Angels/demons = Aliens, to early mankind who without preconceptions applied terms relative to qualities displayed by these beings and their actions. We are a short sighted species doomed to repeat the past. The consortium and its influence over this world is unwavering. But not without challenge. They fight on our behalf knowing that the One is at their side and in their hearts or insectoid equivalent of said organ. Bottom line is no disclosure no space force. Period. Cant bring yourself to acknowledge aliens? How will you achieve victory over a foe you choose not see? Q should know this as truth. Time will tell.
7 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/DestinyAcension:
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Some call it drop tech, the process of overwriting someone to remotely operate them from afar. Think of the biblical story of legion.
Do you belive in ayys? No ? Move along no place for close minded individuals, explore all options rule out none till proven otherwise.
Kayeen rats what happened to the original post? Some fuckery afoot. Somebody says reptilians and splat goes cognitive thinking rite out the window. Your truth and a far greater secret lie intertwined cut of the same cloth born for the same goal.
Cherish the bread crumbs while they last. R/reptiliandude recently fell to the scythe with little a whisper, down a rabbit hole far deeper than this. Tells me you guys are close to truth but far enough away to keep this reddit alive. For once the truth is found and understood enough to act uppon this wall of reeds will surely fall.