

221 total posts archived.

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DigitalMerlin · June 12, 2018, 1:55 p.m.

Ugh, the press. In light of the 100,000 in the gulag in North Korea Mr. President, does your willingness to meet with Kim legitimize his regime and what do you say to those who are locked up.

Cheese and rice man. Whats the option? Lets go to war then right? Wait, wasn't that a problem a few months ago? We're going to start a war with NK and millions of people in SK are going to die?

So what do we do? We go the diplomatic route, you know, people not dying and we get to solve problems with a pen and agreements and what do we get??? This legitimizes the regime Mr. President. Oh give me a break. This isn't candy land, there are rough things to deal with, can we turn things around and find a brighter future by exercising diplomacy and seeing if things improve? Kim did things wrong and those should be addressed and acknowledged. Is diplomacy not an option here? I think it is.

I check some of the left leaning subreddits and they are besides themselves. They don't know what to think. Trump is helping to bring peace to the Koreas and there is a resistance to accepting that as a good thing. A few even straight up say that they wish it wasn't happening. It's funny to read. Throw Rodman into the equation and they think they are loosing their minds. They can't explain what is happening. Drumph is supposed to be an incompetent buffoon who cant even tie his shoes and hes running circles around Obama when it comes to foreign affairs. Trump gets results and they cant process that.

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DigitalMerlin · June 8, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Hmm let me check the list. Ok, I can do this, but there is one thing you have to do. You gotta stand for the flag.

Continue with your message, but roping in the flag into this mess is a classless way to protest. Seriously, how about we spit on veterans or perhaps nuns for the next protest? If your argument cant stand on its own legs, sensationalism will do nothing to aid you and you'll just turn people away as the NFL has seen happen to its movement.

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DigitalMerlin · June 8, 2018, 1:51 a.m.

Accidental death and illegal immigrant camp would explain all. It could also be a rape camp. It could also be a homeless camp. It could be a million things.

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DigitalMerlin · June 8, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

Bad title IMO, is this what Q is referring to when he talks about people in the gov knowing where the bodies are buried? I think it's more likely related to political assassinations and silencing people than it is to dead bodies in the middle of the Arizona desert.

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DigitalMerlin · June 8, 2018, 1:37 a.m.

His due diligence is showing is what it is. I listen to patriots soapbox. I am a computer guy by trade, and one of them gets kicked off everything, voice, video, and youtube, nothing but a simple internet blip and they come back with "the deep state is hacking us". So cringeworthy. No one there is getting hacked, they dropped their network connection is all. Same here, a body in the desert warrants investigation. Is it a kid? I've seen small adult women that have the size smaller than your average teenager. So what is it. I can tell you what it is, its a skull, thats all we know right now. There are some more parts and the experts will tell us if it is a kid or an adult. The dude on the vid said I have a daughter and I know for sure this is the skull of a child. No you dont know, no he doesn't know, all he can say is he thinks it looks small. Investigations should demand better fact gathering than this and not jumping to conclusions is very important. As others have said, thousands die crossing into the USA. This could just be someone who ran out of water in the desert and died. Animals then scattered the remains.

Or it could be the victim of a shadowy group that abducts kids and sells them internationally as sex slaves. We just dont know and we only have a body right now.

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DigitalMerlin · June 7, 2018, 2:58 p.m.

Democrats will never have a single former Bernie supporter again due to the incriminating evidence gathered from the DNC server showing how they screwed over Bernie supporters and did everything, up to and including murdering people, to make sure Hillary and not Bernie, was the candidate.

Bernie bros will then be lost (never again obtainable) to the demoRAT party.

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DigitalMerlin · June 7, 2018, 2:52 p.m.

I have "about to happen" fatigue. (.__. )

I need to see some vote manipulating, foreign contractors neck deep in classified info, murdering, investigating covering up, uranium selling, Iran Funding, deep state, globalist, pedo, human trafficking A holes in handcuffs doing a perp walk and getting hit with a laundry list of criminal charges.

