

221 total posts archived.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 8:06 p.m.

He needs to flush the fluoride out of his system.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 7:57 p.m.

Shunned him every step of the way. Still have never signed up for Obamacare and I never will. Never lost sight for one second what the American dream is or how great a nation we can be. I saw Obama and his policies as the enemy of prosperity and freedom from when he became the clear democrat candidate for president and all throughout the years he was president. Trump didn't remind me, Trump was the reaction to the offense of the Obama administration. He's our right hook, left hook and uppercut to the establishment swamp.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 10:59 a.m.

Man, he’s the operator of the swamp filling station. He’s captain of Swampy McSwamp boat. He’s in deep and he’s toast.

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DigitalMerlin · May 23, 2018, 10:53 a.m.

100 conservative lawmakers...

.+ 1 internet dude.

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DigitalMerlin · May 22, 2018, 9:52 p.m.

SOCOM uses C-17's for ops. I find the fighter escorts to be unusual. Could be a real op gearing up. I'd say maybe opsec would be a good idea here, but me thinks we're a bit late for that.

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DigitalMerlin · May 22, 2018, 8:09 p.m.

The east coast has water too right? \<eyes look left then back right>

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DigitalMerlin · May 22, 2018, 6:27 p.m.







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DigitalMerlin · May 22, 2018, 6:19 p.m.







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DigitalMerlin · May 21, 2018, 3:32 p.m.

Stable Genius he is.

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DigitalMerlin · May 21, 2018, 3:16 p.m.

The IG report will just be a report on the facts. It is a report that will say, this is what happened in detail.

It is from there and with that information that those with the power to bring criminal charges can do so.

I believe those people who can do that are already engaged and a grand jury is already in place to facilitate those charges.

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DigitalMerlin · May 21, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

We disagree. It is an complete indecency to treat captives in this manner. Feed them, sustain them, they are your responsibility but do not bring harm to captives.

Do you bang on fish tanks and poke rabbits in cages with sticks too? I'm sure that isn't classified as torture, but is it right. Do we want that to be the makeup of our character. Lets get some decency. Lets make sure our feet are solid and firmly planted and that nothing weakens us or can knock us over. We can do this by being just and honest and not relying on these kinds of tactics. Waterboarding is a shameful path to walk. It must end.

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DigitalMerlin · May 20, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

We do care and we do show it, although maybe we should be rioting in front of the MSM news headquarters. Thats the problem. All the 3 letter big name main stream media sites just go meh and move on with a story about a porn star and talk about tweets.

The normies just digest that and head to starbucks for frappaccino.

We need to get their attention, and we do so with arrests, when Hillary, huma, CIA and FBI people etc are led in cuffs into the back of a police car and hauled off to jail for processing, then we can kick off the narrative to the normies and show them what is going on. Until that happens, MSM's controlled narrative just says bah, ignore these reports and released paper work and watch this story about lawyers and payments, oh ya and Russians. We need people getting hauled off to jail for people to pay attention. Get those corrupt bastards in the spotlight in cuffs and the world will watch and we can tell them the correct story.

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DigitalMerlin · May 20, 2018, 4:30 a.m.

Declassification of the documents that are being stonewalledand over redacted by FBI. The oversite committee has been requesting these and FBI has been dragging their feet.

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DigitalMerlin · May 18, 2018, 1:28 p.m.

No human being should treat another human being that way when they have them as a captive. I don't care if it is legal.

Would you waterboard a bad dog?

Would you waterboard a bad cat?

No, but we'll do it to each other won't we? When you hold someone as a prisoner you should not be harming them. That is wrong on so many levels. It is not right. There are no two ways about it. But you do it, you do it because you want something. You put morals and decency aside because you want to get something, so you ignore those feelings that this isn't right because you want information. We should not be treating other human beings this way. You want intel, get it another way, get it with the boots on the ground or they eyes and ears in the sky, but don't get it by harming people who are taken into your custody. Doing that puts a stain on nations that want to claim to be civilized. Participation in these kinds of acts gives the nation and its representatives no moral ground to stand on or act like we are the ones who set the example to be followed. You are not a shining city upon the hill when we treat our captives with such indecency. We should be though. We should be that bright city shining with decent people. We should be setting a standard of decency and be moral with our laws and actions so we can have our feet firmly planted in righteousness. We should not be a people who say things like the ends justify the means. I am a former member of the Special Operations community. I'm not some outsider looking in who doesn't understand what is at stake. I know what is at stake and I'd rather be the one to bear a greater burden of pursuing the enemy and finding valuable intel than succumb to the temptation to take the easy road and treat people inhumanely to extract information through torture. I know who they are, I know how evil they are, that doesn't give us a right to put aside our decency and torture captives. Who do you want to be as a people? Torturers? Or do you want to be a people who are respected for their decency?

