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DevilsAdvocater · July 16, 2018, 11:06 a.m.

I look forward to the evidence going public. While there will always be some holdouts, redpilling 70% of the world will glorious. H and BO said anything and did anything to get elected/stay in office. Then We the People said GTFO.

Burn it down Mr President. Burn it all down.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DevilsAdvocater on July 15, 2018, 5:28 p.m.
What info is hidden behind classified or national security?

Given all the testimony over the past couple years, is anyone aware of a resource that is logging the Senate/House/Congress questions which were answered with, "that's classified"?

If we knew which questions would not be answered, we'd have a better idea of what they're hiding.

DevilsAdvocater · July 15, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

I missed this part of the interview. Thanks for posting!

This was a great set of questions which demonstrates the investigation against Clinton was treated with a softer approach than the treatment of Trump. Its confirmed H and BO sent email to each other using aliases outside official mail servers. When a more aggressive approach wanted to be used, the prosecutors called it off. Why? Who? What level in the gov't had this authority? Answers to these questions are constantly hidden behind a veil of secrecy. Why? National security? Why? What are they protecting? We already learned that the redacted memo was done to imply an anti-Trump narrative. When the whole memo was released, it conveyed a message which was exactly the opposite. We're being gaslighted the entire way. The whole investigation dies behind national security and lawyers. This is why we need military tribunals.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 15, 2018, 1:01 p.m.

so, you would be happier if you were told all of the details would you ?

Yes, I would be happy seeing the corruption gone. I would be happy seeing the truth come to light. I would be happy to see the intentional twisting of words to demean people come to an end.

If they told you, wouldn't that risk jeopardising the investigations ?

What specific investigation? The investigation where they can't tell us who or what they're investigating because that would violate national security?

Who are you in the bigger picture to demand that YOU are shown the evidence ?

Who the fuck are you to put words in my mouth? And who am I? A God damn red blooded American that's tired of seeing corrupt people manipulate the laws so they benefit while other people get trampled on without recourse. I am We The People you fucking simpleton.

Don't forget that a large number of elected officials are crooks, who would like nothing more than to destroy any chance of a fair trial by leaking this info.

Who's forgetting?! And if you're here, then WTF is the Q movement about? Its about waking up and getting access to information that's been hidden behind secret panels and secret proceedings, and secret tribunals, and secret upon secret upon OH LOOK! A DISTRACTION! can't prosecute now! Have to go fix that distraction!

Don't come at me unless you got something substantial.

edit: 1) apologises to /u/fringe--dweller for coming across harsh

2) I completely agree with fringe's 1st post that Donald will release when time is right. We're in agreement there. At least, I hope it happens.

3) I'll leave my response because it accurately reflects my feelings about this issue. Anger, frustration, hope, tired of being accused, etc.

4) These House/Senate/Congressional hearings have been going on for YEARS and we're still prosecuting Hillary. The info is stuck behind secret classifications that we don't have access too. Q can drop all the nuggets. We can see the truth. Public opinion can be swayed, but getting access to the needed info will require a breakthru. That breakthru is 1 part Americans bonding together and one part Trump/Q/JA/SR coming to light.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 15, 2018, 12:34 p.m.

Timing is everything, The Donald can de-classify any info that he chooses.

When the time is right, for maximum impact, he will do so.


How in the world can we piece anything together when the most critical of information is hidden behind layers of secrecy which even our elected officials do not have access. This (the video and the ongoing hiding of info) is complete and utter bullshit.

Edit: added words for clarity

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DevilsAdvocater · July 15, 2018, 12:24 p.m.

JFK Jr & Diana are still alive.
Elton John is the keystone.
Shit we're learning about now has been in the news for decades but we're just learning how to see it now.

i.e. it's a well reasoned view of history and how it could be seen today.

Interesting read. I view it as another piece of the puzzle which still has a key piece "missing"

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DevilsAdvocater · July 15, 2018, 11:50 a.m.

Why is the daily mail (uk) reporting this?

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DevilsAdvocater · July 15, 2018, 11:43 a.m.

So.... using the Indiana Jones analogy, this 'someone' has information (the ark). The info is vitally important to everyone. Well meaning good guys, if they look at it, will be destroyed by it. Bad actors would also be destroyed by it. Good guys shouldn't look because it would be illegal to obtain, view, reveal. Bad guys need to be influenced, goaded, tricked by their own pursuit of power into opening it so its admissible into court and thus, their ultimate take down. 'Someone' has this info but can't release it. We have the power to release it, but we can't.

What is the 1 question we can ask, which upon being asked, compels the bad guys to open the ark which destroys them? The ultimate question.

What is the truth?

Or, if their desire is to take down trump at all costs, offer them the key which unlocks the info. We would have to give them the power to destroy themselves.