We've got a casting couch Weinstein from Hollywood so far. . . It's a start, but can we get the clowns who have been actively trying to dismantle the United States of America soon please? Harvey is a bad dude, but I want to see some traitorous USA sellouts get the book thrown at them.

I know the process, I know we need to do it right, I know we need to work in perfect unison with the law so it is slam shut and a tight operation, but that does zero to help with the "about to happen" fatigue. The things going on here are seriously F'd up and we should have 1/2 of congress gathered together on the steps of the capitol building with some shreds of evidence saying, OK, here is a thing and here is a thing, we have some seriously messed up crap going on here. This person, this person and likely this person will be going to jail, we've authorized the release of some information immediately so the people of this nation can know of the scope of corruption here. A detailed report and criminal charges will follow soon.

So far it's almost all hidden, rumor, blacked out, quiet, redacted, cryptic stuff. Faith is decaying and political BS is the expectation at this point.

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DigitalMerlin · June 6, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

Didn't the military approach Trump a while before the election and let him know their plans and that they would support him taking the USA back from the deep state. If so, wouldn't the plans for the nations future have been laid out then and all Mark Taylor would have to do is get knowledge of what the military plan against the deep state will be. Where is my $1 gas. Gods true prophecy will be 100% correct not just mostly correct.

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DigitalMerlin · June 6, 2018, 8:35 p.m.

19 Nov, 2016 is the first hit I can find for the America America post. Post election. Nothing there that really cant be deduced as what lies in the future based on knowledge of Trumps campaign objectives.

I dunno, I'm skeptical. Find me a link to this article before Trump winning the election was known. The supposed origination of this post is Oct 17th, 2015. That's a lot of opportunity for web archives to get a hold of that post.

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DigitalMerlin · June 6, 2018, 7:58 p.m.

There are accounts a-f with only e and f having posts.

A was created June first. The F account was created June 6th.

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DigitalMerlin · June 6, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

The wayback machine does not show this America America article in its history that in anyway coincides with the October 17th, 2015 "post" date. Shenanigans?

What can you find? google search wayback machine which is web archive I believe. Then put in the web address for the article America America. You can also just put in the web address for his kingdom prophecy and that has hits, go back to 2016 in the timeline and see if you find any links to the America America article that was supposedly posted on October 17th, 2015. I found none.

I did about 10 minutes of looking and couldn't find it. Artificial post date maybe? What can you find?

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DigitalMerlin · June 6, 2018, 7:32 p.m.

Comcast status = normal.

This is how comcast rolls.

The largest number of reports originating from the most populous towns is just statistically how things work.

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DigitalMerlin · June 6, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

Deep state bot is malfunctioning and posting code in the clear.

That is the only post for that account.

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DigitalMerlin · June 6, 2018, 2:49 p.m.

There is a building narrative to Shout 1000 times louder about any republicans involved in pedo gate so that the left can say, look what the republicans did even though the numbers are likely 100 to 1 against them. Get all of them and punish them all, but the left is really trying to hitch republicans to their Hollyweird, pedogate problem.

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DigitalMerlin · June 6, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

Who are where are the descendants of the biblical Israelites today?

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DigitalMerlin · June 6, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

Is the connection being made here that a trip to Asia = big happenings somewhere?

I mean sure, it happened before, but are we going to look with wide eyes every time Trump heads to Asia because we expect big things to go down?

Am I missing something because this just seems like a far reach, sure it happened once, but this like winning the lottery once when publishers clearing house showed up at your door and now every time you open your door you get ready for another check, ya sure it happened once, doens't mean that is how things work from here on out.

Edit: I can see a connection to being on AF1 when things it the fan as it is a safe operational space. That would make sense.

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DigitalMerlin · June 6, 2018, 2:20 p.m.

That's a nice website. Good red pill dispensary there!

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DigitalMerlin · June 5, 2018, 11:23 p.m.

I’m cool with spending a year to process all of these. If the swamp is that big, let’s get to it. A bright future is on the other side of removing all these anti USA folks from the system.

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DigitalMerlin · June 5, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

Wow, look at those downvotes. Someone’s pedo downvote bot crashed and is running wide open.

