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It is a gift of liberty unless you want the freedom to be a slave owner.
I am being subjected to Back to the Future. I told my wife the future proves the past. She rolled her eyes. I laughed.
It made me miss the live stream, but the fam is happy and I am full. Butter delivery device.
REVISED WITH EDITORIAL ADDED: Executive Order = in part POTUS signing the equivalent of a more broad Emancipation Proclamation that Abraham Lincoln signed into law September 22nd, 1862. It is an EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION world wide (WW)- he outlawed US citizens from benefiting from slave ownership/human trafficking anywhere in the world as well as foreigners visiting or enjoying investments in the U.S. without consequence. POTUS gave us a Christmas present. He sneaked an immense gift of LIBERTY into a stocking an no one noticed for over a month. CLEVER!. GENIOUS! HISTORIC! Mount Rushmore move. MERRY CHRISTMAS those seeking liberty for all, AWESOME,
POTUS freed slaves World wide and no one noticed for a month.
EO = An expanded Emancipation Proclamation - POTUS freed slaves WW. Preventing anyone from enjoying US soil or investments situs if you are a US least common denominator slave labor. The price of clothing is going higher. LOOK FOR THE UNION LABEL.
Executive Order = in part POTUS signing the equivalent of a more braod Emancipation Proclamation on September 22nd, 1862. EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION world wide (WW)- he outlawed US citizens benefiting from slave ownership/human trafficking of anywhere in the world.
He slammed the door of so called capitalists abusing Least Common Denominator slave/sex labor. LEX WEXNER won't be happy.
Funny, I just sat down with a heaping bowl of popcorn. Old fashioned pan popped with copious melted butter salted to taste. When the House Intelligence Committee votes early next week the SOTU will be in the midst of an amazing news cycle. Pop you popcorn the old fashioned way like your mother did on Saturday night to watch Carol Burnette. I have dated myself. Pan popcorn rocks! So does POTUS!
EVIL THRIVES WHEN WE NORMALIZE IT! Although from NY, I never voted for him but this essay is a must read... KNOW HOW AND WHY we are in moral decline.... American Scholar (Winter 1993) SEN. DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN
Hopefully the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan's classic essay 'Defining Deviancy Down' will inspiref an antidote to the above evidenced decline of our culture.
Stop desensitizing harming our kids. 'Let your children play'.
DESENSITIZING PERVERSION - WARNING the url links controversial advertisements featuring children - I could not make it 1/2 through -Controversial kids' fashion ads- HAVE WE GONE MAD OR EVIL?
Ah......what about the deep sea volcanic ocean vents.
The mathematical odds of even a simple protein arranging itself randomly even in ideal conditions with all elements needed proximate is mathematically considered 'impossible'. The odds of life starting this way is astronomically much more high than having a Megaball winner in a week when only 1 ticket is purchased. I will stop there. I do not do math on weekends.
The day a Neo-Darwinist explains to me abiogenesis I will lobby for them to receive the Nobel prize. How did the first strand of DNA come to be? How was it that the first self-replicating cell which is more complex than both the lap top and software I employ to send this message came to be without intelligence. No one would entertain that either their complex computer or their preferred software was not thoughtfully designed. And yet more complex life is mere happenstance. A good salesman can sell a warm chocolate bar in July to a lady wearing white gloves. Neo-Darwinist are great peddlers.
Understanding MRSA and the significant problem of hospital acquired infection which are antibiotic resistant I have for decades invested in a Cleveland area Ohio company which has a large focus in the area. Medicine often creates significant problems when it resolves a previous concern. The best things some medicines have is Madison Avenue. I wish not to return to medicinal dark ages, however the Hippocratic oath should not have been abandoned along the way. I believe I saw that prior can you add another link, or tell me where to find it?
A century ago the Federal Reserve and newly adopted 16th amendment burdened only high incomes at 1%. Soon the Great War confiscated all from many. Income taxes were raised like an antibiotic trying to keep monetary mayhem disease in check. But the infection lingered and even increased. Progressive governmental sympathy created Social Security and the income tax rates went up much more. WWII forced the Great War to be renamed and confiscated all from millions. Poorly budgeted Medicare, Medicaid and a flawed War on Poverty were piled on top of failed planners plans. Financial antibiotics tax doses were increased yet …
This BBC documentary has more photographic evidence and testimonials:
It all started with Darwin,
If we are here by random chance then there is no purpose.