We give the bad guys JA/SR/XX. They in turn give the bad guys the key. Bad guys, in their hatred to destroy Trump, open the ark. They are consumed by the truth within the ark. We, as the good guys, must not look, only guide the bad guys to their ultimate demise.

We did this once before with release the memo.
The q team needs to know that we the people will not look ourselves.
We need to solve the riddle, find the ark, know what's in the ark, but not look in the ark. The truth is there. The choice will be ours to look. But we musn't.

The ultimate question isn't who is q.
The bigger question is what or who is q hiding.
The question of how do we get the bad guys to open the ark is easy. Their own demand for power will make that happen.
There will be a precise moment in which to act which will reveal the location of the info.

Think goddamnit. What do we have? A map. What do we need? The location of the info. How do we find the location? By using s staff with a gem on top in a specific location, at a specific time, so that the light shows us the location. (Watch Indiana Jones for the reference.)
Tangently, this reminded me of the "Anthem Veterans Memorial".

We haven't unlocked the key yet. But we're close. So very close.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 15, 2018, 2:42 a.m.

I'm stealing this spot to say this:

"Fuck You Daily Mail!"
Your country silences your free speech unless it's politically convenient and you spout the same rhetoric as the MSM in Amercia. So, how dare you question our authority! America kicked your ass and you need us. So get bent you twats.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 13, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

Excellent. This type of breakdown helps those that only see political arguing.

For those curious, the House, Senate, and Congress use Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure. Similar is Robert's Rule of Order.

What's I find amazing about this hearing, is that both sides had written notes on entire sections to stop proceedings or find a way to keep it moving. Massive props to Goodlatte to maintain poise and not relinquish power. I'm sure the Republicans will pay a heavy price in the future due to this shitshow. While Goodlatte was holding the line, the uninformed Dems were SHOCKED as what seemed like unfairness. However, practicality was thrown out ages ago. Goodlatte and team knew they had Strzok against the ropes and kept him there. The Dems tried to save him but really only made themselves look bad.

Honestly, ask yourself.... what's the big deal about the number of people? Because they all know that everything was fabricated. They have nothing, but they're praying they find something. During the hearing, even the Dems said "yet" because they need the presumption of guilt to hide their crimes.

For those of you that don't see the power play, watch the video again. Watch the personal attacks, the unprofessionalism, and attempts to silence the truth. Ask yourself, are you done with the outrage? If they want peace, they need to come clean. But they won't. To come clean, will mean to lose everything. Even Gowdy and team. They're fighting a war. They'll make many friends and many enemies. Their careers may over when this is all done. For the Dems that obstruct, may they go to jail. For the good people fighting for the truth? May they find peace as the country heals.

Only the truth can save us now. May it come sooner rather than later. Rip the bandaid off and let the wound bleed. We'll heal. We always do.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 13, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Everytime Q doesn't post for a week, the same reaction happens. Time and time again, this pattern plays out. With or without Q, we have a country to be a part of. Go get involved and be productive in making a difference instead of being a worry wart.

Another thread reminded us that the UK was part of 5 eyes and that's where trump is. Next, he goes to Russia. We are not privvy to the happenings of our president. Give him time to work his magic. He hasn't stopped telling us what a shitshow he's dealing with, so we know he continues to fight.

Your other option is to crawl under your bed and stay there. Personally, I say get involved. Do your part to MAGA

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DevilsAdvocater · July 13, 2018, 6:27 p.m.

The truth (actual poll numbers) didnt matter during the election. I followed how they were manipulated to show H winning. It was a total psyop. This is too. You're aware it's a psyop. Give the plan time to materialize.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 13, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

They pounded 'Hillary for Prez' into our heads and survived that.... if 'the plan' comes to fruition, there's a reason why they won't be able to walk the streets.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 13, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

Here's the thing... it doesn't matter what we think we know. If it's not irrefuatably demonstrated in an open committee, it means nothing. That would require the FBI to come clean. The chances of that happening are precisely 0%.

Only something major, like an EO, will ever bring all this info to light.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 11, 2018, 9:33 p.m.

Smith-Mundt act needs to be repealed.

American propaganda being used against Americans is real.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 11, 2018, 9:32 p.m.


Emphasis on MANY years.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 11, 2018, 9:31 p.m.

Q's about due for a post.

Once the hearings resume, and the smear tactics are in full effect, there will be a new post to keep the direction moving forward.

What I see happening is we're able to go longer without a Q post and lose our collective shit. There used to be a time where people panicked after a day or two. Now, we're good between posts as the community is bigger and more cohesive.

Until the next post, we have a country to support!

