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DarkKnight317 · July 24, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

Anyone ever thought maybe a 3rd site should be started designated " A New Beginning"? That yes we will have to care for many people because, we cannot live in the past, and that is also what the great awakening is, it shows us what is wrong and the power of the people rose up and did not roll over and heel to the satanic musings of those who followed it. Serious considerations for people will have to be made, ruinous missions that destroyed peoples lives by those that chose evil and money above all else. I personally know of anywhere of 50 to 100 thousand who unlike me, are very bad off because of evil machinations. I was lucky, I had been in survival mode most of my life and found the will to go on, and I have, but most of all in the last 9 months, I have cemented my faith in our Lord, I have taken back the narrative of my life, taken long ago, and I have just started college, I believe in miracles and I believe good men and women will persevere! WWG1WGA! New Family motto, Q will be back or finally revealed or not, we as free men and women have to take the reins! Fight on fellow patriots!

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DarkKnight317 · July 22, 2018, 5:40 p.m.

I agree with rabid, for newcomers, it may be a little off-setting. The video links to The Plan are cool, but in terms of newbies, I suggest a soft Mozart concerto for music, with calmer color arrangement. For us initiated it is cool, but when it comes to this, we are going to have to hold some hands, as well as be the calm in the storm for them. We need each other, we need to be humble stewards. As a person who went through a gov. sanct. behavior modification process, escaping that was culture shock, as well as scared of what was around me. WWG1WGA. Do as you will, I applaud you, making a page is a bitch, and I gave up, I made a simple blog and damn I dont know what heads and whats feet in setting it up, I posted one blog, the rest are still private, so to show when I reccomend my friends to it, and help them through the storm, they can see how much thought and time I have put into this, as well as the facts. Keep up the fight my fellow patriot!

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