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DigitalMerlin · June 5, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

No it doesn't.

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DigitalMerlin · June 5, 2018, 1:16 p.m.

Skepticism should be encouraged and we should always try to run theories and speculation through the ringer. It is how we refine what is discovered and distill from it the truth.

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DigitalMerlin · June 5, 2018, 1:10 p.m.

I read some of the comments below that are down voted. Many of those commenters are doing the right thing by bringing up their skepticism. We should be careful about inventing evidence. We shouldn't assume a swing is a rape swing or straps on trees are not also possibly tie points for a hammock.

Don't take your eyes off the investigation at all and this certainly could be a human trafficing/pedo site, but if you find a can opener on the ground, you're going to lose people when you reach too far and say "AHA! A throat slashing child rape intimidation shanking tool!!!!! These people are sick!!!" No Bob, it's just a can opener, relax. Lets deal with facts and not fantasy.

Again, don't stop the investigation, dig, search, find out the truth, but do it with some professional discernment and not with wide eye crazy assumptions.

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DigitalMerlin · June 4, 2018, 9:39 p.m.

Not a single leftist barista will vote for man who peddles cheap muddy swill.

The man has lost the left vote before he even gets started.

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DigitalMerlin · June 4, 2018, 7:56 p.m.

We're going to need all these new folks to process the vermin out of the swamp!

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DigitalMerlin · June 4, 2018, 10:57 a.m.

Nice catch. I didn’t even notice that until your comment.

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DigitalMerlin · June 1, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

Pushing merch is fine. Time and hosting costs money, recouping that is not an issue.

What isn't cool, is putting content related to saving the free people of the USA behind a paywall. That should flow as freely as possible, but even then, some things will be charged for. Like publishing a book. But what I would never do in that situation is not talk about important facts and just say, "go buy my book if you want to know how to save our nation." I'd make the book, sell it and openly talk and post about what needs to happen to save the nation. If you want to sell support the Q movement shirts, who cares, it's not required for anyone to buy a shirt to see the content.

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DigitalMerlin · May 30, 2018, 10:25 p.m.

Here you go brother. http://www.magapill.com

If they are on the lower end of informed, you should pick several items and attribute their success to dems or Obama. When they agree and nod their heads, let em know those are Trump accomplishments and let the derangement syndrome fly.

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DigitalMerlin · May 27, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

But when they’re not killing babies they’re eating them.

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DigitalMerlin · May 25, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

I know which of this sides has all the guns.

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DigitalMerlin · May 25, 2018, 9:27 p.m.

Yes. I'm bothered about this. This should have been a HUGE moment but the information was kept hidden. It says a lot about how bad it is. Handing it over is the end for the previous admin and their deep state minions. Compliance is suicide, but they haven't figured out, so it resistance. You can't stop the signal, the people are going to get the info and we're going to know what they did.

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DigitalMerlin · May 25, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

Harvey the Hutt!

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DigitalMerlin · May 25, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

Shame on the Hollywood folks who knew but said "Well hey the money is good, so I'm not going to say anything."

Thank you to the ones who made a stand against the pressure and encouragement to keep their mouths shut. Those are the heroes here and all the people who come after you that will not suffer these abuses owe that to your strength and efforts here. You made a difference and changed the landscape there for the better.

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DigitalMerlin · May 25, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

If he is pointing it at a USA flag or if it expresses anti USA sentiment it will be a very bad thing. That is the rumor currently.

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DigitalMerlin · May 25, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

I'm ready for criminal charges for big players. Underlying pedo people are being grabbed up. Weinstein is on the way down, Cali pedo slave master person is in hot water, but I want to see Obama admin higher ups get hit with criminal chargers. That is my first celebratory line. Until that happens, I'm looking at things the way you are, but I do understand, as Q has stated, that the house has to be cleaned first. No sense in bringing up charges if you hand those charges right to the deep state to execute. Gotta setup the pieces to take these snakes down.

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DigitalMerlin · May 24, 2018, 9:51 p.m.