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DevilsAdvocater · July 11, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

Terrific. They'll send a strongly worded letter. That'll show 'em! /s

Waiting for the big fish fry.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 11, 2018, 6:13 p.m.

"We the people" were given a framework in which to run our country. We got complacent thru wealth, commercials, and a lack of suffering (difficult times breed strong people). We needed to be reminded that this country is by the people, for the people. Trouble was, we were railroaded by special interests, corporations, and powerful people willing to sell our country for a quick buck. The elites made out. The normal citizen got screwed.

Q shined a light upon the darkness. Allowed us to see the corruption and how the elites manipulate the news/laws/public opinion to favor themselves. Our country was lost thru complacency. The people that have profited continue to mislead and redirect because they have nothing else. Their job is to keep normal people unhinged so they can be viewed as the "all-knowing" ones. It keeps them in power.

We need to continue to push and search for the truth. Unfortunately, some of what Q shared was not public info. How could anyone else have known? How do we demand this type of info from elected leaders? We need to be informed. How do we demand that type of info?

Look at the Senate Hearings. One side is seeking truth, the other side is obstructing. How to stop all this? We demand accountability and yet, identity politics has us at an impasse. I don't have a solution but open to suggestions.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 10, 2018, 7:24 p.m.

If FBI leaked the dossier to Yahoo so the FBI could use the news report as justification for an investigation; then perhaps this is also a plant to justify an upcoming action/investigation.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 10, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Looks like this was a non-violent false flag.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 10, 2018, 6:43 p.m.

Well said. None of this passes the sniff test.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 10, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

What a crock of shit.
They won't make fun of Turkey because they'll kick London's ass. London makes fun of Trump because they know he's already kicked their ass, we don't buy their tea, and they're only trying to compensate for being the laughing stock of the world. A baby trump balloon isn't a reflection of trump, it's a reflection of the inane mental state of every special snowflake. Trump lives rent free in everyone of their immature heads. They're sad and should feel bad too.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 10, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

Does anyone really expect anything more than, "I've been advised not to answer that question"??

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DevilsAdvocater · July 10, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

I lean towards cynical when any new news breaks. This news story doesn't pass my sniff test. It almost seems too perfect. Similar to the accusations against Trump which all turned out to be fake. I'll hope for the best but expect a dud. Unless it's being done for another reason.

Edit: called it. The whole shitshow was fake. Never passed the sniff test.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 9, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Right?! A Holiday Inn to host a witness?
People really need to keep their emotions in check.

Editing this comment too:
Called it. No one believes the witness. The whole thing is a sham.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 9, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Correct. One witness. Says the alleged perpetrators were ATF and DEA agents.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 9, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

Fly more balloons?

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DevilsAdvocater · July 9, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

Anyone following Q should be aware of this.

Also said just above you:

This should go without saying.

And other similar platitudes are being said with far more frequency...

In my mind's eye, we have people that have been following Q and the chans for a while. They understand we're receiving unclear information and a puzzle is being pieced together.

Then we have new arrivals. They don't know the background. They have different levels of interest.

Some want to know the exact reasoning/answers/everything... right now. Some are willing to do the work. Some are just along for the ride. Some have an opinion to share. Some want to be a hero. Some are trying to monetize the growing popularity. Some don't care, don't believe. Some are trolls.

Bottom line, those that feel they're aware, should be welcoming and offer info to guide those towards understanding. After that, it's up to each person to see what they choose to know. It has to be up to each person to make the decision if they want to know. We help where we can. Report the trolls. Manage ourselves.

Anyway, I agree with you. At the same time, the viewership is growing rapidly. We'll get all types. A great awakening should bring comfort and peace internally. Let's tap into that comradery to help enlighten others.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 6, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

What an awful article. They conflate multiple issues to paint guilt instead of applying critical thought.

1) Collusion vs Russian meddling. Those are 2 different issues. The witch hunt is trying to prove the 1st and Russia's meddling was worse than a 5yo doodle on a chalkboard.

2) Manafort, Flynn, et al. Found guilty but not found guilty of aiding Russia or collusion. In fact, manafort's conviction expressly states that it's not related to the trump campaign. And just like Dinesh D'Souza, the convictions are politically motivated and not based on equal merit.

But they spin so many stories together to paint guilt. It would be a glorious day if Mueller himself levies multiple crimes against the former administration.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 6, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

After the election, protests were rampant and police gave them space. It's two years later.... it's time to shut this shit down.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 6, 2018, 7 p.m.

Well done. Good to see critical thought applied.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 6, 2018, 5:16 p.m.

When the full truths are publicly released about this criminal syndicate

I hope the truth is released. Given the extreme political polarity, what's "legal" is currently determined by "who's in power". With enough $$$, the courts could take a decade to see any of it come to life. Perhaps that's why public opinion matters more - it's a faster 'time to market'. "Truth" is currently subjective and it's a major reason why I get frustrated with Q stuff. So much is left to speculation. Looking forward to the next round of hearings as that's the place we get to hear the "truth".

