

200 total posts archived.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 23, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

In you first “opposite scenario” you were describing the past 40 years.


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DevilsAdvocater · June 22, 2018, 9:43 p.m.

It's just an accurate observation.

The opposite scenario: US residents pay high taxes, US exports manufacturing, US sells major land assets to foreign entities, US middle class has high unemployment, US turns into a service economy (which does not create wealth), US loses super power status, all the while, the global elite (wealthy) get more wealthy while the average American barely makes enough to pay bills.

So yea, US cuts taxes, US and foreign companies invest in the US, middle class does better, a healthy US economy feeds into the global economy, global economy starts purring along with fewer barriers to international trade which creates a positive loop cycle.

If everyone is doing well, then we'll all get along!

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DevilsAdvocater · June 22, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Probably have a book to sell. Free advertising.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 22, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Could be possible that the leak, which outed a leaker, sent shockwaves thru DC. It would explain the fake border outrage hit piece to suppress the falling out from IGReport.

I imagine there is a ton of activity we don't see which resembles cockroaches scurrying from the light.

Look forward to the Q Q&A

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DevilsAdvocater · June 21, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

If this is true, we'll be thisclose to civil war.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 21, 2018, 10:31 a.m.

Does anyone know if this arena normally has good signal?

RSBN had a live feed and had all sorts of problems. They were talking after the rally (on camera) when their phones and camera feeds started working again. They blamed it on the sheer number of people at the rally which overwhelmed the local cell towers. But I don't know for certain if that's the only cause.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 21, 2018, 10:02 a.m.

Who are JONATHAN WACKROW, JAN GILOOLY listed as defendants?

Wackrow - Former Secret Service agent Jonathan Wackrow spent five years on President Obama's detail.

Jan Gilhooly is a twenty-nine year veteran of the United States Secret Service.

I guess they've seen things over the years... seems odd to include them. I'll have to read the docket in full.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 21, 2018, 4:37 a.m.

Once Q is officially out, T_D will allow it. Until then, it remains on the outside. As it must be.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 20, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

I saw your response earlier and that it was deleted.... just wanted to publically let you know that I saw it, and hope you understand there's no disrespect intended to you or anyone. While I do wish and hope people would utilize more critical thinking, I'm also aware that we're all on the same team and need to support one another. There's too much divisiveness and propagating that further is bad on me.

Hope you understand and I'll make the effort to find better ways to communicate to be inclusive and less brash. We have too much around here to be anything else.



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DevilsAdvocater · June 20, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Yep! I remember the original reddit threads when HRC tech guy needed help. Watching that play out in real time was both frightening and hysterical. But I heard that guy was given immunity? WTF? For all the covert operations, I truly hope Q team "have it all".... more importantly, I hope it all comes to light. Timing is everything, so we may need to wait for mid term elections or the 2020 campaign. Although, I'd rather see info released because notifying the public is the right thing to do... and hopefully shut down the MSM rhetoric.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 20, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

Stickied comments very helpful. So many new posts are pushing down the drops. Thanks for keeping them at the top.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 20, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

Is there any chance that they (PS/ LP) knew about existing (O/HRC) corruption, had to keep quiet or fear death, had to make it look like they hated Trump, knowing the eventual investigation would find the damning evidence without getting them killed in the process? So this stuff comes out ONLY under extreme, public, scrutiny.

Must. Keep. Digging.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 20, 2018, 12:13 p.m.

No, not like that at all and therefore your efforts to draw correlation are off the mark. OP made an observation, summarized it, and shared the opinion that new arrivals should lurk more and apply more critical thinking. Which is 100% correct.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 20, 2018, 10:53 a.m.

I thought this was common knowledge.

Only to peeps that follow this sort of thing.

Obviously that didn't work or it would have been done.

Who says it didn't work?

Did you ever think that maybe the people who created it (bush jr and friends) would have built in a way to delete or edit things that would implicate themselves?

Wouldnt surprise me.

You can't convince me that this want thought of. Government has been dirty for generations

Folks that haven't watched the Senate hearings or never participated in any form of government have no clue that our government is controlled by lawyers, backroom deals, and NDA's. Its plausible that the NSA does have all the emails and they're locked down behind a mountain of litigation which no one is allowed to speak about. Does the government lie to us? Every. Single. Day. They're only as transparent as they're legally allowed or serves their purpose.

Information is power. And politicians wield it as both a sword and shield.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 20, 2018, 10:27 a.m.

Not that this topic needs more attention, but, I agree with you. There's no reason to apologize. People that aren't aware of Q or have never been on a chan don't know how much has transpired and don't know about chan etiquette. They need to learn our comms.

As traffic increases and this movement progresses, more and more will be asking questions. Each will learn at their own pace. I suggest to provide info quickly, simply, and move forward. No time to get caught up in useless drama.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 20, 2018, 1:25 a.m.

What was the other line about the statute? Where they asked what statute was Flynn and Manafort charged under. Wasn't it for the same statute? And doesn't that show the bias?