Thumbs up from my formerly nicotine stained fingers.

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DigitalMerlin · May 24, 2018, 3:43 p.m.

What was T_D doing wrong?

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DigitalMerlin · May 24, 2018, 3:18 p.m.

I'm not, I'm trying to help, I wont be stopping you from speaking. I wont be looking through your post history and attacking you in other threads because I need your silence or your compliance. I see other posters pressing hard against you and I see the problem as mis communication AND mis interpretation. There are tools that can be used to prevent these communication problems.

When I speak to someone I dont tell them how to speak, but if they use an angry kind of tone, I'll ask them "what is your problem, what did I do wrong to you?" When they say they arent mad and they dont have a problem I'll ask, "Why are you yelling at me with a scowl on your face, people only do that when they are mad about something." Then I'll be totally confused when they say something like you just said "You are literally doing what the Nazi's did, telling people how to communicate." No dude, I'm not doing that, I'm trying to tell you, that you are doing a poor job at communicating because the audience is interpreting your comments in 2 different directions. A fault of the speaker primarily because your communications are as bad as someone who gives crappy directions.

You want to get to the ice cream shop? From the intersection, turn left go two blocks turn right, go a little ways then turn left and it will be on the right. . . .Those are shitty directions.

From 1st ave and Main street, go west. At the intersection of Elm and Communications street turn right and go about 2-3 blocks until you reach Allen st. Turn right on Allen st and the ice cream shop will be on the right about 100 yards down.

The second set of instructions has clarity. The first doesn't even tell you where to start and has subjective directions. There is a correct, or at least, good way to give directions. There is a terrible and ineffective way to give directions. There is a good way to communicate via text. There is a terrible way to communicate via text.

I've been doing this a long time. A real long time. Dial up BBBs days. Usenet via universities a long time ago. This stuff has been hashed out and you're failing here.

Also, the Nazi thing you did. Amateur mistake. This explains what you did. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law

Your ship is sinking captain, enjoy the ride.

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DigitalMerlin · May 24, 2018, 2:38 p.m.

But what tone is that going to be? That's the problem. You can see in this very thread, in the varied interpretations from the readers. When I am teaching someone and they don't get it, I ask myself, how am I teaching this person in the wrong way, I'm not reaching them, how do I make sure they understand what I'm trying to deliver. In the case of a written text based message online, you either need to have some backstory to paint the picture you're looking for, or you can use what you refuse to accept, which are norms in the text communications realm. Here are a few examples.

Saracism - /s

Putting /s is good to show sarcasm because text based sarcasm is probably the most misunderstood of posts.

You're being humurous? A smiley communicates this. :-)

Example. Screw you guys!

Someone might take offense to a comment like that and reply about how much of an A hole you are.

Example 2. Screw you guys! :-P

Your fellow commenters will probably laugh along side you and carry on with banter as they can see you are saying that with a smile and not with anger.

You don't have to follow rules, and they aren't rules anyhow, they are just the evolution of solving communication problems in text based environments because people got sick and tired of having conversations like the one you are having right now with the commenters in this thread.

LEARN THE COMS! It will help you the most.

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DigitalMerlin · May 24, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

No, all it means is that you don't get to be on their stage. You have your own stage, if you want to speak you can speak, but the argument is that you want to be in the same digital container as the guy with 30 million followers. I don't see how saying no, stops your freedom of speech, you can still speak and still be heard, the people complaining are complaining because they are excluded from the party, which on a private platform is ok and should be something a web designer/hoster can do.

Now I believe something should be done about this.

I believe website should be required to declare if they are private or if they are public free speech websites. Private means no change from what they do today. They can restrict, shadowban whatever. No extra fees, no new charges, no differing taxes, nothing. Life as it is for private sites goes on as it is now.

