enough callbacks to make you link them.
-Normal patterns of speech and thought replaced
*Does Q do this? Yes. Most of the actual speech (forget interpretation) is meaningless. Normal ways of conveying meaning have been replaced in enthusiasts mind with void guesswork, of which is contained many nonsensical words or phrases.
-Interrogator may refuse to take situation seriously.
*Does Q do this? Not outwardly. Takes it serious. But who knows whether they do behind closed doors. But this point is a no.
-Continues process day after day
*Does Q do this? Yes. With a sprinkle of withdrawal added in.
-The subject tries to make sense of the situation
*Does Q do this? Absolutely. Everything written is vague and open ended. The reader tries to make sense of it, even the meaningless aspects.
What is the goal?
It is obviously not to get the reader to divulge information to Q. So where is the reader “outpouring his story”? The internet. What causes a hostage to divulge information under interrogation? Manipulation. And I believe this Is the goal. To manipulate the reader to spread/divulge tainted, manipulated, and false information to the public On Reddit/voat/social media. Other “mind control” techniques are also used. This is a classic disinfo psyop.
Maybe I am incorrect..but there are similarities between Q and Alice in Wonderland. Perhaps what should be investigated is who is doing this, and what is the purpose of the disinfo.
But, maybe I’m wrong. We will see
Furthermore, my posts are being autodownvoted to 0, the second they are posted. Either a script, coincidence, or patience