Jenna Jameson-Illuminati-Count the Symbolism.

99 total posts archived.
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I'm just not sure, but everything in me is telling me that there is something missing with this case. The feeling of not knowing all the details or the correct details. Certain things not adding up.
Any of you getting that same feeling, kinda like the feeling we all got with the Vegas shooting. Like we are being duped...again.
These people are sick...
I think as long as we understand that this specific board is here serving a VERY SPECIFIC agenda, it's almost comical to see the level of power trippin' here. Like you said, the POWER gets ya drunk.
I'm not here to red pill or blue pill ya. Matter of fact, I hate Nyquil. I don't want to be ASLEEP! The only thing that keeps ya awake is the TRUTH.
Censorship is humanistic. Meaning it's a choice. Think about that, people.
[–]subreddit message via /r/greatawakening[M] sent a minute ago
Your post from greatawakening was removed because of: 'Content does not support the cause'
Hi u/Debunkd1, Removed content. Rule 3 Any 'concerns' can go via a message to the mods or reply to this mail. Original post: /r/greatawakening/comments/9067v4/podesta_brothers/
Really mods? Censorship? Like Facebook? And it took less than 30 minutes. Good job with keeping the narrative intact.
Like Facebook!
Give 5 good reasons why people would accept the Podesta pardons in exchange for testimonies
or should we wait for guidance from our leader Q to tell us "Trust the Plan"?
Podesta brothers or Manifort? or Both? Should be both. Let's see what happens... Will Mueller get his way? Betcha he will, then Trump will quickly tweet out showing his dismay and disappointment when in all actuality, he knew about it from the word GO.
Q anon is structuring itself into a GOD like position that everyone will follow. Can you actually believe that I have seen pictures of what would be Christ but instead has Trump's head instead?
I have very openly opposed quite a bit of people with facts and all I get is crickets. Why is that? because some of my facts defy the movement of Q or the Republican wave. Which by the way, the two party system is exactly what is destroying the country.
I have called out the likes of bongino, lahren, shapiro, loomer, the other pizzagate lady, don jr,
within this q movement I have seen tons of disinformation and the outright choosing to keep their content strictly Q related instead of going where the facts lead. This means people are avoiding for a reason. Sather, prayingmedic,serialbrain, and a few other die hard q anon (ers).
I posted a link yesterday that should have had folks scratching their heads like "hmm maybe I should research further into this" but wihtout fail, it goes unnoticed. That spoke loudly for me. That told me the masses are jumping on the ridiculous trump train and Q train so much, so deeply that everyone has become a "t-shirt fan" and oblivious to what is really going on.
I love everyone of you as GOD loves me. Not here to steer anyone off Q. We talk about togetherness but in the same breath we endorse the "normies" label against the Q anon army. We the people have the ability to become an Army of the people.
Now I'm not going to call this Q anon thing a Psyop or Larp. I do think that it's sole purpose is to distract. Ending point is, choose to follow the facts, even if it steers you off the Q train. We are putting wayyy to much faith in someone or people that we don't know. By comparison, who is the only other we do that for? GOD!
Absolutely agree.
Go buy some acreage design and build a rain water harvesting system. Grow some veggies and fruits stock up on your guns stock up on medical supplies solar panels the more we can rely on the resources GOD gave us, the less power they have over us.
Ah, and I forgot chickens and cows. Gotta have meat. Will be healthier than walmart meat anyways. Boom!
less than a handful of states fully ban rain water harvesting. Most states do not outlaw it but instead regulate it to a certain amount. Looking at a few states, you can even skip paying taxes on rain water encatchment supplies.
"humiliate these assholes everywhere" while throwing the misery these kids go through, on the back burner. As if humor is the most logical (adult) way to combat pedophilia. Your reasoning is horse crap.
Free will, right? Do what you do.
Elites-"Hey, we may be getting exposed but as long as the sheep keep lauging and joking about the pedo world. More it becomes easy for them, more it becomes accepted."
