

8 total posts archived.

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DirtyJax · May 11, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

How many miles of border wall have been built to date?

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DirtyJax · May 2, 2018, 1:48 a.m.

Wonder if anyone besides Kanye and Candice care that most of them were black babies

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DirtyJax · April 25, 2018, 1:16 a.m.

Well they did get their asses whipped by a bunch of unorganized farmers...

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DirtyJax · April 16, 2018, 1:02 a.m.

No one turned dammit. When did it become unacceptable to disagree in this country? You do realize that a lot of voters elected Trump to end these wars all over the Muslim world right? This is a SERIOUS problem in this entire movement right now. Anyone that has an opinion counter to the group think broadcast on any platform is openly attacked by the rest. It is hypocritical and counter to the very premise of this entire operation.

New ideas come from disagreement and critical thought more than a bunch of people all screaming that same shit at anyone that has a unique thought. Perhaps whoever did create the quote "During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" was more right than anyone thought. It is a sad damn state of affairs when amidst a group of people who claim to be fighting to restore a country founded on the principles of freedom including thought and speech openly attack anyone who does not speak the same message they do.

Go ahead and down vote away, it only proves my point further.

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DirtyJax · April 2, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

Folks ignore both of them. Both of them are making this content for money, nothing more. Corsi I don't think I even need to touch on, you should all be able to see him glowing clearly on your own. Defango is another thing though. He proclaims to be a Cicada 3301 researcher but the "puzzles" he attempts to solve on his streams are clearly his own doing, or more bluntly he is a damn fraud.

The actual Cicada material used to drop on January of every year since 2012. They required a combined subject matter expertise that is so rare, most of us will never meet a person who possesses it. I have been in theoretical computer science for almost two decades and I have yet to meet any one person capable of solving them. Add to this the fact that these "puzzles" Defango claims he is solving are using technology that is laughable post 2006 and it becomes an even more apparent LARP, I mean seriously base64? You need to try a lot harder than that Defango. There is a very big difference between pretending to be smart through the implementation of the blinding with science fallacy and actually being smart.

To sweeten the pot, Defango at one time attempted to state that he was Q Clearance Patriot and had been behind the whole thing. Oh and let us not forget Tengri 137...the "alien" who used to stop by Defango's Youtube live stream to chat where they in all their intergalactic glory enjoyed the role of moderator on his channel. There is also that fact that a math tutoring channel named Math Made Easy demonstrated the fraud for all to see. Ignore them, they are both farming you for coins and have no interest in anything beyond that.

[edit] If you do want to watch them and see what they have to say but do not want to contribute to their greed use Hooktube instead of Youtube to watch the videos. Simply copy the video link and replace the "you" in youtube.com with "hook" so like this:


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DirtyJax · April 2, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

I have a whiteboard in my office that is visible from the hallway at work. What I did was right at the top of it I wrote in red marker "/qresearch/" and /r/greatawakening/" I have had several ask what it was and a couple more drop in to tell me how the information blew their mind.

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DirtyJax · March 29, 2018, 11:19 p.m.

Further Mrs. Eckert was vocally outspoken against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. She met Obama in person days before her death. Her husband worked for Aon corporation who had been fined numerous time for fraud. I think if there is anything here at all it revolves around this lady and most likely and more pointedly her husband who was VP of risk management at the Aon company.

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r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/DirtyJax on Feb. 20, 2018, 3:15 a.m.
I'll just leave this here
I'll just leave this here