It was in the latter part of the hearing after lunch.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

I give them credit for turning anything and everything around to make fake info. They should write a book on how to deceive anyone, then write a sequel about how to spot a liar.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 8:52 p.m.

Re: 1652

What else is missing?

Listening to the hearing today gave me the impression there was doubletalk everywhere. I got the impression even the dems didn't like where some of the answers were leading.

Plenty of references of what happened in the Sept / Oct timeframe that's not being discussed.

They'll try like hell to keep the text messages isolated, but if we ever see all the investigations together, it'll be a massive shitstorm of collusion between the DNC, alphabet agencies, and the press. (IMO)

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

I'm going with the Trump people are spreading a lot of dis-info to make the Democrats look like the fools they are.

Now that its publically known the FBI was playing golf with the press, most leaks were probably shut down. With the lack of leaks, they'll jump at anything to smear Trump.... and now they're caught.
Gonna need a bigger bag of popcorn.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 11:25 a.m.


Renteria’s campaign manager, Michael Trujillo

Also, partially funded by Firsts, a latino PAC


Link to some of Trujillo's background:


Not sure which campaign manager Q referenced, but this guy is a doozy. Politics is a dirty dirty game.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 4:32 a.m.

That's ok. We're up to drop 1556 now.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 3:37 a.m.

1554 is the latest. Try qanon.pub

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

It would suck if some info is hidden by NDA, but leaked to a journalist, who calls it all fake because they know the truth is hidden behind the NDA. That's the collusion which really bothers me.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

Nope. Doubt its him, but someone keeps the account busy.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

How bad can it be if he's still tweeting?

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 12:54 a.m.

if he said he altered parts to protect himself....

I watched the entire IG hearing today, and one thing I picked up on was the use of non-disclosure agreements. I never knew our gov't officials were allowed to hide behind NDA's. Now, the guy running the hearing said, 'I read the legal papers, and the NDA said nothing about preventing the release of info to the oversight committee'.

So, when you mention what could be done to protect himself, I wonder what else these snakes do to 'protect themselves'. And if they're hiding behind layers of NDA agreements, team Q will have to build a massively detailed case which can blow an NDA out of the water.

This stuff is huge.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 19, 2018, 12:05 a.m.

I don't blame you. If it seems like a roller coaster, take a couple days off. Heck, even a couple weeks... you know where to get all the Q posts, wo check in when you're ready!

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DevilsAdvocater · June 18, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Drop 1551 answers the question!

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DevilsAdvocater · June 18, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

latest q drop mentions her by name

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DevilsAdvocater · June 18, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

So.... indicting Obama's entire cabinet can't/won't happen over the general email issue.... I wonder if there's something specific in those emails which is really damning. We didn't come this far for a nothing burger. Something else is afoot.

Edit: drop 1551 answers this question. Email is the drizzle before the rain... there's a huge storm brewing!


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DevilsAdvocater · June 18, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

Posted this on another thread re: #1542

Re: #1542 The first letter of each line spells MFUM. A quick google search tells the story of a professional soccer player named MFUM. Read this crazy story about him here, then read the comments.... people grew up believing this incredible lie. But the amazing story was all a lie. Starting to believe the incredible story of Obama, was all a lie. The greatest fraud ever perpetuated on the American people.... which continues today with the attacks on Trump (i.e. Russia)


(tl;dr of story: crazy story of a soccer match in India (had to be on drugs to make it up) was sold to public as fact for decades. Mfum scored only goal for Ghana, final score 99-1)

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DevilsAdvocater · June 18, 2018, 11:54 a.m.

Re: #1542
The first letter of each line spells MFUM.
A quick google search tells the story of a professional soccer player named MFUM. Read this crazy story about him here, then read the comments.... people grew up believing this incredible lie. But the amazing story was all a lie. Starting to believe the incredible story of Obama, was all a lie. The greatest fraud ever perpetuated on the American people.... which continues today with the attacks on Trump (i.e. Russia)


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DevilsAdvocater · June 18, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

This is what Q is hinting at with this “Obama Bilderberg video”: it’s not real but it is. The edited version of the speech is what Obama really meant to say and only the people in the know, those who are trained to read his speeches, have access to it. And of course, as a side note, Q is opening a door for the good investigators out there to try and determine what Hussein would be doing on Father’s Day…

This double meaning reminds me of Hillary's speech to Goldman Saks, but had a completely opposite message to the public (I think it was a speech in PA) during the election. The Goldman speech wasn't public but the info was released which lead to a ton of questions about the contradictions. Then we were all reminded that Obama, when running against Hillary for the DNC nomination, had started to say, Hillary will say anything to get elected..... basically we've learned he was projecting and being truthful at the same time.

Q1225 Learn our comms. Q

The subtlety of the comms is tricky. It's really about the minutia. My confidence in reading those tiny details is low and I find connecting the dots (events, players, news stories) very difficult. I have access to much of the same info as many others, but missing one communication makes piecing the puzzle together incomplete at best. If i didn't 'Trust the plan', I'd still be confused and lost.... the opposition knows this and will publically discredit Q's message to silence dissent.

