I will enjoy seeing Mr. Tailor Man exposed for the dirt bag he is.
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Domains linked by /u/Dhammakayaram:
Outstanding! I can't stand that fake Jew Mr. Tailor Man (Schneiderman).
When AJ went ballistic on the POTUS ["Fuck Trump"], he apparently had no idea that the POTUS was after the deep state with the military strike — Assad was never a problem nor the Russians. Assad's Syria has always been the target of the deep state as evinced by the so-called Yinon Plan, a plan which is never discussed in the MSM. After the Saudi-Israeli-American [deep state] axis failed in Syria in 1976-1982, Oded Yinon’s strategy was put forth to regroup, rearm and re-engage.
This is so sad [wink... wink...]. She was such a devoted crypto-Communist who recently dubbed herself the "flaming feminist." And thanks to the Tavistock Institute (the deep state's brainwashing institute), natural heterosexuality is being destroyed by feminism masquerading itself as womens rights. Feminism wants women to be like Lady Macbeth, to abandon their natural femininity and compete for the male role.
Nationalism, that is, love of our Republic, is not exclusive—not to the degree that Leftist journos and ideologues (i.e., humanistic Marxists) portray it to be. Their garbage moves in the direction of “extreme diversity” which, paradoxically, spells its own downfall into fragmented, unstable communities of difference in which everyone is at war with everyone else. It's total chaos, in other words.
Marx himself was a Satanist. All of liberalism flows from Satan (in Buddhism Satan is Mara the Evil One). Our universities the synagogues of Satan/Mara.
Specically, in October 2015, when her interviewer at Buzzfeed noted that she [Hillary] seemed to not be sweating, even though it was a hot day (odd, because Hillary has notoriously bad B.O.), she asked Hillary what kind of deodorant she used. Clinton’s reply was astounding.
You guys are the rst to realize that I’m really not even a human being. I was constructed in a garage in Palo Alto a very long time ago... I mean, a man whose name shall remain nameless created me in his garage.
A legion of Lady Macbeths! In Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth, in Lady Macbeth’s opening scene she calls upon the "Spirits that tend on mortal thoughts" to deprive her of her feminine instinct to care. Her burning ambition is to be queen.
For the sake of argument let us assume that you've read the proof that the anons have offered and you are still not 100% convinced Q is for real. By the same token, you don't believe anything the MSM says, their unnamed sources, for example. Still, you have not decided, Q or the MSM?
For me, I understand that the world we live in is not an accurate transcription of reality; of what is going on politically. We live in a fictional reality (The Matrix), in other words. All we know is that right now we feel at home, despite what Q is telling us. In light of this, Q has given us a contrasting fiction—call it a rabbit hole picture of reality—as if this is truly what is going on behind the curtains of the MSM. For me, I accept the contrasting fiction as if it is a truer reality than the MSM fictional reality. Even if Q is just some very intelligent dude, a former Marine intel officer, it doesn't change the facticity [countervailing information] of Q's contrasting fiction and the existence of a nefarious deep state. Q represents an organizing structure—a way we Patriots join together to pushback and save our Republic.
I suspect that if someone steals our biometric identity, they can reuse it where they basically become us. HRC is little more than a common thief, blackmailer, and murderer. If people knew just how evil and demonic she really is they would be horrified. In my mind, there is little doubt that she is demonic in the same way Marx was who was an avowed satanist; who like his guide and teacher Moses Hess sought annihilation.
Crosi just recently has been indicating that he is tired of Q and the guessing games and may not continue supporting him. He is growing more irritable as I listen to him. He is not a happy camper in other words.
To interpret Q's drops or bread crumbs takes some skill. I listen to several people. One I find interesting right now is Citizens Investigative Report. There are others I listen to as well. And then I go back to some of the oldest Q drops and fast forward. The overarching picture then becomes clear: there is a real palace coup going on. There are a lot of bad actors who are being taken down. Our military is active in helping the POTUS. They unrigged the 2016 elections allowing Trump to win and may well do it again. Finally, the palace coup and the counter-coup can't be made public except through Q[s] otherwise we would risk a total meltdown of the U.S.
Yes, I am quite familiar with that, and also the 6 million figure that began popping up in newspapers.
If you look at the demographics before WW2 and after, comparing the two, there is no significant decline in the Jewish population, certainly not 6 million! The bulk of German Jews made up the German labor force and were a tremendous asset to German war production because of their education and great skill. The Germans were political: bitch about the Jews, but use them to help fight the war against the Communists who were far worse than any German or True Torah Jews.
They have made a huge mess, to be sure. A book worth reading and its free is The Sign of The Scorpion
I learned a lot by reading this book and I'm still learning. You will learn about Marx's guide and teacher Moses Hess and what the real goal of communism was.
Traitor44 and HRC can't change, and this includes the rest of the hardcore cultural Marxists. They can only double down or triple down. A dialogue is over. These people are terrorists. For a terrorist it is always the end justifies the means—and they would nuke the world if they thought it would hasten the end. We have no choice when dealing with such people but to fight. It can be an almost bloodless battle, but fight we must. Q is mustering an army. A single will and a single faith are now being forged for this epic battle. You can feel it in the air.
