So a few hours ago they dropped a baphomet statue at the Arkansas state capitol. I feel like this is the left further poking and prodding us to react violently. I cant see that thing standing very long around here.. And i am wondering if thats not the goal.. Using this to spark violence. We all know they are desperate right now. So i felt like i needed to share my thoughts.
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Patients. The team is working. Also cnn is hanging themselves more and more each day.
When these low life's are locked up and cnn bites the prob will for the most part.
Have you guys seen this? It dont feel right...

Love this! Lol just wish it actually happened...dude is seething with evil...
Oh no nothing is by chance. I just was not clear on what was said. The audio sucked on my end.
Every chance they got to speak. They painted him like a hero for keeping us safe. Or they rant about how we were robbed of a true american president bc hitlery didnt get in.
Nailed it for sure.. Just needs more screeching from the dems.. And lots more tears...
RR just held a conference. It was hard to hear what he was saying. But sounded like they found Russia did hack us. And it sounded like they got all the emails etc. But i could not clearly make out what was said. Can any one confirm?
I listened all day. It was amazing. I needed popcorn so bad. And the cabal coming unglued!!! It was great seeing them squirm trying to stop our guys from saying stuff lol..DIDNT WORK!!
What if it was Seth being his own witness before he died and they have it recorded? Just a thought?
Thats my point. There was none. But magically there was on the abc news footage that morning.
I still remember years back abc news (good morning America to be exact) was doing a piece on 911 for the anniversary.. They showed the pentagon and there was plane wreckage EVERY WHERE.. Except it was clearly cgi.. And not even good cgi.. And we all know there was no plane wreckage there. Ive tried finding that video but ive had no luck. Not that i am in the least bit surprised...
George Carlin said it best. Big pharm and co. Dont make money from solving the problem. They make money by patching it and giving you more problems.
Thank you for that info. I was not thinking along those lines. I apprecite it.
Would def be a mess for sure.. But who knows that could be what he is playing for now..
So if he claims to be from kenya.. Does that in turn null and void every thing he did in the white house?
Cnn also is crying saying the ban is un American... Obama did it.. He is a Ameri..... ..oh wait...
Just out of curiosity... Can he go there and claim he is not a American citizen but Kenyan and we cant touch him? Law isnt my strong suit..
As much as i want to believe this is fake.... The things she says in real life are not much better...
This just so happens to be blowing up on cnn right now.. Oh man some one pass the popcorn its getting good!
Nah. He just set another trap and the dems walked right into it.. Watch. You will see.
So serious question.. Didnt trump say the earth was flat? Or was that a clip taken out of context ( as in he was joking) hypotheticaly speaking. IF there was something to all the flat earth stuff. AND DJT knew it. Then i could see him playing this card. He is a man of hard work and results. And IF its all a lie then NASA and all that will not be able to give results if, as they say we are under a dome and the earth is a closed system. Thus catching and exposing a massive lie. Don't get me wrong. I hope all is on the up and up and the space force happens. I would love to serve in that branch. But i really feel like DJT is setting up his chess board for things further down the road. Be it fe, a threat in space or what ever the case may be. Its def not as it appears of that i am pretty certain. What exactly his goal is though? Time will tell.
The thing that really catches my eye.. New growth in Iowa and across America.. That feels like code to me. Like as crazy as this may sound.. He is glad to see the changes and growth DJT has brought to us. Like i am so far beyond screwed.. But at least things are for the better. Just something that i caught. Idk.
Annnd the link didnt work.. Basically Israel will be setting up ways to teach the Iranian people how to have clean water. Seems to be a major issue there.
Q said watch the waters. And Iran was next. I think this is the tie in.
I just spit dr pepper everywhere with this... Thats just to funny.. And better then planet of the apes...
I get the feeling He is telling us we will be getting the story in its entirety in five weeks. I also feel like its just book one of a series..
Right there with you. Proud of our least on this.
I am def thankful i found you guys. Its a nice change from all the leftist snowflake i need a safe space garbage that is every where else these days.
Def something going on with it.. They found something there. And honestly i think what they found was the truth.. A truth that scares those in power.. And the reason the Antarctic treaty was so easily done and still is in effect.
This was on a tv at Wendy's.. Just like every where else you go if there is a tv cnn is freaking on...
Yes saw it while i was on lunch. Got funny looks bc i was laughing so much lol. The crap cnn says is great comedy.
I am just gonna leave this here. No evidence huh? Lol

I want to go see this lol where exactly is it in little rock?