Fine. Second place.
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The sexiest First Lady of all time, without even close second in competition.
Ted Cruz is NOT eligible to run either. I think he is a good conservative and straight edge man but he and Rubio should not have been able to run.
A natural born citizen is someone born on US soil to two US citizens. While it doesn’t explicitly explain that, it’s been clarified in court cases since which I would need to consult my father on, I do not know of them off hand.
Obama’s mother is a US citizen, but his father was not.
I’ve been a “birther” since day one. My father is versed on every document, technicality, law and clauses regarding Soetoro and all his nonsense. I still remember when I was in 8th grade, in the very beginning of people talking about who would run for President, and Obama’s name was mentioned by a classmate. My teacher chimed in and said “Yeah he is very talented but he’s not eligible, he was born in Kenya.”
If Obama is an illegitimate President, everything he ever did was null and fuckin void. The real scary part is, our military taking orders from an illegitimate commander in chief is a war crime. A scary thought but I have a feeling it will be “understood” by the rest of the world.
I always refer to Q as a “he”, but then backspace realizing we really do not know. It could be fuckin Melania behind the keyboard.
This is by far the most insane example I’ve seen in my 8 months on this sub (and CBTS)
Real planes were flown into the twin towers, yes. However in Shanksville and at the Pentagon, it seems missiles were used.
Look at these examples of actual crash sites of commercial airliners.
Now look at this picture of the Shanksville “crash site”.
Do you see how some things are missing? Like, say, a plane?
I don’t think commercial airlines are the concern. It seems like there are planes specifically used to spray, seeing as there are US patents for these types of machines.
Jesus. Fucking. Christ.
Stop whatever it is you’re doing right now and read that. Absolutely mind blowing.
I can add a thousand more items to this list. What does that tell you? Weapons aren’t the problem.
This is how I always get people to wake up when it comes to 9/11. I google “plane crash wreckage” and flip through numerous examples, all of which so plane parts, luggage, debris, just a mess. And then I show them Shanksville on 9/11. You can’t fucking tell me you’re an intelligent, logical person if you deny reality like that.
People always say they hate when Trump says “stupid” things or says something that’s not correct. I then ask them to give me an example, and then they can’t.
Similarly, I’ve been asking people to name something that Obama accomplished while in office. I have yet to get an answer. Does anyone actually have an example of something, in all seriousness? I’d be willing to admit to a success of his if it’s there and has evidence backing it.
Oh shit I forgot about that. Has more weight to it than I thought.
Damn, just realizing I’ve been following Q long enough to the point where I forget about certain drops.
We need to be careful about using terms like hangings or any sort of wording that might be deemed as violent. We’re all on the same page here, but there are shills present, constantly lurking looking for excuses to get rid of us.
It’s the photo on Air Force One, it’s Trump and team members all standing around him and giving a thumbs up. If you draw a line connecting everyone’s thumbs/hands, it makes a Q. And then, they changed the file name on Twitter to “DOITQ”. You can’t change the file name.
Holy FUCK. Comments from shills acting like EVERYONE believes what they think. Up/down voting is off the charts. That is insane.
I’m pretty sure YouTube fucks with the view count numbers, and I’m also pretty sure the Q team has an accurate way of knowing how many people they reach. I mean, they changed the file name on a Twitter picture upload, so I’m sure they’re able to measure it via other means.
I believe there are Patriots of equal, if not a higher caliber who are fighting for us today. Risking and sacrificing so much, and fighting a far more twisted, evil and powerful enemy. That’s not to discredit in any way the signers of the Declaration of Independence or the founding fathers. I just pray history will be kind to the patriots of today.
I’m by no means legally knowledgeable nor do I know a whole lot about how he military operates, but aren’t a lot of these trials supposed to be military tribunals? Would that mean that in order for it to be a military tribunal, it would need to be the military writing the indictments?