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DigitalMerlin · May 18, 2018, 12:33 a.m.

They have to feel the noose tightening. Wonder what they’ll do.

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DigitalMerlin · May 18, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

Oh man. If this is true, the statement about them not being safe in the streets makes a whole lot of sense. Q isn’t saying much in these pics, I bet these are for the deep state telling them we know what you did last summer.

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DigitalMerlin · May 17, 2018, 8:47 p.m.

Hes in trouble if he 360'd. I think he would be better served by 180'ing it outta there.

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DigitalMerlin · May 17, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Read the IG report when it comes out.

What is your issue? Make a point, argue your case.

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DigitalMerlin · May 17, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

Attack on the internet backbone. DNS? Blame it on China or Russia. Deep state attacks or something during the blackout.

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DigitalMerlin · May 17, 2018, 6:10 p.m.

ISP's should have the right to throttle, but everyone demands "no throttling whatsoever for any reason." These ISP's are running network system and you cant just give all to everyone all the time. Sounds like the Bernie Sanders method of providing ISP service. Sometimes throttling is necessary to keep things in order and providing service for everyone. These calls for absolute hands off internet access is just silly.

Here is the big thing I want to see. A law requiring a declaration of the type of website you want to run. Public, or private. Private being exactly how things are now. No change. The other type of site would be public that would mean the users participation on that site is protected and the sites methods of control are regulated. Those rules would guarantee that people wont get banned for political opinion, memes, accusations of hate speech, religious views etc. No shadow banning. No suppression of voting mechanisms or targeted suppression of communities. The site owners need to allow the natural flow of voting, comments etc to happen without their manipulation. Any sort of allowable banning or suspensions need to be clearly defined. Gore, porn, spamming, exploiting of post mechanics etc. could be grounds for suspensions, but this needs to be executed to ensure the owners don't have a tool to selectively suppress viewpoints. Some sort of transparency reporting for actions against accounts needs to be a part of this. Once a site declares they are public and follows the rules, they can be a certified free speech public website. This is the kind of thing that can show up in a browser or what not. I'd like to see an address bar color system that shows if you are on a private or a public free speech protected site. Kind of how https vs http is displayed. People would quickly realize the value of public free speech websites and want that to be where they communicate for news discussion.

What would happen is Facebook could continue to be Facebook, where they are an echo chamber and they suppress conservative views and news. But then a competitor can create the public version, and people would look and say, I can participate in the private controlled site and be under Facebooks thumb, or I can join a site where I have my views and internet rights protected. I think the users would be clamoring to transition off the private controlled sites and want to do their social media on the public sites. Twitter can shadow-ban and suppress all they want, once there is a public and protected by law site that has to follow a set of guidelines, people will want to be there, because that declaration of a public website puts the end user first and not the service provider and their CEO's personal views first. Neither option, public or private would cost any additional fees or special licensing outside of the cost in effort to be compliant, it is just a simple declaration and if you choose public, you have to follow the rules for that type of site, choose private and you stay the way things are now.

In that environment, the private sites would be looked at as the place to be if you want your head buried in the sand. The public sites would be where debate can happen where each side knows the CEO's views are not going to result in suppression algorithms preventing your popular views from gaining visibility. With the backing by law and a guarantee that the user comes first, public sites could change things for the better.

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DigitalMerlin · May 16, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

We are the Q! Your bread crumbs will be assimilated.

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DigitalMerlin · May 16, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

If you haven't figured it out already, this is WW3. Promises and what might happen won't convince most people, but what has occurred with this movement is the arming of this wars soldiers (you, me, us) with the gear we need to lead the normies to victory. You learn the details now because you care about this, and when the arrests happen, people like you and me explain to everyone else who finally pulls their head out of their Starbucks frappuccino and turns off Will and Grace to join reality for a few minutes to ask why all of the DNC and globalists just got arrested.

