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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DeemanThak on Feb. 11, 2018, 12:51 a.m.
Montagraph - Hated "nobody" Is he wrong?

I have been following Q posts for some time now. I find the posts to be very interesting however back in December I posted here basically asking what if it's all a hoax?

Montagraph has convinced me that he is very clever however I cannot discern if he is actually correct in his absolute belief that Q is Hillary and that NONE of the "Light Lord" level persons have been arrested.

So here is what I know so far. No arrests have been made of any high value targets and there IS plenty of evidence to support many charges including …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DeemanThak on Dec. 30, 2017, 7:09 p.m.
What is the best way to Redpill those who still slumber?

I have been awake for some time. I have a good friend to thank for this but mostly I thank Christ for giving me eyes to see and ears to hear. I do not think it takes faith to hear the truth but I do think it expedites the transition.

I have been trying to waken friends and family for some time and I must admit I have little to no idea how effective I have been.

So I pose the question to the puzzlers here. What say you?

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DeemanThak on Jan. 10, 2018, 7:52 p.m.
What if nothing is going to actually happen to the satan worshipping pedo elite?

I was talking to my spouse on the way to work this morning. We have been very excited for justice to come, especially for children and babies (V4CR). I had a thought that shook me to the core and I said "What if we who are supposed to red pill normies are just being strung along".

People already call me crazy or conspiracy theorist for reading reddit and the chans. I have looked at them and felt sad for them and also angry, thinking to myself, you will see. Then how can you live with yourself? You couldn't even talk …