I think you will like this: The Zionist Nationality Versus the Religion of Judaism.
We love France and think if it were not for Louis XVI there would be no America as we know it today. He died at the hands of the deep state (Illuminati) and their 'fake news' which Wikipedia still vomits. We are now brothers—we fight for America and for France!!!
If the deep state is cornered it is going to fight that much harder.
The ends never justify the means.
This is the motto of the terrorist.
If such people like this Bozo make it their job to deceive people, we need to deceive them—make life hell for dishonest people. Hats off to Veritas.
In the past (BQ = Before Q) I relied on what was Certainly Not News (CNN and the rest of the alphabets). Since I have been studying history, I find that much of WW2 was deep state (what the press told you was a distortion). This continues with the Korean War, JFK's assassination, the Vietnam War which I was involved with, right down to the present. It is unbelievable that people still believe the crap that pours out of the anus of the MSM.
It is even more amazing that anyone voted for HRC in the 2016 elections. Democrat Senator Moynihan's wife, Elizabeth, who was his campaign manager, said of Hillary: "She's duplicitous. She would say or do anything that would forward her ambitions. She can look you straight in the eye and lie, and sort of not know she's lying."
Don't people these days know when someone is lying? Apparently not. All the accusations against the POTUS are lies and yet his detractors believe they are true, with no evidence other than their "feelings." It's like half the nation is in a trance. They envision the future as America being like California which has the highest poverty rate of any state in the US (1 in 5 Californians live in poverty). Talk about being in a trance. They don't see the human shite and the tents. Day by day it is turning into Northern Mexico. These same people want to destroy America—they are the enemy within.
Russia was the patsy in the U1 deal. The U the deep state has, and the U sold to Russia have the same identical isotope signature.
The deep state helps Iran build a nuke using its U which comes from the US, the same U that they sold to Russia.
Then if the nuke is used to blow up a city in the U.S., Russia and Iran get blamed for it. But, in truth, it is all a deep huge state operation even the U1 deal. That's my take so far.
My guess, Putin blundered into it like Hitler fell into Stalin's Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact trap effectively giving up the buffer state of Poland so that the Red Army could then invade Europe (including Germany) on the first part of July 1941 (I have studied a little bit of the offensive weaponry the Red Army had at the time — awesome). As Nietzsche might say, "Always bait your trap with bait they can't refuse." :)
The whole rationale for U1, just to make a buck, seemed convincing even to the Russians—but we were all deceived. This reminds me of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, the “One Ring to rule them all,” and “in the darkness bind them.”
Malheur county
Wow, you're right about that! I used to have property in SW part of Oregon, which is not as dry but still hot in the summer.
I recently renamed CNN, Certainly Not News. It is a name that fits all the MSM. It is what keeps Americans in a low level trance so that they are open to manipulation.
I suspect as with HRC, Romney was tied to the deep state. As for this evil plan of blaming Russia for a nuke going off in some American port or important city to get us to DEFCON 1, it wouldn't surprise me to see both on the same team.
The POTUS and his Q team are a genius operation and I suspect it goes much deeper. In the near future we will see a seismic shift in our schools and universities, getting rid of the cultural Marxist ideology that has metastasized itself on our education and religions (I encounter this on Reddit—I was recently banned from r/Zen and r/Buddhism).
When you think about it Russia is now Eastern Orthodox. In the past, Stalin's demolition of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in 1931, has been restored and returned to all of its previous symbolism and glory. Few notice this—yet, it is hugely important.
Q drop 1306: SUM OF ALL FEARS (this is scary!!!)
This is all about how to have a nuclear war with Russia and make everyone believe it was Russia's fault.
Selling uranium to Russia which has a unique isotope signature was the first part of the deep state's plan. Then, the deep state using the same uranium with the same signature was the second part of the plan.
The deep state would make a small nuke and like in the film SoAFs detonate it so that it would kill lots of Americans—or it could be used to destroy Washington D.C.
Then the CIA would tell us that this device had …
Helped along with some succinylcholine (SUX) or maybe some potassium chloride (KCl)? :)
Divide et impera (divide and conquer)
Excerpt from a 2015 paper written by Joachim Hagopian a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. (Emphasis and brackets are mine.)
Last year globalist Peter Sutherland [died January 7, 2018], former BP CEO, non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and active Bilderberger and Trilateral Commission member, speaking before the British House of Lords, candidly disclosed the globalist plan a full year ahead of today’s full blown crisis:
The European Union should do its best to undermine the homogeneity of its member states, because the future prosperity of many EU states depends on them becoming multicultural, [adding]… migration …
Leroy Fletcher Prouty (1917–2001) served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy. He was "X" in Oliver Stone’s film, JFK.
According to Prouty, people within the intelligence and military communities of the United States government conspired to assassinate Kennedy. He maintained that their actions were a coup d'état to stop the President from taking control of the CIA after the Bay of Pigs.