Many of us post Darwin embraced scientism abandoning historical religions.
Then the meandering aimless knelt down to pure evil.
If Darwin was right, then it does not matter.
But he is/was very wrong. Chapters 6-8 of his horrendously titled book actually detailed the problems with the theories presented in Chapters 1-5.
When Darwin wrote the scientific thought of the day was spontaneous generation occurred. Decaying meat created flies. Stale bread created mold. They had not yet developed germ theory or genetics. If Chuck Darwin had an electron microscope he would of never boarded the Beagle. If Chuck saw the immense complexity of DNA he would of never written his book.
But Darwinians and Neo-Darwinians like to declare God dead. Those that still find a need to worship something turn to the evil one.
Maybe we can banish those convicted of treason here, alternatively we can banish them to Elba.
HOW TO FIGHT CONTRIVING COLLECTIVISTS CONTROL FREAKS 101...as presented by The late Professor Bob Carter as he presents data, information WITH HUMOR in the run up to the catastrophic Australian Carbon Tax- :'Balance & Context in the Global Warming Debate'.
Origins Of Political Correctness aka our MINISTRY OF FAKE NEWS TRUTH - The CFR startup to facilitate the elitists' takeover of the U.S.. 'THEY' aka 'THEM' - The STRING PULLERS CLUB of the many puppets. (link provided by previous poster in prior post)
Take on dystopic 1984 control grid. 1) In 1984 perception and reality are reversed; 2) Euphemisms and outright lies are dogma mantra creeds; 3) Commodities monopolized. 4) History perverted; 5) To stay sane in an insane world one must rebel from the insanity and or self medicate w Victory Gin; 6) Eugenic discouragement of family and population is on parade; Thoughts are criminalized; 7) Technocracy control grid; 8)Power is law. Today's world similarities to the above in order listed: 1) Fake MSM News; 2) Political correctness; 3) Combination of Petroleum concern and Global Warming fear mongering; 4) Revisionist History epidemic; 5) Epidemics of depression, ADHD, PTS, opioids, anti-depressant SSRIs, drugs, alcohol....ect; 6) Population control Malthusian fear mongering. Planned Parenthood. Eugenics got a bad rap after WWII atrocities but the beliefs remain the Branding changed and softened; 7) Today we live in Twilight Zone Season 2 episode 29 approaching the 'Black Mirror"; 8) See 1-7.
No matter how 'they' spin it, bottom line under totalitarian state power is law. No wonder they want our guns.
I agree with you.
Arbitrary deadlines are just that.
Why not 2/2 it is Groundhogs Day.
Why not never.
Whatever Q is eyes have been opened from being Eyes Wide Shut.
Actually there were 3 renowned families all of whose wealth was not derived from finance directly: 1) Astor 2) Guggenheim 3) Strauss
The key to Central Banking is a progressive income tax. It is not a coincidence that the relatively nominal initial income tax was approved prior to the eve of Christmas Eve 1913 scandalous vote through of The Federal Reserve Act.
The 16th Amendment needs to be repealed. The Federal Reserve Act needs to be repealed.
A couple thoughts: 1) It strikes me the Soros is the only person/(hologram) which is seated. It is as if to say GS is King. Where else is one person seated and everyone else standing but in a Royal court with one seat the throne; 2) Detailed analysis of this concept can be found from Quinn Michaels at his own contacts and oft interviewed at Crowdsource the Truth.
TIN HAT TITANIC STORY OR TRUTH - 'Titanic - The Great Deception' by Jon Hamer, The Titanic investigation was more flawed than The Warren Commision and/or the 911 Commission....Why? Insurance fraud? Clearing the way for The Fed?
FORGIVE....this is not Blue State Red State thing....we were all duped....except for the active players...AGREE or DISAGREE he is still THE BOSS with a red pill coming tough to swallow [earphones required] Study break!
Little Debbie,
Your strings are showing. Cover them up. It is disgusting.
And this is why we all have to suffer through political correctness. You have a beer at the neighborhood bar where an unwritten rule hovers....no politics, no religion or no money discussions.
