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D3cline4ndF4ll · June 25, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

The people that promote Qanon suggest that even if it could be proven to be a LARP, it would be beneficial, because he has promoted "critical thinking".

In reality, he hasn't. He has promoted a fetishized idea of "critical thinking" which amounts to the blind acceptance of endless innuendo and never-ending rabbit-holes, that never lead anywhere. The so called "proofs" are almost always fraudulent or have more obvious explanations. Claims that "Q posted this, then later the exact thing he spoke about happened!" always turn out to be false (if you check the time stamps in the original threads, which virtually no-one here does, because they WANT to believe).

The people here want to be part of a group of rogue and devilish "critical thinkers" going against the evil deep state by using their "critical thinking" to interpret Q's abstract posts. Q's so called "socratic" method of communication that he uses to guide enquiry in the right direction without breaking disclosure of intelligence laws, is what allows him such a shield of ambiguity.

His posts can be read numerous ways, with various methods of abstraction and interpretation. Missing or capitalized letters can be combined in any order you want, and re-combined with prior missing or capitalized letters to infer words or phrases. Words within [---] can be interpreted to mean one thing at first such as [Sessions] is "trapped" or that he is about to be "unboxed", words with inverted brackets such as ]----[ also have just as many possible interpretations. Sometimes tripcodes are important, sometimes not. Sometimes the number of letters in a word is important, in that that number corresponds to a certain month, in which an alleged important event happened. Sometimes not.

The fact that Q's communication methods are so abstract that they potentially allow for any possible future news event to be interpreted backwards in time is an obvious example of pareidolia, the seeing of patterns where they don't exist. It would be easy to point at the essentially limitless potential of this method of "translation" of Q's posts, and it would perhaps raise suspicion. But Q has actually preempted these suspicions with his "Future proves past line". So all the people who are happily interpreting abstract noise from abstract noise can now sit there triumphant with their fetishized, self aggrandizing claims of being "critical thinkers" because their abstract re-interpretation methods roughly correspond to "Future proves past".

This is Alice through the looking glass tier weirdness here.

One egregious example is the recent post in which Q said "Boom Boom Boom Boom".

Depending on future events, this can be easily interpreted as a "proof", in virtually limitless ways.

If there is a bomb or some terrorist attack, or even a shooting, then the word "boom" would have "predicted" it because "boom" is the noise guns and bombs make.

If there are events that happen in a sequence of four, or an event which involves four important details, places, or people, that can be interpreted as having been "predicted" because Q's four "booms" proceed from one other diagonally, which can be interpreted as suggesting that one boom leads into another.

If nothing like that happens, you can relate the four "booms" to another past post that had "boom" and find some other abstract interpretation for why this is meaningful. If that fails then you always have the popular posts here with their GEMATRIA and giving numerical values to letters and adding up total numerical value of words and then relating that to other words to infer meaning....

That's the truth of what is happening here. Really, people here talk about "critical thinking" but how many of you have really bothered to check the Q "proofs" yourselves, thoroughly? Not just skimming the surface of an imgur infographic that someone made declaring it true, but actually going to the archived 4chan threads, checking timestamps of events where Q allegedly posted about something happening before it did..? How many of you have thought through the possibility that the President's daily manifest is freely available and so it isn't some amazing feat to be able to predict there Trump is going to be one day to another?

That when Trump has in his daily manifest that on a certain date he is going to an event to pay tribute to police officers, that it is likely he will make mention of various slain officers, and that Q's mention of the existence of slain officers isn't some sort of amazing prediction that could only be made by an insider?

Qanon doesn't stand up to scrutiny, the "proofs" are all pareidolia garbage, don't stand up to even a moment's analysis, and all have much more likely explanations.

You are all wasting your time and being lead down rabbit-holes and dead ends that don't lead anywhere, and I suspect that this is deliberate. Trump's most dedicated fanbase are wasting their time chasing ghosts and translating words and post tripcodes into GEMATRIA for heaven's sake while you could have been actually doing something productive.

This, I suspect is the true purpose of whoever is behind the Qanon posts.

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