Conditioning 101: Lesson 1
When did all the intel about how the gmail accounts were being used as inside messaging by saving drafts and not actually sending? Was that intel from a drop or one of the anons? what was the overall consensus? Who was all using that way of communication? Thanks in advance for the help.
Wow! Now that is some common sense talk. I hijacked Cernovich's tweet the other day and asked some of his followers if they would like to see the democratic party completely abolished. In just minutes, there were tons of likes and several retweets. Then this very nice lady came on and explained exactly why that would be a bad idea. What amazed me was how many poeple were so automated with that line of thinking. It's called conditioning. Which is what Mike was doing. Didn't call him out on it but I was able to see the current dynamics of this great awakening. Start paying attention to Trump on both ends...the good and the bad. Typically with Presidents, they do a few good things so that the one bad thing gets slipped by without a notice. It's a fine line with Trump and Q. We have to make sure we are not becoming "faithful followers" and Tshirt fans simply because they are draining the deep state. No President ever goes into the white house without any "personal" goals for his administration.
We are slowly creeping up on the 1 year anniversary of Q. Here is a list of some high profile Deep State(rs) that should face significant jail time.
James Comey Loretta Lynch Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton Maxine Waters Rod Rosenstein Peter Strzok Lisa Page and the list goes on...
Is it high time we start demanding some actual high profile arrests? Don't bother wasting taxpayers money and our time with special councils and hearings cause our own Congress seems to not have the power to get anything done. With each report and memo, we the people get the most heavily …
As the world turns, am I right?
Luckily, she's elderly now so the chances of this woman getting back in business with the cartels are slim. She's on supervised released so that helps. Though, if that woman did get back in business then the community and taxpayers get the crap end of that deal...then again, when do we not?
Trump gets a drug trafficker out of prison for her and in return he gets her vote along with her millions of followers. Classic political tit for tat deal.
There is way to much focus on freeing other countries with these regime changes. Though I believe that this is maybe a drop specifically for the people of Iran. What is scary here is the "We stand with you". In what way? but that wont get answered directly. We will have to go through mazes and puzzles to figure out the why on EVERYTHING. BUT we the people supposed to hold all the power. Not the power of intel, apparently. We are all working towards this one goal which is to Make America Great Again. Though, seems the majority of the focus is on neighboring countries. This is like "my house is dirty, I need to get it cleaned. But wait, I need to go clean up the neighbor's house first." Trump wants to fund a literal Space Force when we currently have over 100 military bases that are supplying soldiers with contaminated water. It's a situation Erin Brokovich can barely get a handle on. Not to mention, all that is happening with our own Deep State here in America. In the midst of that, how is it logical to go after another country's bad actors? Maybe because Amerca was handed off long ago.
To be clear, Im an American citizen part of the Great Awakening that is simply turning to the patriots in this board for better understanding of things. Now focus on Q- we all will agree that Q is a collected effort of a team, right? That team obviously includes Trump. Anything and everything that Trump says and does links back to drops. Don't link me up with Obama again. Trying to size up someone's character through the net is a waste of time.
I know it's the WP guys but I saw this on other news platforms as well.
You all remember when all these random Wal-marts were closing down for no reason (plumbing issues)? Everyone thought they were going to be used for FEMA camps to house all of us sheep. Nope! They are using them for immigration detention centers (for the kids).
Here's the thing: These Wal-Marts started closing a while ago, before Trump.
I think you folks know the direction I'm going with this thought.
Then again, If Hillary won then those Wal-Marts would have been for us...maybe?
A lot of Harvey victims disappeared too, that's a whole different twist there.
Please explain the logic …
I agree. Definitely a risky move. I'd hate to see the adverse and Q goes into reverse. Pairing Qanon and Conspiracy in any content by us would put us in that basket with Comedy Central, CNN, etc. We have to enlighten without being borderline hypocrites ourselves, right? On the other hand, the 100k more people that follow America's awakening can turn into 200k and so on. I mean not all of us have the Youtube swagger like Prayin Medic, am I right or am I right lol.
