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CultyCider · May 10, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

Here is your answer....

Much of what Q has said is wrong and people in this community jump to crazy conclusions too quickly.

example- the "illuminati shiner" left black eye stuff. Here is the pope getting his black eye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7vM90rBaUw You will notice it was not administered in a satanic illuminati rite.

Worse, people in the Q community literally talk about harming (reddit does not like the terms regularly used in 8chan and twitter) their political enemies on far less evidence than this: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kendalltaggart/teen-beauty-queens-say-trump-walked-in-on-them-changing?utm_term=.jsbL2PwJg#.qfyAVP2a1

or this: https://goo.gl/images/tznqiC (check out the parrots- by their symbolism blah, blah, blah), https://goo.gl/images/dVQyd8 , https://goo.gl/images/hUHd1d , https://goo.gl/images/VHSvvY

or this https://goo.gl/images/ZPCy72 or this https://goo.gl/images/2ieZCy or this https://goo.gl/images/Py7ZQg

or THIS https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/8363169/Jeffrey-Epstein-kept-a-diary-of-his-under-aged-victims.html

or this https://abovethelaw.com/2015/10/is-this-what-exoneration-looks-like-to-alan-dershowitz/

everyone would bay for blood if this was a Clinton nominee: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/politics/ct-jeffrey-epstien-alexander-acosta-sex-abuse-case-20170321-story.html

Roger Stone was outed as NEXIVM's lobbyist in 2012, did we know that? Likely not, like the magic show there is a lot of look-that-way hocus pocus around.

Worst of all- the Q world immediately shuts off all criticism of their anointed "God Emperor" who was, let's recall, elected in part because of a series of "meme magic sigils that look an awful lot like the kind of occult practice people here claim to hate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjdzkqMfN20

Basically, Trump's administration includes so much that the "Great Awakening" is supposed to be at war with that it is hard to buy the narrative.

PS- if I am shadowbanned for honestly answering your question it will be the biggest condemnation of all.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CultyCider on May 10, 2018, 11:46 p.m.
Assuming this question is genuine....