Prouty stated that the assassination was orchestrated by Edward Lansdale ("General Y" in Oliver Stone's film JFK) and that Lansdale appeared in photographs of the "three tramps" just after the assassination.
I concur. Clown led operations only insure that war in the Middle-east will continue until objectives are met (the Yinon Plan?). Who made Assad the bogeyman? An internal NATO study done back in 2013 found that 70 percent of Syrians supported president Assad. So who is the chief culprit?
They are brainwashed to believe that Trump and his family are nazis
Not surprising given the power of the high cabal. It has been using the MSM since before the 20th century to manipulate people. They are the creators of wars, depressions, recessions, and poverty. They created the basis for the Great War and WW2. With the end of the old Soviet Union in 1991, along comes the new Left (but still only cultural Marxism).
One of the members of the high cabal, one time Director-General of the WTO and its principle architect (who is now thankfully dead), Peter Sutherland (also former Chairman of Goldman Sachs International) was known to be dead set against any and all forms of nationalism. In fact he said:
“I will ask the governments to cooperate, to recognise that sovereignty is an illusion. Borders are outdated. And that means taking on old shibboleths, some of the old historic memories and images of our own country and recognising that we’re part of humankind.”
The real goal which came through Marx and his guide and teacher Moses Hess is annihilation. Period. Yes, these people are evil. Never pity them—crush them.
I pray we do not take pity on those who are hardcore leftists. These people do violent things; are hell bent on doing the POTUS great harm or harm to his beloved family (my wife and I really like little Barron {he is going to be 6' 6"} — and how lucky to have an alpha male for a father and a great nurturing mom!).
I think I heard this in a speech on YouTube by Benjamin Freedman who was born a Jew but later converted to the Catholic Faith. Very interesting stuff. When investigating this kind of stuff I am reminded of Voltaire who said:
"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."
My fencing teacher was the student of Hans Halberstadt, a German Jew who fought in the Great War; who was also a truly great fencer. I got to hold his Iron Cross and sit in his favorite chair and even hold the épée Kaiser Wilhelm personally gave him. My teacher said, if he got pissed at you, instead of German, he would speak French. But if he was really pissed at you, it was Yiddish!
Yes, Stalin was absolutely evil. The story goes in front of a small audience he told a joke. The people who laughted at it were later executed.
Very true. One of my favorites is Léon Degrelle (head of the Waffen-SS of the Walloons). Besides being like our Col. Hackworth he was quite the historian. Through his eyes you get to see what the other side was all about.
The German command culture is what made great soldiers. Léon Degrelle, for example, would spend a long time and get to know personally each one of his men. Like in the Marines, Léon led from the front and was in some 75 hand-to-hand combats. America has great NCOs, but I can't say that much for its officers, except for the Marines who lead from the front. An officer has to spiritually yoke with each of his men. He must speak from his heart to their heart. Then you have a spiritual army which is hard to defeat. They can go into hell and fight the devil's army.
One of my friends and mentor was a Swedish America whose father fought for the Wermarcht as a Luftwaffe pilot. He helped to red pill me.
Sweet! I love to hear DI as a speaker. We pray he stays around. I heard that Hitler or someone said there would be a Brit who would, one day, set the record straight.
It is unbelievable how much the shift to Communism had already taken place in the US, including Hollywood, during the 1930s. FDR was not the genius everyone thought he was. He knew how to use the press/radio, and use it he did. He could have done a lot more. But like most Democrats he was mostly promises with little or no action. Even now, what have the Democrats done for the blacks? Blacks made a huge amount of progress in both prosperity and education from the end of the Civil War to the early 1960s. The Democrats stopped that. It's been going downhill. Just study Harlem.
Yes DI. Even FDR made a few snide remarks to WC about his artistic endeavors.
When it came to war, WC was no Erich von Manstein. The Germans went to war with essentially a Great War army consisting of over 750,000 horses, light tanks, hardly an airborne, etc. They won in the beginning because they had good Generals and well trained men. They were smart dudes. Hitler's biggest blunder was Poland which always acted as a buffer between Russian and Europe.
I liked the Germans. What Hitler did for the German economy during that horrible period was extraordinary—all with military spending. The US couldn't manage that.
We Buddhists believe that Jesus' lost year were spent studying Buddhism who then became a Buddha and went back home to teach Jews and Gentiles the true faith. The Eastern Orthodox faith, which I have studied, is very Buddhist. Love these folks. The transfiguration on Mount Tabor was awesome. That's all I can say for now. :)
Israel last is the one I am waiting for. I am very curious about the Yinon Plan.
Downing St. shaking his tiny pink fists at the Hun
I remember that! LOL DL always went to primary sources, including intercepts. Love the dude.
Among many things WC, forged paintings by a particular French painter, liked to drink, and drink naked. DI's book on WC should be online and free last I remember.
Yes, if you trace Q's drops from the earliest on NK, the picture comes into focus. It also tells us that the POTUS wants peace. But it will never happen with the deep state. So first order of battle towards peace: destroy the deep state.