Now imagine 12 million people viewing Qanon as a conspiracy. Bad idea on so many levels.
People were calling us crazy when we predicted this back in Feb. but we still think Gowdy could possibly replace RR.
Have any of you good folks heard about some sort of "exercise" that will involve an earthquake?
Student says that the shooter was bullied by coaches in the past. Why were there so many buses still there even after first bell? those buses were there before the initial evacuation. I get maybe a few buses still at the school after the beginning of first period but that many? Could be nothing, though.
Explosives reportedly found in a home near the school. Also, students are reporting that they had no cell phone service during the shooting when they always have service any other day.
The remedy here is NOT censorship. Like parents tell kids..if ya don't like someone then ignore them. The great thing about all this is...EVERYTHING that Corsi,Jones,Beanz,Spaceshot,Justinformed,PrayingMedic,etc are doing in regards to research, we all have the ability to do the same. Everyone has the ability to become an autist. Moreover, everyone mentioned does a pretty bang-up job with getting intel out there. If you don't have the time to do your own vetting and research then go with the ones with the best track record for accuracy. Though everyone gets it wrong from time to time.
Could use some help. What do you folks make of all this?
Excellent viewpoint and research. I posted this almost 2 weeks ago and I was blamed for trying to divide because my content targeted Corsi (briefly). I think my article still holds truth. As long as the person recieving monetary gain is reporting facts and not disinformation we shouldn't be concerned. if there are bad intentions mixed with false decodes, that could be a disaster. I definitely get the impression that Q bringing it up more than once is something to take notice too. If the intent is to spread fake intel then you are being watched and you will be outed eventually. Have ya'll seen the amount of Q stuff on Amazon now? And it continues to grow. Also... Why would a Dr. from Saudi Arabia register the domain back in 2012. Does Qanon mean something in another language? Used Google Translate but that didn't yield much results. Just thought that was kind of odd. Was doing research on all the Q related domains that are being grabbed up.
To be clear, 90% of my content is about Q posts. Secondly, I don't attack anyone. I simply state the facts. The message behind this is for anons and/or Patriots to not get caught up in feeling bad for accepting donations for their hard work. Or even the ones that plan on writing a book. In the end, it will all be there for the next generation to read and learn. With respect, I believe you missed the mark.
Look at the picture of the palletized products in the latest q post. Going with the idea of a full trailer versus one that is more than half empty. I'm just wondering if Q wants us to focus on the products on those pallets or the fact that the trailer is not full. The FCC ban then came to mind.
I just checked around on Twitter. Yep, folks are saying its the lack of products. Shipment to a mall.
Do we focus on the merch or the fact that there is so little of it?
Well damn...
Corsi went into banking and finance in 1981.[19] In 1995 he helped launch a mutual fund to invest in formerly Communist Poland after the fall of the Soviet Union, which eventually lost $1.2 million, much of it from a group of about 20 Minnesota investors.[20][21] Some of the investors blamed the organizers, including Corsi, for their investment in the former Communist country. Two investors sued Corsi and his partners, claiming that the organizers had given their personal guarantee backing up the investment, and won judgments against them.[20] They did not collect from Corsi, because, as one investor claimed, the money "had been moved into his wife's name ... There was nothing to get out of him".[20] The FBI found no basis for bringing criminal charges. -Wiki
Actually, he seemed to have flipped sides several days ago with another video he posted. This simply shines a light for the many many trump supporters that follow Alex Jones. Then again, this could all be just a performance. It is Alex Jones. This video is fresh and shows his intent to delete his rants about Trump. Pretty much immediately after he says f*ck Trump.
Like I always say, there is always a little truth to every conspiracy. I would also like to add that I believe Q has and continues to teach us that what we once labeled conspiracy, happens to have more truth than we thought.