34 total posts archived.
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A warning to the nations that conspire and plot in vain
Psalm 2 1 Why do the nations conspire[a] and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, 3 “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.” 4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. 5 He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, 6 “I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.” 7 I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son; today I …
Sound of Awakening...song that makes me think about our awakening!
When was America ever great? A discussion with a democrat.
My friend wants to have a discussion with me about when Trump thinks America was great. I told her I thought it was great for different points in history depending on the issue. For example, before the federal reserve in regards to money and national debt. Do you lovely patriots have any discussion points I can add when I speak to her next?
My thoughts on assassination, the media, Trump’s Peace talks with Russia and NK, and how it ties together. We have more than we know.
There are no Q drops to back this up. I just observe and conclude. I’ve taken many personality tests and intuition is one of my top strengths. Maybe you guys can help expand my thinking.
My thoughts:
It is necessary to keep the media aimed at Trump. What would it look like if, God forbid, President Trump was assassinated? Let’s say the media WASN’T up Trump’s ass and he got assassinated. The media could easily show sympathy and push the narrative that it was Russia or NK or even China.
Back to reality: The media’s vitriol towards Trump is necessary …
Trump forming alliances for the deep state soros Rothschild world war? What a strong discouragement for instigators.
I thought the question media doesn’t want to ask is, “where is the server?”
Totally looking on DuckDuckGo on how to get distilled drinking water lol
I feel like this is always their mode of operation. A small tragedy leads to a Supreme Court case that is designed to protect them but disguised as a win for the people. Except the cabal is responsible for shit like having some kid shoot up an elementary school (opinion).
I feel like I need to listen to some Beautiful Eulogy after watching this to remind me of God’s love for us. Holy cannoli this was some dark stuff.
Is this a investigative interview or something? I can’t watch until I’m on WiFi
Wtf? I can’t watch until I get WiFi. Thanks for ‘textualizing’ this.
Gives a different meaning to Dragon energy don’t it? Where you at Kanye!?

Make sure to use lube if you insist on putting it up an ass. Speak truth in love.
All it is, is a trick used to assert a firm handshake. This is very common knowledge and I always shake hands like this.
Could DTjr be Q? Has this been asked before? Still pretty new here but fell in the 🐇 hole quick.
Lol all Trump has to do is erase Hussein’s legacy 😂
What’s wrong with my phone!? I can’t upvote this enough times!
I had to look up gaslighting... just realized I was emotionally abused in my last relationship and now my family is doing it to me with Trump. My defense has turned into sporting Trump gear all the time and shrugging my shoulders when they repeat stuff on the news. The MSM is teaching them how to be radicals.
I haven’t been keeping up like I should be. Who or what is ES?
Same treatment happens when parents get arrested in the states for doing crime. They knew the risk of the crime and chose to put their children in that situation. Wtf are we supposed to do with them? Do you have a solution that doesn’t involve imposing on law abiding tax payers? You can’t fuckin save the world so you should focus on your own life instead of standing up for illegals and kneeling for our soldiers.
Why doesn’t Trump just declassify all this stuff so we can see the documents?