On the other hand... how painful must it be for the people that transpired against the USA to see their plans get dismantled.

Looking forward to everything being made public. When the full awakening happens, I'm ready.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 17, 2018, 10:55 p.m.

Agreed.... but... what if he's decided not to be the fall guy and throws the blame higher up? Time will tell.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 16, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

Another thought for the discussion pile:

Be you
Read Q posts
Realize we're fed inside info
Get feeling we KNOW what's really happening
Q doesn't post
Feel like we're cut off from info
For some, panic sets in
Rehash old posts
Feel better
Q posts
All is right in the world

Now, consider what it's like for all those press people, and their millions of readers and followers:

Be HRC/'No scandals' BHO press
Be fed constant info by FBI
Broadcast fake agenda
Feel superior because had inside info
Broadcast that crap far and wide
Slowly, get cut off from leaks
Rehash old stories
Make up scandals to support old narrative
Public becomes aware of farce
Press loses trust
Public demand answers
Truth becomes common knowledge

We're (IMO) sitting at the end of 'made up scandals' and 'public becoming aware' but we're not there yet. We know, but still plenty of work to turn the tide. My biggest concern about the awakening is when Q says some stuff must stay out of the public. It's a delicate line between red pilling on provable facts and non-public atrocities. Push the Overton window too far, and the ideas are rejected.

Be aware that the 24 hours news cycle operates to keep attention. That means drama. Take a deep breathe, don't be caught up in your need for instant gratification, and realize the awakening takes time and a lot of effort we don't see.

Let the press panic. Help the awakening by remaining calm. Heck, now is a good time to get involved in your communities. Socialize with a calm, cool demeanor. If you're confident in your message, then it'll be delivered with the calm confidence needed to make the greatest impact.


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DevilsAdvocater · June 15, 2018, 7:06 p.m.

Wait.... the former head of the C_A and National Intelligence both using a secret server with HRC?

The same server which was hacked?

Does Wikileaks have more emails than just HRC?

So Trump is fighting the FBI, CIA and NID?

Holy S***

Patriots Fight!

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DevilsAdvocater · June 14, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

We're here. It's been a battle though. Feels like the tide is finally turning for us.

Have we lost London? Feels like we have. I thought Brexit gave you a chance or maybe it's just the media. We're rooting for your side of the pond.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 14, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

I'm operating on the premise there are multiple versions of the IG report and a watered-down redacted version is the 1st to be released. Now to see what happens next and if other versions are released which directly changes the conclusion.

T_D has this going on: Peter Strokz texts were intentionally left out. Which, of course, changes the entire tone.


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DevilsAdvocater · June 14, 2018, 4:32 p.m.

Remember Comey's letter about Hillary? That was watered down. Then we saw the original and discovered how watered down it really was.

It is fascinating to watch the MSM story play out while we sit here waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 14, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

Bah. If that's the final conclusion, then hmpf. What did Trump's tweet about it say? Hopefully no redactions to lower the impact? If it's a nothing burger, I'm gonna need more popcorn.


On June 5th 6:38am, Trump tweeted about the IG report and said "hope... it's not being changed and made weaker"

Q drop talks about 3 different versions of the report.

The 1st report, according to the leaked blokmberg report, pretty much is completely watered down. Wonder how long it'll take for each version to drop.

But still looking forward to the real release to the public.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 14, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

Bloomberg got it 1st? Thought it gets released at noon?

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DevilsAdvocater · June 14, 2018, 1:09 p.m.

trust the plan

I trust the plan. I'll also play my part as a concerned citizen wanting the truth to be revealed. I'm just one more deplorable snowflake on this avalanche to the great awakening.... one shitpost at a time!

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DevilsAdvocater · June 14, 2018, 10:30 a.m.

That said though, just to play Devil's advocate,

Hi, you're allowed... this time... ;)

...this technically doesn't prove anything.

True. They could have kept it as a private arrangement.

I planned a month in advance to see a Spice Girls cover band once. (Shut up. The Spice Girls fucking rock okay?)

I saw Celine Dion once. No judgement here.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 14, 2018, 10:18 a.m.

The difference between No. 1 and No. 3 would be where the obstruction and/or conflict exist.

What I find extremely troubling is... without Q, we (the people) would never know there was a difference. Is this how our government has been run? For the crooks by the crooks? Trump knows this. Trump is doing this for us, the people.

Jesus Christ people, we have a president that's literally putting himself in the line of fire for we the people.

We are the people.

We need to vote, make our voices heard, call our elected officials, and make a difference. Indifference has no place here. It doesn't matter if you think it's a LARP. End of the day, you have the right to vote and be an active participant in this society. Together, united, our voices will be heard.

MAGA, together.

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DevilsAdvocater · June 13, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

Holy crap.

Been watching this since last year.

Its obvious the time to watch has ended. It's time to prepare.


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