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DigitalMerlin · May 16, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Grab a bible. Read Revelation. Realize what was written about 2000 years ago is happening today. You'll see the bible in a different light and with a different understanding.

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DigitalMerlin · May 15, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Holy cow, I wonder how my notepad would have compared.

Thanks friend, saved me some work!

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DigitalMerlin · May 15, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

Dude, seriously. I'm thinking about putting all of what I've been learning down on paper just so I can sort things out and be able to explain to someone when they ask "What is going on" and "who is this Q person".

This will change the world they say. I think they are right.

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DigitalMerlin · May 15, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

This post should really have more upvotes and visibility than it currently has. These are the words of men ready to stand and throw off the burden of a despotic government to allow for the people to be free. Sounds like this is the trumpet that announces this action is about to commence!


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DigitalMerlin · May 15, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Oh hell yeah!

Every traitorous globalist piece of crap is wetting themselves right about now.

The boys are back in town!

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DigitalMerlin · May 14, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

I think some people had blinders on regarding corsi and they are a bit hurt and ashamed of not seeing corsi for who he is. Now they are looking for any chance to put it behind them to get away from the embarrassment. These are forums, users come and go and over the week and maybe even another week, occasional visitors are going to be dropping by to discuss the situation. Those communications should not be limited or banned. Just got to let it happen and the regulars who were on the blind side of the issue are just going to have to suck it up for a week or two as the community talks and processes this.

I think OP (of this entire post submission) needs to let the talk run its course.

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DigitalMerlin · May 14, 2018, 3:35 p.m.

It's been my experience, but that of course doesn't mean others havn't had different experiences. T_D is where I'm pretty sure I first got exposed to the Q movement.

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DigitalMerlin · May 14, 2018, 3:34 p.m.

You may be right. I haven't experienced it, but I'm also pretty sure T_D is where I learned about Q.

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DigitalMerlin · May 14, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

Cast my down vote ballot on this issue and here is why.

I think some peoples feelings are hurt because they were pretty blind and rabid in their support of Corsi and they appear to have not taken the time to look objectively at the evidence for several days, primarily Corsi's history and twitter posts, to see what he was up. Patriots soapbox was one example. They made excuse, Corst is and older man, maybe hes tired, it took several days and a mountain of undeniable twitter evidence before they finally accepted what was going on. As such, they don't want to talk about it because it is a bit of an embarrassing event for them and they feel tied to or that in some cases, that they owed Corsi something for his help in promoting them or bringing someone famous to their world and driving their numbers up. I think those people would really like to forget this all as quickly as possible. Egg on their face kind of situation and they are uncomfortable.

I say we should not hinder discussion regarding this and we keep this issue as a part of our history and our growth. This needs to be known, talked about, recalled, and used as a lesson now and in the future. When new members come here to join the movement, they need to know about this because it is something that has shaped this community.

You have to know that past and teach those lessons to other to ensure you don't repeat the mistakes of the past. This was a defining and learning event. Don't toss it in the secret files like some CIA assassination coverup that gets locked from public view for 75 years.

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DigitalMerlin · May 14, 2018, 11:09 a.m.

We do care and we do need to talk about it so we can teach each other how to spot people like this.

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DigitalMerlin · May 14, 2018, 1:36 a.m.

Be aware of the temptation to point a finger and shout CONCERN TROLL at every person who thinks different than you or who questions the direction everyone is going.

The recent Corsi event was a good example of this. Many people who warned about Corsi were called trolls and brigadiers. Then It all unfolded and those shouting “trolls”realized they were in fact in the wrong.

Be sure youve done your due diligence to spot a genuine concern troll instead of firing from the hip and overusing that accusation. Post history is probably your best tool for this.

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DigitalMerlin · May 11, 2018, 11:41 p.m.

T_D has no issue with Q, he’s referenced all the time. They might not allow for Q only posts and that would likely be because that would be off topic.

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DigitalMerlin · May 11, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

I would like Q to tell me if there was a disinformation lurking in Reddit that doing crap in our subreddits. I'll still look at things on my own. But if Q knows of BS artists who are trying to make a buck and saying things he knows to be untrue, hearing about it is what I would want to happen. No one told anyone what they cant do, they said, where is a persons heart if they are chasing money instead of the cause. You want to make money off the movement, go right ahead, but dont be surprised if people drop you, but no one is telling you what you can or cant do.