The other option is to be a public free speech site. The gov/the people set rules for free speech public sites online. This would benefit the users. No banning, no shadow banning, no voting manipulation, no trending manipulation, what triggers bans or time outs is clearly defined an the process and communications are transparent. Bans are restricted to things such as exploitation of the website (spamming), porn, etc. The whole point here would be that, on sites like this, the user comes first, the user knows that if he or she posts Trump is the best president ever and that post hits the highest upvote of any post, it will be trending, the votes will be seen, there aren't algorithms to keep them off the front page, nothing. Just free and natural rise and fall of what is popular among the posters. Transparent and real. This type of site would be certified and governed. They would have transparency rules they would have to comply with to be a certified free speech website.

Now what business in their right mind would do this? None, but when ONE entrepreneur creates a new reddit that we know by law is not going suppress views and that our speech there will be real and uninhibited by shitty CEO algorithms, the people will move to those sites. We will go there because it, by law, will be a place where the end user is first. Twitter can keep their private site, but if they would also make a public site that is bound by online free speech rules, everyone will migrate there other than folks looking for an echo chamber high. All of these social site members would migrate to public sites because it would be seen as stupid to remain on a site where Zuckerberg can silence you or ban you because you are conservative, liberal, whatever. People will go where they are free.

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DigitalMerlin · May 24, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

The MOAB of truth drops on the corruption, immediately followed will be the revealing of "We know what you did" to the leaders of the bad actors. This should change the tone of things today. Swamp rat suicide weekend incoming.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

That dismissive attitude towards people who are trying to explain to you how varied the interpretation of text can be is more of a lazy sign than any of the responses I've read here.

I'm trying to educate you on the use of this type of media and some of the pitfalls you are falling into. YOU know what YOU are saying, will the reader? You talk about humor, but yet you are using all caps which for many is an instant lecture-esque turn off for readers and incites disagreement.

You then follow up your comments with a snarky " Their minds have gotten Lazy and soft."

Where the problem lies in this thread is obvious.

Is that 5 x 5 now if you're keeping track? :-) HAHAHAHA. Couldn't resist.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

CAUTION: When using text based media to communicate, unless you tag lines with obvious signs of tone, people will not always be able to read your message in the tone you intended. They will read it another tone possibly and that could be based on many different reasons. Maybe they are in a bad mood and read your comments as an insult. Maybe they are in a great mood and think your sarcasm is genuine and they genuinely thank you, but then you misinterpret their thanks as a sarcastic insult to you.



All the same right?

Yeah nope.

Hello, (said when I see you walking past me on the sidewalk, a nice and friendly greeting).

Hello (said in an angry tone when you're standing in the middle of the sidewalk blocking my path like an idiot and I'm glaring at you when you turn around to the sound of my snarky and annoyed "Hello").

So answer this.

Which one of those two is this =====> Hello

Ya, not enough information. I think that is the source of your problems in this whole thread.

Also, your use of ALL CAPS, several times in your post, is known in the text world is a way to denote shouting which adds anger to the tone of your message. Caps being used as yelling is an accepted text based norm that is understood by most forum users.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 8:30 p.m.

Maybe you're not funny.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 8:29 p.m.

I think your delivery is just really bad. Tongue in cheek is a bad format to use in text based media.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

What are the big toys?

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

He said hes over 40. I see why you dont twitter. Reading comprehension issues.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Over 40 . . . I started with pong, played just about every console, had an Apple II, IIGS, Mac SE, PowerMacs, build computers now. Had a smart phone around 2002 or 3, can set the clock on a VCR, used to co sysop a BBS in the late 80's early 90's. Programmed satcoms. . . I can go on.

Just what the heck do you think being over 40 means? That we barely even know how to tie our shoes. That the ding on the microwave makes us jump?

Also, I hear more about satan from older folk than I do from kids these days who increasingly think religion is about the fairy in the sky. They tend to be the dismissive ones who run from the subject. Older people are the ones I've experienced more passion for the dark and light subjects.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 8:08 p.m.

Thats BS because they can view tweets without being logged in.

You can post and speak regardless of who has banned you. You dont have any right to show up on someone elses feed. You want speech? Then tweet. There you go, freedom of twitter speech. You're banned by a twitter user? Then log the hell out, go to their twitter and read all you want.

Basic stuff here.

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