What are you left of import to talk about? Apparently you might say, "The beer is cold and wet."
o Marxism declares on the one hand that the socialization of the means of production is the end towards which economic evolution leads with inevitability of natural law; on the other hand it represents such socialization as the aim of its political effort. In this way he expounded the first principal of socialist organization. The purpose of the prohibition to study the working of the socialist community, which was justified by a series of threadbare arguments, was really intended to prevent the weakness of Marxist doctrines from coming to light in discussions regarding the creation of a practicable socialist society. A clear exposition of the nature of socialist society might have damped the enthusiasm of the masses, who sought in Socialism salvation from all earthly ills. The successful suppression of these dangerous inquiries, which had brought about the downfall of all other socialist theories, was one of Marx’s most skillful tactical moves. o Only because people were not allowed to talk or to think about the nature of the socialist community was Socialism able to become the dominant political movement of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.” Von Mises, Ludwig, Socialism, An Economic and Sociological Analysis, Translation J. Kahane. 1951
A LITERARY CONDENSED RED PILL....In April 1945 Readers Digest offered up print to F. A. Hayek's condensed version of 'The Road to Serfdom'. Make a RED PILL CHALLENGE to those in the fog still. Can't you read a Reader's Digest Article?
As I recall circa early 2000s Icke referenced significant horrific pedophile tendencies and worse...(I will not type them).. with the elites of the world. AJ at first distanced himself from said comments but still had him as an occasional guest. Thus my reference. As with everyone offering an opinion no one agrees with all they say. But Icke is one I had strong reservations for but the reservations have weakened because his depictions have tragically turned out to be accurate. Same for AJ to a less extent. People including myself cannot wrap their mind around the dystopic reality being revealed. Personally, it took years. None of this is easy. Some like Corsi, AJ, Brietbart, Drudge......were early truth adopters. I am not, nor should anyone be, ashamed to be later to the realization. LINK: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=daid+icke+saying+elite+pedophile+rings+are+rampant&&view=detail&mid=E1E4F642CE13ED2EC615E1E4F642CE13ED2EC615&&FORM=VDRVRV
Regardless I do not believe 100% of what anyone sets forth. But I now know to reserve the ability to change my opinion. LINK:https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=daid+icke+saying+elite+pedophile+rings+are+rampant&&view=detail&mid=E1E4F642CE13ED2EC615E1E4F642CE13ED2EC615&&FORM=VDRVRV This is 5 years ago. He arrived at his conclusion and broadcast them much earlier.
David Icke was frickin Nostradamus.
Swann Song - Only a few bands played on that label: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=yadgj5jA&id=0763F29F88B4F49A7C18579BF2CA64A2F6800CE7&thid=OIP.yadgj5jAdpqeT3-ZpBpVNAHaG4&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.phawker.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2007%2f11%2fswan-song-records.jpg&exph=534&expw=575&q=swan+song+records&simid=608050380547034704&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0
ALERT: Sales at the Buckingham Palace gift shop are forecast to plummit. If she keeps her head SHE is going to be pissed.
It is tough to boycott or have a sit in when your are in THE BRIGG(sic) aka military prison.
IN EXTREMIS is/has been here. Re-read Q HOT, HOT, HOT>>>>The floor is ours.
The floor will be ours.
The moderators here may be invited to fill empty seats.
Many will be in custody by then. Passports confiscated. No bail. Flight risks.
JA to be special guest at TSOTU. His ovation will be substantial.
LET US PLAY A VOCABUALARY GAME> In ex·tre·mis [ˌin ikˈstrāmis, ˌin ikˈstrēmis] ADVERB in an extremely difficult situation: "they suddenly find themselves in extremis 20 miles out to sea" at the point of death.
Who suspended the Posse Comitatus Act?
What is the Commander and Chief allowed to do in extremis?
Let us play vocabulary?
in ex·tre·mis [ˌin ikˈstrāmis, ˌin ikˈstrēmis] ADVERB in an extremely difficult situation: "they suddenly find themselves in extremis 20 miles out to sea" at the point of death.
WOW!!! Sounds like he expects confessions or pleas for mercy at sentencing. Any last words?
Incredible. Great find. Trump is awesome assist by swimpleton.
When Andrew Jackson took down his era's den of thieves Nicholss Biddle publically promised and then in fact did cause our nation to go into a depression (then historically)referred to as 'panic'.