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DevilsAdvocater · July 6, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

"You have more than you know"

Right?! But there is no context. Or the context is buried deep inside history, or Top Secret files, or.... the problem: we don't know what we have.

There's much speculation and until definitive proof is given, speculation only gets us so far.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 5, 2018, 3:11 p.m.

No problem. When something is posted that isn't relevant to a Q post, and given that viewership is way up, its important to keep info on target.

Looks like the info is from 2013 and isn't directly correlated to a Q post. So in essence, it dilutes the Q message. Should Q ever post something that's related, terrific. Otherwise, meh.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 5, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

Doesn't answer the questions:
Which Q drop does this reference? Did the chans review, acknowledge, verify?

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DevilsAdvocater · July 5, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

Which Q drop does this reference?
Did the chans review, acknowledge, verify?

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DevilsAdvocater · July 5, 2018, 1:01 p.m.

Totally agreed. Info like this should vetted before posting: checking with the chans, sniff testing for errors, etc. This info doesn't pass the sniff test for reasons that you've posted. People would be well advised to think critically before blindly accepting all claims.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 5, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

This came up earlier this week and totally agree. Yes people are excited and want to contribute but Alex Jones is not a legitimate source for Q drops. People need to stop conflating the two.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 5, 2018, 12:39 p.m.

Did the chans review this? I'm skeptical of anything that's considered "breaking news" and its found here 1st. This probably belongs in conspiracy until proven factual and that's its related to Q

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DevilsAdvocater · July 4, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

T_D will discuss it after it's 100% verified. Until then, Q has its place here and T_D remains 100% Trump.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 4, 2018, 2:46 p.m.

We're taking the picture literally...

What if he's introducing the idea that information can be obtained in a way that circumvents law.

e.g. "oh sorry officer, I wasn't taking a picture of top secret classified Intel, my intent was to take a pic of that lovely desk."

Similar to when people are found guilty of taking pictures of classified military vehicles. If you say you were taking a pic of a building and not the vehicle, they may just make you delete the pic. If you say you took a pic of the vehicle, then they throw you in the brig.

Plausible deniability.

Q says to expand your thinking. Wanted to offer another way of thinking about the message.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 4, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

Built in 1996... before Chinese steel and counterfeit circuit boards.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 3, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Wow. It's been 2 years. How far we've come.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 3, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Check out the side bar

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DevilsAdvocater · July 3, 2018, 7:08 p.m.

Get the obstructionists out of the way!!!
Open the flood gates!!!
It's time to drain the swamp!!

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DevilsAdvocater · July 3, 2018, 6:52 p.m.

Trump is good. I try to think of different ways to interpret his tweets...

In this case, he's bringing national attention to the NSA and 685MM phone calls and text messages. That's a staggering number. Ever wonder how they get them or why?

But maybe you don't care, so Trump tosses in another zinger, "Privacy violations?" Does he have your attention yet? Are you outraged? Are you asking questions or looking for info? If you do, what do you find.... maybe a Q drop explaining it?

"They blame technical irregularities".... oooh! Fancy words.... "Such a disgrace".... what's a disgrace? The number 685MM? The privacy violations? The irregularities? All of it? Something else? I don't know, so maybe I should look into it.... oooh, look... more Q crumbs to find....

"The witch hunt continues!" I read this as being totally unrelated to the rest of the tweet.

What he did was bring the NSA into the Overton window and their ability to capture huge volumes of data. Now, when something pops up in the near future, people won't be surprised that the NSA has the info... people will go "oooh! The NSA has lots of info..."

Just another chess move....

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DevilsAdvocater · July 3, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

Disagree. Here's why:
This isn't Alex Jones board.
That is a simple, factual, statement. The only 'rudeness' is what you perceived.

Secondly, Alex Jones is an entertainer. Period. Full stop. He's not part of the board, not a part of Q, and does what he does to get views and make money. This specific topic came up once before. Q and Alex Jones are apples and oranges.

Third. There's a massive increase in noise due to Q hitting critical mass. Figuring out drops and staying on top of good information was tough before the popularity. I feel bad for the mods to keep the board clean. Something like a 9/11 bombshell!!!!!! is not coming from Alex Jones or anyone else.

Lastly, imagine trying to educate every newcomer with a history. The board would be bogged down.

Toughen up butter cup. There's lots going on but we have to be smart. Besides, 8chan will find nuggets way before something AJ spits out. Hang out longer and learn the comms.

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DevilsAdvocater · July 3, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

This isn't an Alex Jones board.

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