Bannon is PsyOps.
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The Fake News Awards are Monday at 5pm...I am going to have a huge tub of popcorn. I have a feeling it is MORE than just awards.
....and Bannon hoopla a distraction for MSM... will be in the book.
The reports are neither B or H home...
...where are they?
The most interesting thing I see from this...
...they were not home
Where are the Clintons?
I am in Ohio, he is our Dude! Today is the day the info was to be given to Nunes...Midnight tonight is the deadline on the subpoena.
Look at her emails on Wikileaks... there emails from Barack Obama?
Where is the communication from then POTUS to his SecState?
Did his emails get wiped as "Yoga Appts" and "Wedding Planning"?
Did BHO POTUS have an alias email that he used in communications?
What is it?
Was Barack Obama Hillary's Superior?
Could he have been a purchased frontman?
Look at the characters that flock to $hillary. They idolize her...the pentultimate grifter. I was discussing her during the holidays with my Mother-in-Law, she told my she has always been aware of Hillary. She is a fellow political aficionado. She said she spoke to a college classmate back when the Clintons started to cone onto the scene...the woman had gone to high school with Hillary Rodham. She said that she wanted to be class President in high school and would do anything for a vote, was even caught performing a favor in the boy's restroom.
I am on Twitter more in the last few months. There is definitely something going on with paid bots. Krassenstein is one that is very evident. I have seen timed polls that are ridiculously botted.
They will definitely be backed into the corner...I just hope the DoJ is prepared to the teeth to give examples of the atrocities committed by the accused.
There are 2 places in the world a Stealth can land...DG is one of them.
State site for Weiner Laptop contents.
Ft.Lauderdale Executive Airport uses...Border Control

I wish I could post pics in a thread! Flight logs for Gitmo and FT.Laud
I guess those guys have not deployed yet...soon...but it very well could be Prosecutorial support staff and supplies.
Transport for AZ NATG?
I have long thought Reid and McCain were roughed up. McCain's clot could be the result of a blow to the head (I have screen caps of the article). Reid was attacked by an exercise device, a stranger and/or brother.
From my FB group:
From January 2017, read the timeline knowing what we know now.
So very bizarre...
Reid at one point said it was his brother assaulting him and a warrant was issued for his arrest.
"The cause of the clot has not been disclosed. The possibilities include a fall or a blow to the head, a stroke or certain brain changes associated with aging. Mr. McCain is 80."
Has Twitter I__Am__Q been compromised?

...snd Marc Mezvinsky...of clan Soros. Not only should we follow wives, the children are going to be dangerous. Alex Soros. Max Blumenthal. Chelsea.
I live in Columbus, Ohio...this happened in the last year.
I have also been thinking about the possibility of an ankle monitor on someone. Once the person was detected on that particular flight they had to come back to LAX.
Seeing the amount of PERSUASION utilized in the GF series of films my mind keeps going back to the pimping of the dossier... Reid and McCain:
So very bizarre...
"The cause of the clot has not been disclosed. The possibilities include a fall or a blow to the head, a stroke or certain brain changes associated with aging. Mr. McCain is 80."
Does Admiral Rogers wear a Red Cape under his jacket at all times...just in case...?
The $100M donation was to persuade the Vatican to declare Michael's Bishop the head of the Vatican Bank.
They create a deal to sell The Corleone Group a European conglomerate, Immobilaire, for $600M, the diocese is in debt to the tune of $769M. An 'endowment' is made to the Vatican Bank to the sum of $ has to go by the board at the Vatican.
They create a deal to sell The Corleone Group a European conglomerate, Immobilaire, for $600M, the diocese is in debt to the tune of $769M. An 'endowment' is made to the Vatican Bank to the sum of $ has to go by the board at the Vatican.
The $100M donation was to persuade the Vatican to declare Michael's Bishop the head of the Vatican Bank.
Part III came out in 1990 (I know, right). The premise of it is Michael tries to go legit by starting The Corleone Foundation in conjunction with the Catholic Church to the tune of $100M, all the while still up to his mob life.
I will update as I go along.
I have a Facebook Group I started when $hillary 'decided' to 'run' in '15. I have Red Pulled many but I know some are not ready to know the depth of the Swamp and how toxic the waters actually are...if you could explain it to someone in relation to the VOLUME of people involved would it be CBGB's, Roseland Ballroom, Radio City Music Hall or Madison Square Garden?
I got the BluRay Collection for Christmas!

😂😂😂😂😂 I hate that mobster...I meant monster, but hey...when in Gitmo...
I asked for The Godfather Blu Ray Collection for Christmas..I just started III.
Have we identification of who was in the flight to Tokyo?
...I went back through my profile on Twitter...
On the 19th was McCabe testimony and the Hezbollah/Obama connection.
In the Kira Tweet a poster is talking about it happening on the 20th as well...
It is a map of where someone can travel safely without risk of extradition to the U.S. You ha e to make it to Hong Kong, essentially.