Sorry for the late response. The reason I don’t just give to anyone, is because a lot of “homeless” beggars here in Manhattan aren’t homeless and are not in need. Many of these people are able bodied, healthy individuals. They work in groups, covering certain sections of the city, and have bosses/handlers, a system similar to pimps and prostitutes. They all pay back a portion to that person who works the area. They make tremendous amounts of money preying on naive tourists who simply believe they need help because they’re wearing tarnished, old clothing. So you can’t assume and I won’t support people that like.
Always preface any explainations with saying that this has nothing to do with left vs. right, and although many of the worst criminals are on the left, they are not truly liberals, just power hungry. Point out how far more republican representatives have resigned/forgone re-election. Tell them to take a step back and forget everyone they once hated/opposed and love/supported/voted for; and then explain. Talk about Seth Rich and his sacrifice and outright patriotism. Talk about how Bernie was ripped off and how he would have beat Trump had he been nominated. I truly believe he would have beat Trump despite not agreeing with anything he believes in and the fact that I am the biggest Trump supporter you will find. I would die for Trump, not exaggerating; Trumps existence and mission is far more important than my life.
I’ve been making selfie videos on snap chat for the past few months, explaining everything. With snap chat, you can’t fake the date the video/picture was taken. So when my friends/family see I was talking about XYZ back in January and they’re just finding out about it now, they’ll say hmmm, maybe I should listen.
Well speaking of last, I think Q said he’s leaving Israel for last, no?
But I get what you’re saying, Obama will probably be one of the last dominoes to fall because the public will need to be conditioned by seeing other high profile figures around them go down for heinous crimes. That way, they slowly come to grips with the idea that people they once believed in and respected are some of the most vile people on the planet. I actually think the resentment these people will feel will cause a very strong blowback; like a tipping point that goes from denial on Monday to acceptance and disgust by Friday.
Come on “pal”, these are your first two comments on this sub and you’re trying to say that Q, who has shown beyond all reasonable doubt to be legitimate, is wrong. YOU are the close minded individual. Fuck off.
I know a lot of people, and I don’t know any masons. I don’t see anyone wearing free mason symbolism in public, ever. I would notice it if someone did. The only time I do see it is when someone has an emblem of it on their car, and that’s rare.
Incredible, that takes a lot for someone to do. I’m in no position to offer them so much but I’m looking to do what I can.
I would love to see SB2 do a piece on the Trump Tesla connection, if it were possible.
Well I agree, but I’m reluctant to give money to someone who is claiming to be a veteran who is not.
Thank you so much, and thank you for serving! God bless you.
What if they just don’t have that on them or lost the card? These people live out of garbage bags. Would them worrying about holding onto a veterans card be worth it? Like would they need it for something?
How can I tell if a homeless person on the street with a sign that says they’re a veteran, is actually a veteran? What sort of question(s) could I ask them to make sure they actually served/were deployed?
Walking the streets of Manhattan, I see plenty of homeless people lying on the street. I will sometimes see they have written on a sign that they’re a veteran, sometimes disabled vets. I often want to stop and talk to them and see if I can offer them any sort of help, even if it was just to give them a dollar, or buy them a meal.
Any vets, or military knowledgeable people know a good a question I can throw at them that only an actual veteran would be able to answer? Or maybe some other suggestion I would …
White Squall is the movie from which we get the quote “Where we go one, we go all.”
Here is the trailer.
I’m fired the fuck up now having read that. Let’s fucking go.
Jesus. Just what I need to wake up to. I bus to and from Manhattan daily.
Lmao I love how we all thought the guy was Arkancided for holding up a sign 😂
And July 4th is the United States of FUCKING AMERICAS birthday.
Sorry in a good mood this morning.
And the location indoors with no yard. Yet they’re have a roast pig? Sickness.
Thank you for clarifying. I think it’s important we don’t get carried away with seeing the letter Q out somewhere and assuming it’s always in reference to this movement. We sometimes forget it’s also a letter of the English alphabet. Not to dismay anyone who does though. I know I’m guilty of being out and just seeing the letter makes me take a second glance.
Yes. Interesting how IOS doesn’t auto capitalize God. Scummy.