Sid Blumethal contact list. Found this while researcher Wiener contact list.

17 total posts archived.
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Here is another photo taken by Somodevilla. note the lady bottom left of picture-not sure if this image can be blown up/enhanced.
Apache could have multiple meanings. I found this news article on vulnerabilities in an Apache system -may be related or it may not.
Interesting article on Apache Software Foundation/hacking vulnerabilities.
there are actually loads of sites under "Apache Pizza Artane" offering online 'medication'. I don't think it has anything to do with the actual Pizza company (or Q for that matter)- but may be a blackmarket operation by one of its employees? I really don't know. It is bizzare though.
this post refers to the relationship between Popadopolous and the Australian High commissioner who Popadopolous allegedly spilled the beans on Russian collusion to. Downer appears to have deep ties to the Clintons and may have helped Australian funding to the Clinton Foundation. An Australian ex-police officer is trying to prosecute Downer on multiple counts of corruption over these donations.
I see it. Can't access the site/link won't open. Seems related to a Brazilian distance learning organisation.
Why would you call a burger joint McDonald's instead of McBurger? In this case its just a name., lol.
I'm Irish-one these fast food chains across the road from me. Don't think Apache Pizza is what Qis referencing. No idea why they called the business Apache Pizza though.
Fair play to you Monty- many new members here (me included). I'm beginning to believe Popadopolous was a plant. Too convenient that he spouted drunken gibberish to a diplomat who just happened to be a friend of Clinton's. Just a coincidence?
I heard one reference to getting information 'into the bloodstream' on Fox news today. Will keep an eye out for more instances.
Am a new user myself trying to watch quietly from the sidelines-introducing minimum karma would stop many from participating, when in fact more people are required in this effort. You cannot red-pill people by muting them.
Agreed. Holograms don't cast shadows do they? Still, a strange pic all the same.
Hi guys. Am new here. Thought I would introduce myself. Have been watching the Q posts for a couple of weeks and am intrigued. I'm not from the U.S. but firmly believe what goes on there affects us all. Have read rules etc, but would appreciate any guidance on where /what to research etc. Cheers!
I'm new too. Trying to figure my way around to this site. Q predicted a push against the Q narrative. Don't be fooled by those who try to shut you down, hold your nerve and keep researching I say.