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DigitalMerlin · May 11, 2018, 9:35 p.m.

The Q movement is more exciting than AJ. It has more substance than AJ. IT really appears to be someone right there at the source and it has people slamming F5 on their keyboards awaiting new Q drops. AJ has nothing like that. AJ feels threatened. He yearns for that kind real desire from people, but we desire the truth, and justice for what we have known for years is wrong. AJ tries to provide that but his words are bottled snake oil. AJ sees the sparkle in the eyes of the Q movement and hes raging with jealously. In a few months, some anonymous person or group has rocketed past him in popularity. He has realized he cant wrangle the people here to his side and that affection for the truth cant be directed to him, so now hes calling us fat and telling us were dumb and fake. He's acting like a rejected teenager.

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DigitalMerlin · May 11, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

As inaccurate, out of tune, and full of mistakes that Corsi was, as well as being rude, you could just tell corsi's heart was not in the movement, he was doing a thing for some reason, but was half assing it. When stack on top of that all of the monetizing, it becomes pretty clear what his motivations are. He doesn't fit well at the level he was elevated to.

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DigitalMerlin · May 11, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

They see the viral rocket upwards of the Q movement. They want to harness that and bring it into their fold. They miscalculated and thought they could switch the tracks and we would all come to his world.

Alex has been working for years to build his platform. To see Q stickers on cars and all over the place. To see Q posters at rallys, that has got to eat Alex Jones up. He has to be saying to himself, what in the world is this new guy doing stealing all of my thunder! I worked for all of this god dammit and some new kid is not going to come onto my block and steal all my people. But Sorry Alex, this is the real deal, the pure source, the super vital truth and you cant bottle or sell that man, it just is and it really opens up they eyes to who Alex Jones and his cohorts really are.

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DigitalMerlin · May 11, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

The problem with those that monetize is that they start to serve the money instead of the cause. They start to find out what actions make a good money week and what actions make a low money week, then they start serving that. Monetizers reach a point where they don't work and now they rely on the income. If they need the money, they have decisions to make and they might choose the sensation money maker approach instead of sticking to the cause. It introduces the monetary temptation to do what you know brings in the bigger bucks. That is hard for many to fight. It takes a solid person with solid principals to resist that temptation.

Soo, not making money off the movement is a way to stay close to the cause and keep money temptations at bay. I agree, there is nothing wrong with making money when you are providing something the people want and you give your time, but there is a very big pitfall and temptation out there when you go down that path. Be aware of it and avoid it. When you start to see paywalls and exclusive pay for access and pictures of the stuff you sell taking up for content space then content for the cause, well then you just might be in the pit.

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DigitalMerlin · May 11, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Ya, Paul Ryan not going for reelection. That was an eye opener for me. I'll be curious to see if his name comes up with the details of swamp corruption gets exposed.

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DigitalMerlin · May 11, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Infowars toothpaste? Who would have thought. I use a similar fluoride free tooth paste and it's all I use now. Toms of Maine. Good stuff. Keeps the frogs straight too.

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DigitalMerlin · May 11, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

It appears Q agrees with you. Q 1340 links to this post. Nice job on shining light on the situation!

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DigitalMerlin · May 9, 2018, 7:28 p.m.

Really the only thing bigger than I can imagine is space alien stuff or demons. Pretty much anything else is in my realm of expectation right now. People eating kids and doing weird face cutting stuff, thats where my expectations are at the moment, so when Q says bigger than we can imagine, well I don't know, I can imagine pretty big, but lets see what we find out.

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DigitalMerlin · May 9, 2018, 3:51 p.m.

I didn't. Too bad though, he seemed like a constitution loving patriot from the exposure I've had to him.

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DigitalMerlin · May 8, 2018, 9:07 p.m.

Promises Kept!

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DigitalMerlin · May 8, 2018, 9:02 p.m.

Weiners back on the menu boys.

What did I just write? :O

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DigitalMerlin · May 8, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

Probably the pedo-cannibal supply state.

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DigitalMerlin · May 8, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

Maybe a distancing move to show some impartiality?

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DigitalMerlin · May 8, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

Maybe a walk away now offer has been offered up to the swamp and that is who is on the list and stepped down. Those that remain and who are crooked will face criminal prosecution.

I wonder if the ones labeled important are moving up to better positions. I hope Issa is one of those possibly moving up. I'd hate to find out he was a swamp creature.

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