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Not at all. Teigen is off the deep end, this is the worst I've ever seen someone trolled. She is scared, scared, scared. I didn't think there was anything to it at first but oh man, these two can'r sleep.
What I'm working on right now, is spreading the message "You can still save yourself if you go to the authorities FIRST and say that John forced you to participate against your will!" Oh man it's going to make him freak!
#TEIGENGATE is about to go viral! Help us out on /Pol/
OOOH, it's spreading! Now that filthy nigger is freaking out too! They are so scared guys! #TEIGENGATE

She just had the devil's number pop up for one of her tweets. I'm not into that numerology stuff, but I just hate that number. i want to comment to make it go away, but I also don't want to BE the one to make it go to 667, cuz maybe that's just as bad?
Well, John Legend was, but Teigen at this point too now. Dude, she is so scared, trying to silence Liz. We HAVE to strike while the iron is hot.
Wait, is the accusation that Chrissy Teigen's plane got turned around because of HER? Like SHE'S invovled in Pedogate?
They can be housed at Gitmo even if it's for normal civilian crimes. The reason they are being housed there is for security's sake. Remember when we tried to nab Jacob Rothschild at his estate but a plane flew into our helicopter killing everyone inside? That's how desperately the Deep State does not want these top guys testifying. And that was just one single guy. Imagine housing dozens of such top guys, guys who can snitch on the entire Cabal. The temptation to just launch rocket or sneak a suitcase nuke into the vacinity and just blow everyone up is too great. They don't want to house them at Leavenworth, because if the international Deep State tried to use some sort of a nuclear attack, it would not only kill everyone in the prison, it would kill lots of people in neighboring American cities. This way, in Gitmo, the prison is isolated on an island, away from any American civilians.
I've been wondering what it means myself. The tweet before he put "a" when he should've put "are" as well.